**Wipes Standing Up** A - PVE guild

Two things are infinite: the universe and OOC raiding guilds on Argent Dawn; and I’m not sure about the universe.

-Albert Einstein


Do you think for a second those servers would’ve been saved by some passive aggressive forum posting?

More people actively going against OOCers and their guilds and things that break the game rules? Yes. Both on the forums, and in-game would’ve been extremely helpful. Make them feel unwelcome, just as RPers end up feeling unwelcome on Non-RP servers.

RP-griefing basically never gets enacted on anymore as a result of a GM needing to be online and in-game to action it, and since almost every GM tells people they have to complete tickets through a web form it’s far less likely they’re in-game when working now. They have to be in game, then use that web form to action people.

Knowing from experience, the wrong actions as well kill a server by creating unwanted attention.

This is my main point, we’re at a crossroad, and sadly, we are still on the losing side because Blizzard does not offer much else that we can do. We can be aggressive, then we’ll be struck instead, we can be passive-aggressive, then we’ll just gather more filth, we can be passive and hopefully they will be too when they realize there is not much interaction except what they create themselves.

I guess a more harsh message would be, strangle their airways? Freeze them out?

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It is sadly a rare thing, does happen at times, but really rare.


Ignore most of the peanut gallery here. Play where you want. Be mindful of and respectful of people and the rules. RP servers are a big deal to a pretty vocal community, and it’s because we’ve seen a lot of them burn or die out over time, for a large variety of reasons. Argent Dawn is the last WoW EU RP server for people who RP via retail means. It’s at the point where any slight, unintended or otherwise, really kicks up the hornet’s nest.

It’s sad that we have to resort to attacking people over ‘toilet humour’.

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Stronger actions, to be quite honest. I think reverting to old RP server rules would quickly fix the issue if enforced. Though, I doubt you even remember what the old RP server rules were and only when Blizzard stopped enforcing them before removing them entirely is when stuff really kicked up a notch.

What’s your solutions for problems like non-rp guild, char names and RP-disruption and creating a better RP community or getting rid of people that have no interest in RP on an RP server?

Far too late for that, GS, Asmon, Tali… They give this server plenty of attention in negative and unwanted ways, like the whole ‘workers rights’ raid through Org where stuff was spammed in /y for hours.

Not interacting with OOCers has no effect on OOCers, they already don’t really interact with the RP community. I honestly don’t see how it fixes the issue in the least.

Being friendlier to people and encouraging them to RP instead of being aggressive and making them bitter about the community from the start

Chasing people out won’t create more RPers

And we’ve also seen that being aggressive does not serve the server either - other than roleplayers being punished on the forum.

As said, tried that going back to old RP servers for one. Also, the RP community is still genuinely nice to people that actively show interest in RP, instead of contempt and ignoring peoples advice and telling them that they’re breaking say a naming rule for rp servers.

Being aggressive, or even passive aggressive isn’t against forum rules however.

I wonder why.

I’d also just like to say that a large amount of the community care about RP and will RP despite any number of OOC guilds advertising or raiding off in an instance somewhere. For people who care about developing their characters, going out of their way to avoid trolls (which I RARELY see happen nowdays and usually fleeting) is a small price to pay. I for one, do not care about a guild like this recruiting and raiding.

It has nothing to do with my experience of RP. In the slightest. I’m very much responsible for my own immersion. Nobody else is. Respect is nice and dandy, and I’ll report people who break the rules to violate my immersion, but by and large, breaking my immersion is a very hard thing to do.

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If you’re implying that we were aggressive to asmon or tali BEFORE they were disruptive you’re wrong for one, they both showed no interest in learning what RP is about and instead mock it and make fun of it.

People have their ways of being aggressive. It isn’t more than a few months ago one uttered the need for them to die… Soo…

I’d say false flagging numerous people’s forum threads is pretty damned aggressive and definitely against the rules.

Then you can go against them when they break the rules, not just for being aggressive. Saying it’s bad because you can get actioned for being ‘aggressive’ isn’t true, you would need to refer to more specifics. I think I’ve been pretty aggressive here, but I also don’t think I’ve broken any rules in doing so.

Nothing to do with aggression, and proving ‘false flags’ is again something very hard to do because you have to question peoples intent on whether they think it actually breaks rules or if they’re doing it maliciously. The way Blizz handles reports in general can be a little weird with so much leeway for rules and what the communities stance on it is.

So… you can walk into the Trade District of Stormwind or Orgrimmar and Oribos proper and go “this is fine and doesn’t break my immersion at all”?

And where exactly are people meant to stay OOC?

Sounds like a Non-RPer issue to me.

Edit: It’d be a lot less of an issue with all the Non-RPers removed, you’d see maybe 1/10 of the people floating around and being intrusive and immersion would be much easier to maintain.

So you’re IC 24/7 ?