WoD Gear will be back

PvP should be about outplaying opponents, not outgearing them.

The current iteration of PvP gearing is super alt-unfriendly, and I’d love to get WoD back in that regard.


PVP should be about that in a purely pvp based game, correct.

This is World of Warcraft, an MMORPG, gear should matter in PvP, it just shouldn’t be as gamechanging as it is now or with Mythic Nyalotha gear.


Back then PvE gear was downscaled in instanced PvP (not in the world though iirc, but who cares about WPvP in World of Shards: X-realm, and you’ve got war mode to separate them as well), while the PvP gear was upscaled. So PvE gear would drop down to honor gear ilvl, while conq gear was the only way to go above that in instanced PvP.

The one exception of PvE gear being better than PvP gear was affli locks in almost full mythic raid gear in WoD s3, despite the gear downscaling the stats distribution to haste and socket slots made it so it was better for them with that design. They were a little squishier, but had a lot more damage cuz of that.

Anyway, not counting the WoD s3 affli locks (not a lot of locks went out of their way to get that mythic gear anyway, most just stuck with the PvP gear cuz it was good enough and less of a hassle to get), then WoD kept PvP gear best for instanced PvP, and PvE gear best for instanced PvE. You could only use the PvP gear for entry-level content such as heroic dungeons/normal raids, and PvE gear could only be used to skip the honor gearing (except for those affli locks in WoD s3, that is).

Which is a separation the game needs. Only reason Legion wasn’t too messed up was that you could gear up through PvP as well to a decent level, but it was still a hell of a grind and rating gated for ilvl (PvE still had the highest ilvl available though, and better ilvl on relics for the artifact weapon, but the difference of ilvl wasn’t as big back then, although artifact weapon levels was much easier to grind through PvE). While BFA made PvE gear best in PvP (dafuq?) because the PvP gearing system was extremely inadequate, and now in Shadowlands you can at least gear up in PvP but it has led to a lot of complaints about boosters and PvEers don’t like it because they feel like they need to PvP to minmax early.

THIS is why the game needs to separate the PvP gear from PvE, and PvE gear from PvP.

Praying they do this

very interesting. i wonder how they’re going to go out or their way to screw that one up in a way never seen before and give the customers the middle finger once again

here the source


Something actually can happen, coz they take away a lot of boosting from PvE guilds and PvE in general. PvP boosting is cheaper and faster. They can lower PvP ilvl and make some PvP gear boosting in PvP scenarios.
PvE hardcore guild is the main driver of anything in this game.

updated with source :slight_smile:

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz… "it's an MMORPG, gear progression SHOULD matter!"


also this doesn’t seem to address boosting or tier slummers in any way, or did i miss something?
some players won’t have the interest in buying boosts just because of the gear because it may not be useful in pve, but what happens to say, people playing 2vs2 with 220+ gear that comes from RBG, at <1400 ratings ?

Seems like an MMORPG just isn’t for you, huh!

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They just said they have discussed it right? That’s not a promise of it being implemented. It’s of course a promising sign that they’re at all talking about it, but I wouldn’t be so sure just yet.

Will be great if they will do it correctly without their nuances to make system worse :face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle:

Funny because in every other modern MMORPG, gear doesn’t matter in PvP.
I guess GW2 for example is not an MMORPG.


Indeed, so we have to get our voices heard. People should take it to Ion’s twitter, PvP streamers should make videos about it etc. Now is the time.

I noticed that in the same interview they said they are going to make gear for raiding the best for raiding, so if that is the case then I think they will do this.

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Would be a good change which i bet every player would appreciate.

make 2 sets of gear, remove the upgrade stuff and call it a day.


Using dead games to prove a point? How very wise!

But I’d say no, they aren’t MMORPGs if they disregard the RPG aspect. Did you know water is infact wet ?

And if I do recall, GW2 is a more pvp focused ‘mmorpg’ (Unless that’s changed) so it’d make sense there.

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Gw2 is like the only other mmo that has templates like that.

Both Archeage and Blade and soul have templated and non templated arena options yet the templated one is always less popular than the FFA one.

Also, from what i heard, pvp in gw2 has a pretty low population so idk why wow should copy a system that doesent seem to even work.

Its like most people who play mmos prefer character progression in their game?


I tried GW2 and quit for the very reason that the gear-system feels disgusting to play with

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This is way too easy to say, esp when you base on … well … not so much actually.

Character progression works differently in PvP and most players still seem to be PvE orientated.