**Wipes Standing Up** A - PVE guild

Then report them and move on.

Job done.

On a side note - I don’t understand this mentality wherein ‘Oh I am on an RP realm so 90% of my time is spent role-playing’. This definitely isn’t the case for me. I go through RP droughts a few times a year, but I’m not going to change server just because I don’t feel like joining a role-play guild or attending RP events.

I will

I won’t, the forums are a good way to pass the itme.

Why cant make the effort to follow the rules themselves, why must we be the one to make them?

This has hardly been the actual issue, the troller from Dreanor was the one making it so.

This is a very concerning comment.

We’re not game masters. We’re not moderators.

There’s a huge lack of that on these forums and on our server, in general, but that does not mean that policing the forums or server is within our jurisdiction. Yes, they should follow the rules, but we don’t have to turn our forums into a toxic cesspit in a poor attempt to police them.

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Wrong. We’ve been told that we have to moderate our own server because the GMs will not act otherwise.

Very well, why must we be the ones to take action with report, why cant they make the effort themselves?

Please don’t. You may enjoy discussing and replying to people but there is no ‘free speech’ card to hide behind. You reply to people because you wish to get your own views through in a discussion versus another person. It is natural. No one is truly stopping you from replying unless it can be reported to Blizzard for breaking one of the rules.

Blizzard can, and most likely will, shut down this thread soon due to it being derailed so badly. Free speech or not, they are in their right to do so, for it is their platform, and free speech holds no rights on private platforms, only in public forum, media and locations.

LMAO imagine going on about xenophobia (against the US???).


Probably because they do not wish to do so, and we cannot force them to do so. If they do not think what they are doing is wrong, how can we ‘force’ them to change that opinion? We can’t. As to why they do not wish to change their guild name, that’s up for them to disclose. I can think of a few possibilities;

  1. It would inconvenience them in some way.
  2. They’re stubborn and prideful. (god only knows why)
  3. This is all a ruse to bait people into being toxic to drum up drama. (I’m leaning on this rn)

In any of those three scenarios are the ‘why’, then ultimately, being toxic and rude en masse isn’t really furthering anyone’s agenda but the agenda of the OP. It’s also like that dude said in the weird ‘I want a WoW GF’ thread - any publicity is ‘good’ publicity.

That being said, I’m not saying that everyone has responded rudely en masse to threads like this because I’m not delusional like Keldurprill, but the emphasis on rudeness is there in regards to spamming the same point over and over, being snooty, gate-keeping, etcetera. It’s not always about how you word things.

Bottom line is, if you want anything to happen, it’ll come as a result of this thread being locked or submerged after a mass guild advertisement bump. If anything, it will be the role-playing community that’ll suffer, because the moderators will crack down harder. This has been going on for close to a week now, I think? Why hasn’t their name been forcibly changed? Surely, someone would have reported them by now?

Imo, Blizzard have forsaken role-playing servers, and the RP naming guidelines are extremely loose and vague now. If we could get a moderator or game master in here to clarify, that’d be great, and it would hopefully put an end to this nonsense.

Imagine being so morally thin that you excuse xenophobia just because it’s directed at the side you’re arguing against.

Then let me rephrase, you have free speech on this forum until you don’t. There’s nothing stopping you from posting in any thread or server forum. Where you play doesn’t matter. How much you play doesn’t matter. Blizzard can shut down a thread or silence you if you break your ToS, but until they do you can do as you please.

You contradict your own words. You claim it’s not an issue, then immediately use someone’s server ( and implicitly the amount of time they spend here, RPing ) against them.

You’re not the AD police and if you are we should seriously defund the police. You’re just some dude trying to enforce rules of your own making while also turning a blind eye when your friends break them.

are you gonna talk about reverse racism and heterophobia as well next?

Are you gonna keep making excuses for wrong behavior?

And I have no idea what rr is.

‘On an RP realm other players may expect you to develop a backstory for your character, to stay in character when interacting with others, and to contribute to the fantasy immersion of the realm’s community as a whole.’

This is all I can find so far as per RP realm rules are concerned.

Concerning, I know, but this is how little Blizzard cares.

you’re the only one advocating for bad behaviour by making excuses for breaking rules set by blizzard

Which shouldn’t be shocking. If you look at players maybe 1 in 5 have a TRP. Even accounting for those that RP but don’t have one, probably less than half the server actually RPs.

I have pointed out homophobia, xenophobia and jade witchcraft in this thread. You have been silent about them. Why’s that?

because there’s none in this thread, stop creating strawmans

(i’d say you’re the only one who’s unironically homophobic and misogynistic in general tbh)

Which is again, deeply concerning for the RP community.

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They dont wish to follow the rules of the server, made for us and we must be nice?
Not really, no.

Reports exist for a reason só yeah, we can.

They can keep their opinion but follow the rules.

This describe the OP perfectly.

In the absence of such, falls to rpers to make a stand.

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If it’s Xenophobia to hate America you can call me The God Emperor of Mankind.

muh freezed peach

this is a forum owned by a private company, for better or worse, you have no freedom of speech, get over it.

There is, though. There’s plenty. The comment about the ‘‘American’’'s education spilling into Europe, or having to go back to his server is just that.

Of course you would, but:

  1. Show us some proof

  2. You’re defending/turning a blind eye to this behavior already so your credibility = :zero: