**Wipes Standing Up** A - PVE guild

Other than when in an instance, pretty much, yes.

So you RP an Adventurer then. Most people don’t.

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I’ll ask… Why cant we rpers have 1 server to ourselves while non rpers litteraly have dozens upon dozens of others? Why is it so selfish of us wanting our own corner in a massive area while OOCers occupy the rest, why must they come to our corner?


Roofs exist. So do Garrisons/current content areas. That is still better than taking up an entire district of an Alliance capital or the majority of a Horde capital.

To give more of an understanding of stuff like this, this is one of the things that has a decent chunk about old RP server rules. https://vanilla-wow-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Roleplaying

You can even see in the article, that Blizzard WANTS the community to enforce stuff like this on RP servers. They want us to report it, act on it, etc.

Good for them, what other people RP isn’t my issue, they’re RPing. It’s the people not RPing that are my issue, how is this not obvious by now?

You just said you want people to always be IC. People do dailies, people quest. People farm.

Almost no one is always IC.

Because you just said everyone should be IC.

Lmao yeah let’s have 90% of the server stay on rooftops for the 5% of roleplayers who are actually mad they can’t RP in the Auction House.

This is so tone deaf and entitled.

You could say that about OOCers rolling on an RP server and expecting to never have to Roleplay or at the very least abide by RP server rules, and RP community rules.


The rules don’t say you have to roleplay or keep the AH empty.

Good lord. Imagine telling people they’re tone-deaf for wanting to RP on an RP server in places that are swarmed with non-RPers.

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I guess we rpers are indeed selfish for wanting a server in dozens on dozens, where we can rp without being swarmed. Where else are non rpers sopoused to go?


Rules used to say you did have to roleplay, IE be in character a lot. Community seeing tons of people running around on mounts, especially while RPing as disruption. You used to Roleplay your character going to the AH and then posting auctions, or often selling in trade chat while in character was quite common.

Back then, if the RP community thought you were being disruptive by running around trade on a big mount. Running through tons of people that were roleplaying constantly, saying OOC stuff in /s /y or /e you would get actioned.

Who knows at this point. We’re apparently supposed to rely on third party pservers or elsewhere, apparently… Despite RP being right in the server type. This is why old RP rules need to be brought back, with active moderation. But because Blizzard doesn’t believe in paying for more CS and GM staff anymore, I doubt it will ever be as good as it used to be.


Don’t act the victim. You just said you don’t care that people wouldn’t have someplace else to do their AH shopping or OOC around. That’s what makes you entitled, not caring about others.

When WoW ever dies, I hope we’ll all end up on the same private roleplay server friends.

And we’ll make our own lore, greater then Blizzard’s ever was!

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more like smellduril lol


I do care. They’re called strange things like Vek’nilash or whatever other non-RP servers exist. Get your eyes checked, I don’t care about other people’s RP.

So you think Roleplayers never use the Auction House?

I already explained this for AH stuff, as for OOCing they can go find somewhere people are not actively RPing in to OOC about preferably away from RP/IC hubs. There’s more than one auction house location, especially.

It’s as easy as “Oh, I know Trade district AH usually has people Roleplaying there. I don’t really feel up to roleplaying, even roleplaying my character for a bit to post auctions so I’ll use another auction house spot.”

Trade District has been the place to OOC/AFK in since 2004. Hell Blizzard even wants people to be there that’s why they didn’t put Auction Houses in Oribos and Zandalar. The image of a full Trade District makes the game population look good. An empty capital makes it look bad.

Like you’re never winning this fight.

I always either use the Garrison AH or the one in Ashran. Those are well away from any rp hubs.

Edit: I wouldn’t bother with the dreanor dh if I were you, in one post, they manage to show everything I hate in a poster.