World of Don't use your Main

Well yeah, you don’t need to exhaust yourself. You can experiment how much you want with an unlocked system.

As it stands, you can’t, i can’t, several millions of player won’t be able to.

This just in: Getting info from internet is meta slavery. Especially when it’s 100% correct. Ladies and gentlemen I give you a Luddist.

My case is that even if we have to remove Covenant people will get declined for other reason anyway.

I don’t even know what point you are trying to make. I am being a meta slave?

How about experimenting with different abilities, combinations and playstyles without output being the driving factor? Oh wait, experimenting is equal to minmaxing to 0.1% in your mind. Good luck finding a guide that tells you what you enjoy.

Ah yes, the “it’s already a problem, let’s make it worse” argument.

I really dont kniw where this fear switching talents came from, nor do i understand it. I mean whats the big deal if you need to switch a talent for a run. I do it all the time, i like to mess around with Nether Portal on demonology and when it comes time for a raid i just switch to Destruction, also alot of PuG leaders have allowed me to mess around in a dungeon aswell with this simple line “Hey dude group looks decent, can i try out a talent for the run”. With covenants we will get the following:
PuG ledear: You are in the wrong covenant mate, do you even Mplu
You:Yeah i know i just like butterflies
PuG leader:As do i mate but i rolled necro because its BiS, see you in 2 weeks when you switch.

It only adds to the problem, if 20 of the 36 specs are viable you will still only have 20 with covenants, however you will also have 124 wrong choices.

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Do you understand what exhausting a set of options or a list means?

Find a dictionary. Quickly.

No, you misread. Perhaps deliberately.

Meta-slavery is getting information uncritically and then never thinking any further at all about it and then getting angry that the meta isn’t what you want it to be.

In other words, meta slavery is things like picking Kyrian because the meta said so, but you really wanted to play Night Fae. Then, rather than looking up or finding a Night Fae build that’s 98% as good - or maybe better - you stick to Kyrian, which you hate, because the meta told you to.

It’s especially metaslavery if you then keep updating yourself on what the meta says and keep doing the same thing despite hating every second of doing it.

Meta-slavery is following advice you hate following. Meta-slavery is picking “the best class” regardless of whether you want to play it or not.

It’ll make you miserable, it’ll make you inconsistent, it’ll make you play terrible. But in theory, your build will be better. In theory. And you will never think for yourself.


Did you know Icy Veins and other guides contain other information than how to kill a certain famous Naxxramas fight? It’s true!

Finding the mode you like best is the reason why you’re allowed to swap to all of them once. So you can find that you don’t like the one you picked, and then actually pick another. It’s not meant to be an “I am always optimal” system, it’s meant to be a “find what I like with a little lee-way” system.

How about I really wanted to play Night Fae for aestethics, but their ability is really boring compared to Kyrian, and I value the fun of my character? Or are we still obsessing about numbers and disregarding gameplay?

Well, what about it?

What if you really hate Warlock but think demons are hella cool?

It’s a package. It’s always been a package. This is no different.

EDIT: It’s the same with races. What if you hate having to eat all the time but you think pandas are cute?

Too bad.

Play demon hunter, next.

Demon Hunters don’t summon demons, they are demons. It’s different.

You know what, exchange it for people who transform into animals are cool but you hate shapeshifting as a mechanic. It’s exactly the same principle. They’re packages.

Play worgen anything, next.

Troll much?

How much you want implies self-restraining.

Search in a dictionary.

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Worgen are not animals, they’re werewolves. Werewolves are not animals.

What if you really like plate-wearing holy warriors that are completely human, but you hate not having War Stomp?

Nope, it’s just funny to me you don’t know what a word means before you use it.

Where have I seen that before? Oh yes! When you told me what an RPG is!

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I am not saying we should keep it worse or anything, as I said before i am down to play the game like they have seen it.

If it turns out to be a bad mess i will agree with you to loose the restriction on abilities.

I play game as long as they are fun, if i don’t like how they will change something I can simply stop playing until it is fixed/changed whatever.

I don’t pretend to have truth in my hand or anything, i am simply saying that i see what they are trying to do.

It may turn into a mess? Sure, and i will agree with you if it happens that restriction need to die asap, i am not some stubborn idiot that can’t admit “i was wrong”.

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Oh hi Tahra, my trifecta is complete.

Yeah this topic really needed another thread.
You know; at some point the dead horse you’re kicking has just been turned to mush.

For the argument: “You won’t get invited to a group because you got covenant X but we need covenant Y”.

Ask any non-meta class mainer what did they do early in any M+ season?

Cause nobody wanted to invite an spriest or shamman dps and etc…

Finally , getting to a point here. Its Aestetic vs Power, a choice not many will like tacking and not a pleasant one at that. If we are using the case of warstomp its a racials and more people would gravitate to Human paladin than Tauren aka the aestethic choise, because having a character you do not like feels awfull, however racials are what 2% troughput at best (excluding the panda one wich was 8% i believe they fixed or will fix it, if not expect to see alot of pandas), now covenants are around 30% wil go up down the line, people will go for power and play the character they do not like in order to play the game they do like.