**Wipes Standing Up** A - PVE guild

No problem!

(also preformatted text on the bar above the text box does the same thing)

What a strange young man you are

Should I expect a friend notification on discord soon? Go cast a spell.

This attempted burn really isn’t going to land.
Please stop.

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My man’s been typing for 5 minutes now, I’d say it landed pretty safely. The best part is that it’s probably true, too.

You’ve been typing for 2 days, what of it?


He’s changing back.

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In between typing I realized that I am engaging in an argument with someone that declares himself to be a “predator” in relation to “smaller and weaker” persons so I thought I drop it because you are already punished

No cap I think you have gone off the deep end but you have to walk this dark valley yourself

Let’s face it, you just couldn’t find a zinger. I think it’s interesting that the cinematic universe is lead by the Voldemort of Jade Witches and you keep projecting these fictional scenarios on others.

Any reason you’re going back and editing old posts like a Leystrider?

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or imploding over ‘mark this post for deletion’ after i just said ‘hey u can be reported btw lol’

suddenly 10+ posts of his deleted :rofl:

(khalgosh is same as kelduril right? i dont know these noname backstories)

They were abusively flagged. The content is not against the ToS.

That doesn’t answer my question at all. Editing them won’t unflag them and Blizzard see anything pre-edit.

It makes them visible, as they should be. The posts were not against the ToS.

Also shame on you for reporting them falsely.

@ mods I know its weekend but dumpster fire still going lmao

I reported the one where you insinuated I made a homophoic remark in your strange disconnection from reality. You know flagging for provocation is legit, cool of you to admit you know how to circumvent then system.

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Insinuation would imply the possibility that I am wrong. I stated it. And considering you got reported for it by others it seems they agreed.

Your post? Hidden again. Lol.

What I said was nothing of the sort. Read Obhar’s post.

I was brigaded, Kellduril.

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That’s up to the forum mods to judge.

Good for them. I’ll be banned for calling people an embarrassment

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