Worgen heritage armor

thats about 1000% better and acceptable by my standards

That is actually what I expected as the heritage armor.

It always feels quite awkward when the community creates concepts and designs which blow Blizzard’s concepts/designs out of the water.


Just not sure why blizzard was too afraid to re-use assets i guess.

I still would like the gold changed into something else, but this is a massive improvement.

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The giant shoulders look awful, having them turned off makes the set look a bit more appealing but overhaul it looks lackluster.

i mean, i like it, however, for me it just looks way too similar to the kt heritage armor. like a less detailed version of it.

it is pretty sad armor. they also covered up the female chest and cleavage area that made me laugh alot. blizzard has really changed.

btw I can see the pixels on the rose way too low res.

This fan made on reddit looks better


oh yeah, can’t believe i’ve not noticed, but does this set not have a cape or anything? Like

Sad that fan edits are literally better than the actual official set.

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I wish Blizzard would have gone step further and made the mech-bodies bit more beefy. You know like have big pistons on back and steam venting out. That could have been pretty cool!

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Yes, even a rusted version with that, some sparks even! But I am just glad that there is some form of mechanical gnome now.

It is not perfect, but rarely is anything in life perfect.

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All i have to say about this is… :rofl:

I like the armor. I wish my draenei could get something like this, as I will not play worgen anyway.

They’ve had loads of feedback on both EU and US, hopefully it will get a tweak before we get the patch.

Complained about the Nightborne belt amongst other things, they’re still not fixed.

That’s true :frowning:

The only thing I dont like are shoulders, they look hideous. someone did a screenshot of how the Heritage armor looks without shoulders and it looks much better. They should completely scrap them, or at they very least, decrease the size of them. Cause they are way to big, and they dont really match the rest of the outfit.

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I’ve seen a screenshot of it without the shoulders (probably same one you did) and it’s a vast improvement.