**Wipes Standing Up** A - PVE guild

Naming is a pretty basic rule for roleplay realms, neither is it unknown. Don’t know why people are being bleeding hearts over it to be honest.


OOCer that disrupts RP and does not respect roleplayers - Good.

Roleplayers, on a roleplaying realm pushing against more OOCers that grief rp - bad.


Smh my head

Argent Dawn. I don’t know how you didn’t see people behaving in an OOC manner in Trade District back then, lol, but it happened quite a lot.

Seems to me like a number of people on this thread seem to think that the realm was once a bastion of RP where nobody ever spoke OOC or were 100% IC at all times. Know what I remember? Having a chat with MY friends and running dungeons in my OOC guild, and then strolling off to have IC adventures with my character’s friends.

This amount of tantrum over a single guild name is quite frankly, sad and pathetic. It’s shameful. I’m not saying it shouldn’t be reported, but destroying threads like this and essentially bullying the OP is a joke.

Except there isnt Exactly a tantrum, Just a lot of back and forth between Kelduril and the rest( before the other two joined in)

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Honestly, if I wanted to join a club and they pointed out some basic rules they go by… i’d just follow them, rather than barge in and do whatever I feel like. Retorting with “just tell on me then” before sitting on the sofa and waiting for someone with authority to make me comply.

It’s a bit weird that people are defending it tbh.


IF was more popular for people bouncing between the two in my youth.

and then when people do tell on you, you’ll go ‘waaghh am i not even allowed to sit any more?! can’t you all mad people just take some dissenting opinions instead!!!’



Much hot takes, such wow.

Alpha male DH spent his entire friday on this lmao 60 replies


That’s not why you’re being called that, and if you think it is, it just shows you think the behavior of insulting, ‘us vs them’ and trying to discredit the other side through ad hominem and appeals to majority is okay behavior.

You’d be surprised what you can do with multiple screens, a big brain and a high wpm count.


Tell us more about how this guild griefed you.

When the Covid restrictions ease off but you have multiple screens moment

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Oh good lord the thread’s still going. How?

Don’t know. Want some? :popcorn:

Beats me, I even had to put in a ticket about stuff.

It’s a flamefest at this point and could’ve been avoided with a simple “We respect RP’ers and we realise our name is against the RP server naming conventions” from OP.

You forgot the obligatory use of the term “Dear Leader” , regardless of whether he was involved or not, and a jab at Coalburnt, again, regardless of whether he was even involved or not.

Good grief I know these articles too well now…

i didn’t want to drop in other names that haven’t posted in the thread yet (to my knowledge, sathrynn did?)

yknow, forum rules etc ;d

Just read it.

What the heck is this even supposed to mean?

An opinion that differs holds no inherent value. It can just be wrong.

Like so.


He accused Perroy of being a… you know.