**Wipes Standing Up** A - PVE guild

No, it’s me being nice. I’m kind hearted like that.

Yeah but they’ll be cleared out and if they aren’t I’ll ask the GM to check the reports. From what I hear some guys on these forums have been clapped for report brigading before, and when a GM sees 10 reports in the span of 1 minute they’ll hopefully realise something is fishy.

And they got rightfully clapped for it, then tried to play victim.

Oh right, you forgot where you compared people flagging posts to a political regime from the 1940s that quickly?


Oh, but me telling you that Soviet =/= Russian is…an actual national socialist behaviour

yeah guess you should probably watch out then

p.s. it’s not 2016 think we’ve moved past saying ‘clapped’

I clearly meant USA.

When did I say it is?

I don’t have enough RAM for Chrome so I still use IE.

I’m sure you did, fam. Something something ‘good faith’. You lost the moment you started bringing up the 1940s media control and compared it to people flagging your awful posts. What’s even more amusing is that you whole heartedily believe you’re being brigaded too.


It was fun and engaging to argue with you, Kellduril, but when you resort to ooga booga arguments like “i cant read or remember eksde” - its just a literal waste of time

‘h-haha i clearly meant y not the obvious meaning of x!!! it’s your fault for making the obvious connection not the slightly more obscure secondary meaning of y!!! i am so smart i sure got you there!!!’

Oh, definitely. It’s really easy to notice patterns, like inflammatory posts at the start of the thread taking a day to get flagged, but the most recent post getting instaflagged.

Sure thing, chief. Or you could quote the post where I call you out for clarifying that you aren’t Ru. I wouldn’t judge you if you were, either.

You’re getting it. :sunglasses:

Or you could use your eyes and brain, but I get it is challenging for you specifically

You have me rolling mate.

Sounds like paranoia, might wanna see someone about that. Seeing patterns where none exist.

Who’d think that people who frequent the forums share the same opinions for the most part, and you have the three regs (You, Dragon boy and Vaxir) sharing opposing opinions. Nobody is surprised by this apart from you it seems? I just look at the likes as people who agree but are too afraid to say it

Bruh this insult game is just…

Tell your neighbors I am sorry.

But they do exist. Brigading is very much a thing on these forums. Like that guy who a while ago said the fetish roleplay in Uldum is offensive towards his culture. He got flagged even though his post did not break the ToS. To pretend brigading isn’t real is to deny reality.

They do share opinions, though while they pretend the opinion is " Breaking the ToS = bad " you curiously don’t see them flag the posts of their own friends who break the ToS. So the opinion they share is far less noble.

I’m not surprised at all, I know very well how these forums work.

I’ll take your word on it, you’ve mastered this skill.

I don’t pay enough attention to the forums to care really. I don’t take part in it, other than flagging your stupid 1940’s comments when you make them

I’m surprised this thread, which has derailed worse than the other is still up tbh

I’m not afraid, I’m just done arguing with it.

Will upvote my homies though!

I upvote people I agree with. I’ve upvoted PCU posts before, too. You think I’m so petty I wouldn’t admit when someone I don’t like is right?

Hell I even agreed Nerathion’s first post was polite. If only the rest of them were we wouldn’t have a problem.

It’s weekend. Wouldn’t be the first time a thread that should have been nuked within the hour stays up until Monday.

I doubt anyone thinks or assumes of that sort anymore - you’ve just proven that in this thread over and over, leaving no space for assumptions

Well then they are factually wrong and I can live with that.

Considering I had a ticket reply earlier I had hope :pensive: