**Wipes Standing Up** A - PVE guild

Treating defending OOC trolling as a heroic, rebellious act against tyranny. Nah, if you join a RPserver, there’s the basic expectation that you’ll RP. Just as if you joined a pvp server, expected to pvp.

I’m not keeping up with every rumour in the mill, nor do I trust them but casually throwing accusations around isn’t cool.

Sure do. I’m extremely pro democratic to the point where my ideals aren’t immediately practical but that doesn’t mean I grant merit to an opinion that’s wrong and enthusiastically defended as fact.

adjusts palpatine hood

Anyway, people on RP servers should follow the naming conventions and have an interest in participating in RP. This isn’t wrong.


No, that’s just your interpretation of the rules. Blizzard never said this.

As long as you don’t disrupt RP and have a lore friendly name you are abiding RP server rules.

It’s not an accusation if it’s confirmed by the accused.

Are you? Your own words say otherwise.

Dude, there’s a difference between obstinate rule lawyering on a game forum and the democratic integrity of a nation state. I can be anti-authoritarian and still not give your idea that it’s OK to troll RP any merit.


Never said that, but nice Strawman.

Only insofar as you can’t do anything about the latter. But when people act like this on forums they would 100% do the latter if they had the power to.

Another opinion I will freely discard as invalid. No, wanting some basic adherence to rules in a structured server environment does not make me fash.

You made up the rules, though. You claim people HAVE to RP even though the rules don’t state that.

Kinda does, though. Enforcing rules that don’t exist on people who don’t want them is pretty close to it.

Right, I’m done. Not wasting any more time on this dumpsterfire thread.


Wait, so you are allowed to have personal opinions, but I cannot disagree with you without being judged or labeled as a part of some major conspiracy, WHILE also labeled as some national socialist for absolutely 0 reason?

Bruh you need to breath some more fresh air


You can disagree just fine. When you try to present your opinion as right because it’s shared by your friends or try to discredit the opposition with insults or conspiracies that break the ToS, we have a problem.

Bruh you need to breath some more fresh air

Breathe. Breath is a noun, not a verb.

0 reason?

I’ve explained the reasons several times.

So who’s the initiator of such conspiracy then? Blizzard? Cause its their ToS and game altogether

This may come as a shocker, but what if my friends and I share the same opinion, and have shared many opinions in the past, which made us friends? I am not sure if you are aware how concept of friendship works or you got no friends at all like

Sorry, I spoke 3 languages today at work - it is difficult for me to be grammar national socialist like you ;S

Not really, no. As a person, who was raised in a soviet family - I rly wanna know why am I accused of being n*zi, cause that’s gonna be a legit shocker to my family


Because he has nothing better to do with his life than provoke reactions out of people, and what better way to stoke the flames than to whip out the the ol’ ‘ur a fash’ card?


I am truly becoming a boomer :pensive: cant believe I’m becoming aerilen

I was going to write a long winded post but quite frankly there’s no point. You’re responded to aggressively because you respond aggressively. You can’t help yourself but to take jabs. And then you ask why you’re being called things.

It’s quite simple, argue in a polite manner and if someone insults you they’ll be in the wrong.

Also if you have to tell people about your many friends… yeah.

guess u’ve been in the wrong the entire time then xx

I think if you go back to the beginning of the thread you’ll see I’m not the one throwing insults.

The first reply of the locked thread was a snide jab at people lol

if we go to the beginning of the thread neither was

but okay, i’ll amend it - you’ve been wrong for the 95% of the time xx





he corrects my 1 mistake, but then actually admits that he reads along the lines by just creating stuff on the go. bros i feel like im back in 2013 arguing with thammaron all over again

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Where I come from ( admittedly, not Russia ) stuff like this

I am not sure if you are aware how concept of friendship works or you got no friends at all like

Is seen as an insult. If you’re going to pretend to argue in good faith don’t throw in stuff like that. Anyone with half a brain isn’t going to buy it.

That’s still lower than your 100% :slight_smile:

Atleast he’d bubble-hearth away, there’s no hope for that happening here sadly.

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