**Wipes Standing Up** A - PVE guild

dont worry the mods said they work on the weekends as well

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Iā€™ve a hard time believing it still, considering I posted this+the locked one in my ticket and yet weā€™re still going with flamebait, trolling, petty insults and who knows what.

'Tis a shame.


I could, but the question is if I should.

And I feel like the answer to thatā€™s gonna be a solid no.

You would be correct sir.


no because tl;dr kelduril is just ā€˜no uā€™-ing every argument made for 97.5% of the time

What argument? So far Iā€™ve had people try to enforce rules that donā€™t exist.

Watch out or youā€™ll be massflagged by his alts and get put into gaybaby jail

I havenā€™t alt flagged a single post in this thread. You get banned for that.

Damn Kellduril, you are absolutely exhausting. Around 25% of the posts in this thread are from you.

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Join me Obahar, I canā€™t see his posts unless I click to show them. Heā€™s frankly not worth the effort at this point

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Hahah, funny you mention that, Iā€™ve reran my earlier calculations to update the statistic that 25% of all the posts are from him, and actually now, at 386 total posts, he makes up 23.6% of all posts in this thread rounded up, thatā€™s a whole 0.9 decrease from his original 24.5% of posts he contributed to earlier.

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I agree. All I see is ā€œThis and that badā€ To the point I ran out of popcorn.

Would be far easier if the 10 people with the same argument just held a zoom chat to make a final draft instead of reposting it.

would be easier if you just stopped replying as youā€™ve been a broken record on repeat anyway for the last numerous threads about OOC guilds joining AD and being disrespectful.

however, instead of a final draft dunking on you, thereā€™s nine more instead. all you resort to is alt-flagging to not feel alone in your contrarianism.

Lmao itā€™s no wonder you resort to ''bUt mUh mAjOrItY " arguments all the time, youā€™ve deluded yourself into thinking the people who oppose you are so few that if your post gets flagged it HAS to be a conspiracy.

Again, you get banned for alt flagging.

Thatā€™s simply not gonna happen. I love my free speech, no matter how much you and the other old timers hate dissent in your regime.


so why are you silencing 10 other people? you arenā€™t offering anything new. itā€™s your same regurgitated point all over again for soon 100+ posts

weā€™re in eu

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Isnā€™t really something you have on a private forum.


Because they break the ToS. I like keeping the forum clean of such posts.

I donā€™t need to. Once the truth is stated, best you can do is repost it.

I identify as a NATO citizen.

Then itā€™s up to Blizzard to take it away from me.

Tbh, itā€™s easier to gain the audience than the singular voice. Bruh

Ever heard of ā€œopionā€?

No. Opinion? The drug I canā€™t spell because apparently itā€™s against the rules?

To be sure, but these forums arenā€™t a popularity contest and rules apply to everyone.