because he couldnt just leave the guild and join the one he liked or make his/her own… my bad! im a complete degenerate… how did I not think that it wasnt possible.
Havent we agreed all GM’s would jump on a master loot train asap.
Perhaps there were no other options but to suffer through it.
That kind of emotions ( suffer ) shouldn’t be in a game.
The benefit of gearing your favourites isn’t worth a dime to me, compare to one person’s inability to keep what he earned.
then you can make a none-ML guild and play with PL with people who have similar mindset to yours?
I get that the game’s PG+13 or w/e but things like this should be a common sense. lol
Hey that’s why I am still here explaining a basic ideas to a anonymous, cause you might not be aware of what consequences your demands might be and how it will affect all.
In a MS loot world GMs abuse their powers, we don’t want this back, we want a freedom to join any group or guild and not suffer through favouritism.
We are legion of players, your small pen… group of GM’s / multiboxers who are impotent now to force our Lutz from our hands and miss their former power do not concern us, earn staff yourself.
yeah imma stop talking with you now, to avoid forum suspension.
19.7 cm, dont trip on it.
Proof or no balls!
So join a guild that doesn’t have ML? Choice isn’t a bad thing. Forcing people into your way of doing something is. If you don’t want “hurr durr da GM abuses der powa!” then join a different guild.
On topic, GCD changes, ML, camera zoom (not BFA), 20 man mythic raiding, removal of tier, portal removal, removal of pvp vendors.
what’s my gain in that?
i wAnTz fReDuM tOo cHoSe wHicH gUiLd tO jOiN
dEy gIveD dA loOt To uTheRs eVeN wHeN i DiZiRveD iT mOstesT.
I never liked master loot, good decision to get rid of it, guild raiding can just trade ‘most’ items to the player the guild decide upon, except when the loot is higher ilvl than the player have then he cant trade it.
Guilds or friends or solo players inviting random players wont get cheated anymore ( the random player wont get cheated ).
Its not completely out of their control, the one’s in charge most likely have more power over what is removed/implemented than the rest.
So if blizzard remove flying, and Ion is the one communicating this to us, then i blame him if i dont like it, he might not have enough ‘power’ to decide this alone, but i also think if he was against the decision, the chance it would have been removed/implemented is very small.
My personal opinion of the flying ‘stupidity’ is that blizzard/wow lost more players because of the removal of flying than they think they lost (maybe they think they would have lost more players if flying had not been removed), because they believe it was/is a good idea.
Wow had alot more players subbed back when we still had flying, so until they add flying from within the first month of a new expansion again, they wont know if that is the cause, and if they wait too long with adding it again, it might be too late.
I see… it’s not that they removed pvp vendors, it’s just that we can’t find them!
Omg they were right!
I was buying staffs for my warrior , thats why they removed them.
Yep another braindead excuse for why they remove/implement things instead of telling the truth, i still remember Ion’s excuse for reducing the zoom ability, he wanted us to see the steps in the stairs !, like we cant decide that for ourselves
hmm now i think of it, maybe thats the reason they removed flying, so we can see the steps in the stairs, but forced upon us
Loot in general sucks now. When I run older dungeons and raids farming mounts or transmogs, the experience is always fun and rewarding. Running any of the newer ones 99% of time is utterly pointless and uninspiring when you get either gold or some useless buff item. Makes it more of a chore than a fun experience. For a game based around loot, there’s very little of it any more
Yeah right. Whenever i see this sentence pop up it always falls back to a forum mega thread where 30 people have a strong opinion about something.
Spare us the bs that comes with this sentence.
Features can be improved. Mobs can be made smarter, given skills, given behavior, changed in a billion ways that would actually improve your experience.
Level scaling wont improve ****.
It LITERALLY leaves everything the EXACT same with the EXCEPTION of the time factor.
What is now better that mobs scale in level?
Nothing. Everything is the same. Wherever you go you face these below average time consumers which are never hard enough to pose an actual challenge, just soak enough dmg to be an annoyance.
Its a mirror reflection of our sharding system.
No more empty servers they said
We always gonna have people around they said
And the entire game is now a single player experience with sharded in and out bots that wont even bother to say hi because there is no point to it, since the moment you leave the party or the zone, you gonna never see that person again.
I have my face full with this streamlining bs on blizzard’s side.
They are streamlining wow into a perfect unit of completely bland, colorless shait of a mundane single player trash experience.
you really think, an LFR generation of WoW, would like that? people would get maaaad.
LFG/R are splendid features to have. I cannot imagine sitting somewhere in the town, asking dozens of players to join me in a dungeons while having a sub. In the worst case scenario you waste a whole evening.
I have done this several years in Ragnarok Online but the times have changed. The older you get, the less time you want to waste on it. During the same timeframe I can do quests or go on transmog hunting and would be far more productive and happy with the game.
The only argument I have against LFR/D, was the lack of immersion and community building that appears to have been lost with it.
you had the choice of joining groups with PL… but you joined groups with ML and now you complain, that these groups favour group work? sorry, but it is not the individual, who kills a raid boss, it is the whole group, so the player, who benefits the most from the loot is supposed to get it, so the GROUP can kill the next raid boss too and maybe faster… what is the point of warrior bob getting loot, if it doesn’t make the GROUP stronger…
if you are raiding in a guild, you are raiding for the team… if you are not raiding for the team, you better look for a guild with PL…
if you are raiding for the team, you should be happy, that the whole group got better gear, not you… in the team, you are not important enough to get a chance at the loot, if someone else could use it better…
besides, the PL is a disaster… you always get loot, you can’t use, because the secondary stats are worse, yet the item level is higher, so you can’t trade it…
which means, you have to dispell it, which DOESN’T help the TEAM at all… someone else in the TEAM could have needed this piece…
if you didn’t like ML you should have just joined PL groups… but you didn’t now you blame the loot system even though it is your own fault.
Honestly, this I barely really notice. Most important portals are still in the portal rooms. Only to places I rarely go to I may have to fly 60 seconds longer to get there, big deal.
ML / PL, well, both have it’s pros and cons. Can’t say I mind PL but I do get that a guild may want to use ML.
- Removal of PvP vendors “people couldn’t find them” right…
- WoD → Flying changes. Fine that you introduce it later. But now? A year after release, c’mon. That’s way too late and hidden behind a too annoying achievement.
- Lack of (tier-)sets, both PvE and PvP
- The incredible importance of PvE items in PvP…