World of Don't use your Main

Yes… it’s also very very SMART to go into an M+ with your ST covenant and Conduits that you set up for raiding.
Just like now nobody switches azerite gear, corruption gear or essences when going to M+ from raiding, because it’s dumb and it’s min-maxing and every1 hates that.

Also i like to only ST in AOE situations, i don’t even min-max and attack them all at the same time, i’m not one of those horrible min-maxers… ST all the way!

ah yea… Horrific visions are old raids.

I suppose not if you’re immune to discussion.

But you have made it pretty clear that you don’t like restrictions. You’d like to play the game however you want regardless of what that means for the game as a whole for other players. They can just choose to ignore it.

I guess next you’ll say something like “I really like having an insta-oneshot spell, and if you don’t like it then just don’t use it lel”.

You have them all available in one run. Again, it’s a “choice” on the same level as choosing which potion to drink. It doesn’t define your character or playstyle even slightly.

I don’t actually think you know what time-gating means. But never mind that - I have already been clear that I’d just not allow you to switch at all - maybe at an extreme timer. That’s how Diablo 2 was, and it was that way for a bloody good reason.

A Wikipedia definition is just as made-up as mine is. But that definition I can tell you is ridiculously stupid. Ask any RPG developer, including the vanilla developers - and yes I can get one for you if you’d like - and they’ll tell you so.

Multiple players on one server really doesn’t capture the essence of “massively”. Again, you’re defining Duke Nukem 3D as an RPG. Or DOOM. Or Call of Duty. It’s absolutely hideously stupid.

From the same page, if you wanna play this game:

While simple forms of role-playing exist in traditional children’s games of make believe, role-playing games add a level of sophistication and persistence to this basic idea with additions such as game facilitators and rules of interaction. Participants in a role-playing game will generate specific characters and an ongoing plot. A consistent system of rules and a more or less realistic campaign setting in games aids suspension of disbelief. The level of realism in games ranges from just enough internal consistency to set up a believable story or credible challenge up to full-blown simulations of real-world processes.

So basically, unless you can make characters with identity as a player who drives the plot based on how you play them, it ain’t an RPG. You can’t do that if Blizzard builds your character for you without giving you long-term choices with consequences and restrictions.

And they do. And now they want to add another one and you’re losing your bloody mind.

Yeah, 'cause I’ll get replaced by people who are.

Yeah, classes and professions are totally irrelevant.

You think the game’s less fun because you do 3% less damage for a week?

That’s ridiculous.

Well, in that case I think you might want to leverage the fact that this is an MMORPG and talk to other player and experiment together to find solutions.

Crazy, I know.

I’m not. We’re dealing with timed lockouts. Whether they’re locking out gear conduits is irrelevant. At the end of the day it’s power locked behind “timegates”.

I like how you compare losing 3% DPS in M+ but gaining 3% in raids is considered by you to be a “massive turd”.

You’ve really got to stop worrying about DPS meters.

Uhh… what? You don’t choose whether you’re below 18 or not, and you don’t get to choose the government when below 18 either. There’s no choice there, but this time it’s not because you can select both, but because you can select none.

No, the reason you haven’t thought about it very long is because you can’t spot the parallels.

Horrible dirty meta-slaves indeed. You haven’t made any discussion or contribution yourself, you’re just doing whatever you’re told because you’re told it’s optimal, and if the optimal build isn’t within your power to reach for, you just get confused.

So yes, it’s absolutely meta-slavery.

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Actually in the interview with Preach Ion mentioned that at some point they intended to make covenants permanent.

They’re current content instances and i use Reaping and Major and Purification Protocol… sometimes i switch them depending if i’m feeling frisky with the certain debuffs present from week to week.

1 shots is not about dps. Ok.
Also faster movement speed… You’re the kind of dude who drives over the speed limit because it saves you 5 minutes at the end of your travel ?
I mean… Do you really care about a minor speed boost for doing old content ? If so, you should roll a class with speed advantage. Or work on a gear set full of +speed. So you can feel like flash.

I might have missed this essences locking idea was only about old raids.

check my initial comment here.
I quoted “old raids” and “dailies”. Horrific visions aren’t old raids or dailies.

Poor guy can’t have 200% movement speed in MC anymore, is what he’s implying. I think.

Only the elitists obsessed with BIS are mad about this.

it more looks like very selective quoting to me.

Tell me more how i should play the game please, also please please tell me what i LIKE as well.

Oh noes, you’ll have to actually say NO. Just like you do currently if you want to use something. Big whoop.

Next you’ll say this isn’t a big stretch.

It’s a choice i’ve made. I don’t care where you personally draw the line of where a choice is a choice or not.

Yeah 1-2 weeks not being able to switch, is definitely not time-gating… sure sure.

Hey guess what. That wikipedia definition does NOT RESTRICT what it means to be an RPG. Your made-up definition RESTRICTS IT. Where is it written that an RPG must have PERMANENT choices? Where? Where? Where does it say that it needs a 2 week grind to switch something? Where? Where??
Oh yeah, you’re only using what’s convenient to go along with your made-up definition.

Call Blizz and tell them they have no MMO here with millions of players.
From thousands to tens of thousands per server.
Sure, i guess you draw the line at about 1 million per server. Spill more stupid crap on this discussion, please.

That’s an EXAMPLE. It’s not a RESTRICTION. Learn what these mean.

Like you get replaced now for the choices you’ve made? Stop lying.

We were talking about professions. Are you seriously this out of arguments that you have to resort to baltant lies?
I’ve split before answering this profession and class/race argument you had.
Class and race are permanent, so buzz off with your petty lies.

You’re ridiculous if you think it’s a 3% difference. And also NO GAMEPLAY difference? Stop trolling.

I mean the entire argument doesn’t appeal to me because I’m fine picking one build that caters to most of what I’m doing without having to switch it all the time.

But mentioning old raids and dailies just seems to be there to inflate the argument.

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I wrote ONLY. Lear to read… or perhaps understand simple text.

Go play a ret paladin doing dailies and old content. Mister DRUID.
And the usual, you don’t tell ME what i SHOULD care about.

It was just an example, he’s trying to dodge your answer.

Keep dodging mister druid.

Yeah i couldn’t get X thing in Shadowlands versus what i can get in BFA.
What’s your problem? Do you really give a crap what talents/essences/covenants/conduits I chose in what content i do?

Tell me more how having options for dailies and old content is elitism. Go troll elsewhere.

It’s because i’m also doing those regularly, half the time that i’m doign serious content.

Are you telling me i shouldn’t care that half of my game time is affected as well, besides the other half of serious content?

Ok. Learn to write first.

Learn to read you troll.

going to sit in Ogrammar and craft legenderyes all days … :rofl:

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Sounds like a plan. :joy:

you mean the normal way of playing wow?

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Your mog makes you more credible… :sweat_smile:
P.S. Name too. :))

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