With how many community-disliked features tried Ion to get away in BfA?

The ML/PL issue is a very tricky subject and really there’s no one perfect solution.

On one hand I understand raiding as a team and passing loot to another person who needs it more because that is made on the assumption you’ll attend the raid next week and maybe get loot there.
On the other, there’s the pug member that this guild takes on a run, that realistically has no guarantee he can participate in next week’s raid and hope his not freaking out when he has to pass will be remembered. I totally get this player’s inclinations to not share loot either.

They could introduce a system where the loot type is locked in at the time of making the group with a checkbox on the groupfinder tool.

A message could pop saying “This group is set to master loot - proceed?”

Choice is very important.

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I once thought that Ion had promised someone he would stay until the end of the world of warcraft and that the bad decisions were to destroy the game, then I realised the horrible truth, he thinks he is actually improving the game.

Some ideas are good but the problem is with the way they are implemented, usually not very well.


your list should be a lot longer and I’m suprised these were the things you wanted to make a post about and not any of the more pressing matters

So mention what you consider to be the “more pressing matters” then. We aren’t mind readers.


I dunno like the game being a casino in every way possible?

or the only f’n content in the new zones is world quests?

I dunno pick ur choose


Some don’t have a problem with that issue, others do. It’s all just personal preference.

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Then you were doing something seriously wrong my friend. I went Cata, MoP, WoD, without a problem. I joined a group, I checked to see the loot distribution method, I double checked in /r to confirm. If I was happy I stayed, if not I left.
I think it roughly wasted around 3 seconds of my life I will never get back (oh my lord how ever will I cope).
What is more, did you know if you asked if loot would be rolled out evenly in raid chat and the raid lead said YES and then didn’t, you could open a ticket and blizz would delete the gear. Granted you wouldn’t get it, but neither did the person that was given it.

I think it is very unfair to outright tar all “Raid Leaders” (because lets face it ive been in many guilds where GM’s have been raiders but not lead and so didn’t get involved with loot distribution) with the same brush.
And I dont fully understand how Masterloot removed your freedom to join any group or guild ?

Except they dont because people need the Titan Residium to get their BiS Azerite item.


I know most of them but not all. Can you give me some examples?

Let’s be fair, gating these Warfront Transmogs within RNG at the end for example is an ugly move and shouldn’t be the new norm. After almost a year I still miss one plate piece from the 3rd set from the first front.


and it isn’t just transmog, actual gear upgrades and pvp rewards are effected also

Because person A lying to person B makes it all person B’s fault? Incredible logic there my friend…

I mean if person “A” gives you a horsepoop and tells you its a piece of cake, and you start eating.
sure person A is a liar… but what does that make you? :joy:

it was same with ML, everyone could see what type of loot was being used, at most even if you were literally blind, you’d lose time for 1 boss (5-6 minutes at most) while now, people lose hours and days worth of playtime due to tyrannical disgusting decision from unprofessional “dev” team.

idk why i argue about it, people arguing against this points are <this part has been removed due to it being against forum rules<

Removal of Master loot is probably the most weird one.

Classes no longer having class-themed tmogs is pretty lazy too. Im very much against plate being shared. How can a DK and Paladin, Priest and Warlock share the same look?

I dislike Ion being named here though.
I really like Ion as a dev.

Really? This is what you come up with in response to a scenario where the loot rules set by a guild group were not highlighted properly to those attending?

What does this make you? Because its hardly a mature argument.

Then don’t… You normally end up trying to humour yourself by trying to degrade others with what you think is wit because you seek approval from people on an internet forum.


I would gladly see warforging and titanforging go

Edited because I missed out vital last word :woman_facepalming:t4:


yeah sorry fam but, if something’s right in front of you, ON THE SCREEN, and you cant see it, lets just be nice and say you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed.


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The upcoming mount changes with water walking being taken away from the water strider, which is a mount that walks on water!

Removing the artifact weapons and replacing them with azerite armor.

Removing old content from the game.

Removing master loot.

Removing mounts from the store while claiming they are not returning but if you read the fine print it is temporary to generate buzz.

Changing the ability to solo old content from 10 levels to 11 levels.

The pet charm changes, which were not in the patch notes, so people were left with a ton of the old pet charms, without being able to exchange them for the new ones.

Removing flying from WOD and then reintroducing it with the pathfinder system.

Removing the auction house/armoury mobile app.

Having masterloot in a raid and not being told you won’t be considered for loot is what I was referring to, its clear you didn’t even get this.

Once again you prove my point. You’ve achieved nothing other than making yourself look like a fool.


firstly, how many raids did you do with your guild?

secondly, how would I “clearly” get something you didnt bother to mention? :joy:

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its scary cause its probably true :frowning: