With how many community-disliked features tried Ion to get away in BfA?

Never been fan of masterloot - in current era introducing masterloot is like cancer.

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Another thread where half of people have no damn clue what are they talking about: http://blog.askmrrobot.com/personal-vs-master-loot-bfa/

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If there is one single thing you can predict for sure, its that people will be pissed regardless of what you do.
So wouldnt it make sense to just ignore the constant butthurt echo and create something beyond a shallow disease of a streamline simulator?

No, because we’re at the point where it hurts Blizzard SO much that their stock rates drop and they lose money besides the losing sub-numbers. The people are extremely upset because they don’t feel respected like they used to be. The longer this goes on, the more it will come back to bite Blizzard.

Diablo Immortal was a great example that you should not f with the ants who bring you the money.


That seems to be really backwards.
If you keep on producing mediocre shait in an attempt to not piss off anyone at all, you will soon find yourself where bfa is right now, namely that everyone stopped playing it.
You will hardly find streamers or even content creators of any kind such as bellular who would bother with it.

Keeping this up will only ensure that they will bleed all of their stocks.

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Freudian slip! tsk tsk tsk :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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All the features that exist in the game. Because there will always be someone murmuring about the any changes. The delusion of ‘‘community disliked/massive backlash’’ isn’t a thing, people just think it is a thing because of the noise coming out of echo chambers.

1 - Blizzard can’t plesae everyone at the same time,
2 - Most of the time players don’t know what is good for them.

For example, i am ok with those time consuming things you mentioned, so do many others.

I have a theory that Ion isn’t to blame for this, as there is evidence of him being an OG player and he seems very well educated about the game. Obviously we can only assume that he is very educated about whats good for the game, but I feel like the Activision in Actvision-Blizzard is causing all of the bad decisions and hes just their puppet.

But he is lead director of the game, so we can’t be sure.

Im not so sure. His doubling down on having no vendors is a pretty surefire sign that he is intentionally extending play time over content that is stretched thin.
I mean his reasoning was literally that vendors would make it too easy on people to get what they want, and we apparently cant have that.

No matter how i look at this, he will fill a top tier reason when it comes to the question why wow is in the position it is right now.


[quote=“Monsterette-burning-legion, post:88, topic:55757”]
The delusion of ‘‘community disliked/massive backlash’’ isn’t a thing, people just think it is a thing because of the noise coming out of echo chambers.[/quote]

It is a thing. Don’t you read reddit and Ion’s postings that he acknowledge the mistakes? Haven’t you seen how they forced him into a Q&A because how bad the game is? The impact the community has is immense. The streamed Ion Q&A does not have any bs-answers anymore (because of the immense backslash) and they try to improve on the feedback they get. Without people like these you would likely eat anything they stove into your throat.

Or how do you think WoW classic came together? They knew for a long time that there are pirate servers out there but they only began to act because the sheer mass went to these servers. You have do understand that the shift Blizzard forces on us isn’t always the best choice and they became aware of it, especially the new levels of carrot on a stick-tactics they use on us.

Just because you don’t “feel” anything at all, it doesn’t mean there is no smoke out there. Of course there is, in reality, a lot. Otherwise they would have ignored it but they can’t do this anymore.

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sorry, what is OG? original game?

I meant he played in vanilla

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I seriously don’t get what all this intense hatred towards Ion is about. The guy has the Scarab Lord title from vanilla, was instrumental in theorycrafting the game at the beginning and creating guides that helped a whole boatload of people out at the time.

I get that BFA hasn’t been the greatest of expansions but I don’t think that any of the features that were implemented were genuinely planned to be as poor as they ended up being.

I guess at the end of the day that I shouldn’t be surprised about the whole bandwagon as it was much the same when Ghostcrawler was in charge as well.

You should research his past before posting something like this. He was a lawyer and because of that he is actually pretty good at giving answers without answering anything at all. This became such annoyance that wowhead started their Q&A sessions with a Ion Bingo Card. He later became aware of it and his speech pattern, which is why the past Q&A was much better and honest than the last five together which says A LOT about the current state of the game and how manipulative he is. People are simply upset that a person, like him, has so much power about the direction of the game.

Besides that, he is known for just playing one single character since the beginning, namely a Warlock. Because of that and his persona, it is well-known that he cannot understand why people make alts because he sees them as a waste of time. Lately he changed his view a bit after several more backslashes. As it turns out, he reads /wow on reddit 24/7.

I guess at the end of the day that I shouldn’t be surprised about the whole bandwagon as it was much the same when Ghostcrawler was in charge as well.

The difference between then and now is, that Ghostcrawler was direct. He told you why they didn’t do things like people wanted them to be. Ion is different, he uses a more swollen pattern with a slimey attitude. But he started to realize that he can’t go on like that.


Ah, so he is the wrong type of WoW player and theorycrafter and guide writer who has risen to be lead designer of a game that he suddenly only sees as a way to make lots of cash for his Activision overlords. All his love and passion for the game were stripped from him the moment he took over the job.

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Close enough but also wrong. I think you’ll get the hang of it when you start to research the topic.

He is the Game Director, when things happen in the game people don’t like they are going to blame him. He is the guy in charge, he is the face you see at every Q&A.


What massive outcry?

At least once a day there would be a post in the general forums, which would soon get shutdown and deleted as it broke the naming and shaming rules, about how such and such from this or that guild had taken the guy on for a raid and at the end of it had passed all the gear to the rest of the group. There would be threads full of people explaining how MS>OS wasn’t a valid set of loot rules and Blizzard couldn’t enforce it etc etc.

Interestingly enough someone posted actual figures form AskMrRobot that seemed to prove that unless you’re split farming then overall for guild progression PL or ML makes no difference