**Wipes Standing Up** A - PVE guild

Is this before or after you call everyone with a differing opinion a fash?

Admittedly your knowledge is as limited as your IQ, because soviet families live not only in russia


‘if we go back to the beginning to the thread you’ll see i was not the one throwing insults’ xoxo

nobody’s pretending because we all know you’re not arguing in good faith, and haven’t been way before this entire thread saga started cmon now


I welcome different opinions. I don’t welcome them expressed in radical ways.

Are you a mod on r/iamverysmart? That reply is pretty cringe, my man. If you have to tell others you’re smart…

Nonsense. I’m the one who’s being insulted and does his best to be courteous. The guy with a lot of online friends has insulted me twice now unprovoked. If you defend that you’re simply wrong in the matter.

They’re both small fries in comparison to Kel.
I think he’s gone insane.

Smarter than you at least, cause I know that Soviet Union was a union, not a country, before i make a rly flamboyant reply lmfao


you just said if someone is insulting then they’re wrong. you’re insulting as well as other people, either way - you’re by your own logic also wrong.

you’ve also been making snide insults like these for ages


I think that went out the window when you couldn’t tell the difference between a noun and a verb. But I’m sure you’re a far more powerful wizard.

Who am I insulting unprovoked?

I’m not going to lay down and take it in surrender when someone insults me. But I wouldn’t have to if they showed the same politeness. Be nice and you’ll be treated nicely. Crazy concept.

you’ve been right now insulting aeilmar, before you’ve consistently been insulting me and other responders, you’ve also kept insulting perroy when he hasn’t even posted in the thread i think

if we’re talking about unprovoked specifically, you could argue the OOC guild has provoked RPers to take a stand and therefore our insults are fair game - you’re in the wrong in either of these cases.

you haven’t been nice or polite at all, in other threads before as well

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Shouldn’t that be lie down?


Who’s insulted me several times unprovoked.

I didn’t insult him, I called him a jade witch. An adult who’s at an age when most finish college dating a teenager who can’t even vote, drive legally or drink a beer is gross.

Breaking a Blizzard rule doesn’t give you a pass to do the same.

It seems to me that you’re just used to being able to abuse people and want to keep that power. Not gonna’ happen.

Yes and no. ‘lay down’ is technically correct.

He legit cant read, holy smokes

Imagine the state of general education where you are from that you make wrong (!) assumptions about your conversation partner only to backpedal (!!!) into a statement that no one gives an absolute damn

Kellduril, you may think of yourself as the defender of the downtrodden oocers, who plague this server, but you are an actual nobody and by dear God I really hope you will finally realise that soon lol


no we’ve all been provoked, therefore we’re not liable to be wrong by your own logic.

ok so if i call u a troll then that’s also not an insult because you’re a person who’s just seeking to get reactions out of RPers by provoking them and then acting like an ostensible fool

indeed so stop insulting other people

p.s. making a gotcha over someone’s linguistic abilities while they were still fully understandable is really not the way to go, it’s just ‘cringe’ as you put it

I don’t think this defence will work for the dude who has several inflammatory posts flagged.

Everyone on this forum is seeking reactions out of RPers. That’s how a forum works. You post something and other people comment.

Normally, yes, but when they try to flaunt their ‘‘IQ’’ it’s perfectly fine to ridicule their big brain.

That’d be you and I then.

Just you. I don’t think I’ll get forum clapped for saying

this server could use more PvE guilds

Doesn’t seem like something against the ToS.

I think you will for calling people National Socialists though :slight_smile:


I haven’t done that, though.

Wait, you correcting me isn’t flaunting?

Am i seriously losing it or Kellduril is that out-of-the-world? Can I legit get a reality check cause this is getting ridiculous lmao

ah thank you for confirming you’ve been altflagging my posts

btw yours have been flagged as well (and not by a single person but by multiple agreeing it is inflammatory) therefore pot kettle and i’m still right

don’t take your ‘haha ur so bad at english’ route when you can’t infer the meaning of that sentence

they weren’t flaunting their iq, they just said urs is rly one-digited

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