**Wipes Standing Up** A - PVE guild

is humour not allowed now?

It might be ‘humour’, but you’re still breaking a rule. If I push someone off of a cliff, I can’t defend myself with “it was just a prank!!!”

Are you trying to be serious about defending your stance on rp while making jokes about it? That doesnt look all that respectful or serious.

The way people are treating this guild is outright disrespectful, and honestly shameless.

No one who has been on the forums is remotely surprised this is happening. Again.

Have a like OP. Hope you’ll enjoy yourself : )


That seems like a strange way to make a point it is not like pushing someone off a cliff its a Name

It’s an example.

Just vote with your reports. People can’t derail threads forever if they get actioned.

You’re a hypocrite and honestly I’m going to stop responding to you. All you do is seek conflict, argue, defend what you, you and you think should be the norm on this server while calling others out on (in your head) doing exactly what you’re doing.

Congratz on bieng the second person on my ingame and forum ignore list.


Your guild name. Your lack of interest in adhering to RP rules, your jokes about RP in general. You don’t protect it at all, in fact all you’ve done so far is mock it.

You even said before, you’ve been here for years. You clearly don’t understand what RP even means, so I can safely assume you haven’t done what the RP community would consider as RP in the least and you show here you’d rather mock it and the RP server rules than do the right thing.


How dare someone express his freedom of speech. I am shocked.

-I- seek conflict? The same 20 people try to bully every new guild that comes here and has the GALL to not adhere to their headcanon rules. Your anger is better spent elsewhere.



An argument that mirrors the “what if I RP a griefer??” or “what if I RP a Classic player?” definitely doesn’t speak lengths of your positive attitude towards RP as a whole. Just saying.

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Those you admitted to be yours


I did no such thing. And you are conveniently ignoring that your boss is a Jade Witch.

Pardon the intrusion, but if I may share a few words?

First, to the OP of this thread, and the previous thread, you have been given proof that your name of the guild does in fact break naming policy, and will most likely be reported by participants of this thread due to unwanted attention upon your guild.

Secondly, to all of Argent Dawn members, we have been able to function for years without relying on PvE guilds more than needed, and many have in fact stayed away from the forum due to unwanted attention. I hold a belief that PvE and PvP guilds should be able to function behind the curtain without interrupting the roleplay scene - and if it happens, I do hope people take calculated action to disconnect further from the scene with the tools given, as Blizzard Entertainment sadly does not offer us tools to completely block out unwanted members of the World of Warcraft community.

I know you may not like my words shared, but ill behavior brews further ill behavior, which can mean more unwanted attention towards roleplayers, creating a vicious circle, giving the scene of roleplay a larger threat than it is already in by unwanted OOC behavior.

My suggestion is just this, let us attempt to keep the tone clean, and OP needs to accept that there is a baseline unsatisfactory experience created by PvE’ers and PvP’ers that roleplayers do not wish to see grow. I know this from a good example, The Venture Co. A server thriving with RPpvp until it was overrun by non-roleplaying members that did not respect the tag of the server, flushing out roleplayers, making them migrate to other servers just to themselves, leave the server for dead.

And returning to the main point of the OP of this thread. You, and your guild, hold better options doing recruitment with the given tools of advantage - the recruitment pages.

Pardon that I did not choose a side in the conflict.

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I disagree here, speaking out against people that are breaking rules and have no regard for said rules and speak out against people trying to get people to adhere to the rules - along with OOCers from other servers defending it should always have a lot of push back. I don’t think making OOCers ‘welcome’ to the server works. See: Every other RP server, and as time goes on… This one. We tried that for far too long and guess what? It made more of them want to come here because we were so nice.

Nor am I stating to welome them with open arms, but the behavior given can easily be returned, and both are in the wrong in the end. That was my statement in that section of the message.

Ill behavior, good behavior, rejecting behavior, welcoming behavior has all been proven to bring people to the server with either good or bad intentions.

And in cases, like this thread they already had no regard for RP. Not pushing back against someone because they ‘could get rude back’ is a poor argument.

That is true, but you are missing my point, it is a bad strike both ways anyways.

Hence my mark that in the end, the only rights we have other than offering the cold behavior is to ignore them. Blizzard only takes action if they cross the line. And we people are aggressive and offensive on the forum towards another group, then guess what, either they will use the same tools or just go, ‘lol’ and actually do what doomed other RP servers.

I mean, inaction is exactly how those servers ended up that way but sure. I guess ignoring problems is some peoples way of life, not mine though.