**Wipes Standing Up** A - PVE guild

Sorry, that I am finnish and that my mother tongue is Finnish.

Then again, you are a singular drop in the sea. Literally, there is nobody supporting you.

Most of the people who support the other side can be traced back to the Jade Witch. Iā€™d be worried if I had such supporters, so arguing that the other side has more is nonsensical.

And there are posts other than mine which were flagged, so clearly some people agree with what Iā€™m saying. That the other side needs to learn how to express themselves without breaking the ToS.

My first post has 10 likes. If weā€™re using awful metrics to measure who is and isnā€™t more weighty.

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You should be quoting Syanidi. I sure as hell think using likes is dumb.

My first post has 10 likes

Itā€™s also against the ToS so yeah likes are a horrible metric + the people who liked it are probably toxic rule breakers themselves.

I think the idea of using likes or flags for any sort of confirmation is extremely dumb.

I donā€™t get why people come to a roleplay server toā€¦ not roleplay.

Thatā€™s just weird.


insert an argument about liking the ā€˜atmosphereā€™ despite doing precious nothing to contribute to the said atmosphere, or a good economy for goldmaking here

YOU think PvE guilds are good for the server, so they must be and everyone that disagrees is secretly a supporter of a paedophile or a fascist.

Thatā€™s basicly the only things youā€™ve been saying over two threads.

Also, seen no evidence of the supposed paedophilia anyway, so all you have is a rumour youā€™re spreading on these threads.


Donā€™t bother engaging with him, heā€™s p much confirmed heā€™s trolling at this point without saying it.

The nonce rumour is just from a certain tumblr blog so.

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Hi there.

Your name doesnā€™t reflect the standards that people come to expect on a role-playing server. Some of your members have inappropriate names that directly violate role-playing server policy. Please consider changing these.

Please also be considerate regarding RP realm policies and please do not troll or grief role-players.

Other than that, good luck with your guild and happy raiding. I wish you well. :+1:

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This was attempted. They replied with ā€œLol report us thenā€

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this is such a cringe statement, p much like all soviets are russians

why is NA education leaking into EU forums? why cant he go back to moon guard or smth


RP is top priority here. No one minds Raiding and Content on the side, I did a little bit of it too myself as well and many others do as well, no one has anything against that.
The guidelines, rules of server and alike are something we wish for it to be adhered to, because they improve the experience we wish for, and the guild/character naming adds to it as well. I think this is quite clear.


Likeā€¦ Raid, PvP or make up a PvE guild. Just respect RPers and should a member if any of those guilds start harassing RPers the Guild Leader show put a major stop to it. That is the issue today, when people make these guilds that arenā€™t RP guilds those members begin to go around and become OOCers in RP hubs and the Guild Leader often do nothing about it other than a shrug.

That one flew high, tilt your head up a bit.

So you canā€™t tell us about how this guild griefed you and youā€™re just being aggressive for no reason. Gotcha.

Ah, yes. Nothing like some xenophobia, insulting the education of other nations and engaging in some ā€˜ā€™ go back to your country ā€˜ā€™ behavior. Imagine defending someone like this, which someone inevitably will.

I do insult ur education, cause not only you have no general education of the world, but you also lack self-awareness

This is actually amazing

Hereā€™s my advice to you. If you want to not be mocked, maybe cut back on the xenophobia and the insults. Thatā€™s not a civilised way of conversing, and no one needs to know you hate people outside your country/continent/culture.

Yeah. Amazingly sad. Though not surprising.

So far weā€™ve had homophobia, Jade Witchcraft and xenophobia in this thread, none of which belong to me. I think thatā€™s pretty telling of which side is morally in the right.

Man, you arenā€™t the :clown_face: you are the entire :circus_tent:


Well this escalated - anyhow still some dps spots free we have the team in place but always happy to expand - socials also welcome