World of Magecraft

Im talking about items (gear), same as you were. Why bring mount skills into it?

You can easily make at least 50 gph with almost any class, so 5000g is something you can easily make in 1-3 months, depending on how much you play.

We dont have flying mounts yet or am i playing a different game the items your on about drop in dungeons. Just go with friends or your guild if you are that desperate for an item, every one has to pay for skills .

Your creating your own problems I main a mage and i dont have thousands of gold I play because i enjoy , As said any class can make gold if you have the time .

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Most people have mage-alts to keep up with farm with other players. You can make 10 times more gold as mage. Rogue with pickpocketing is not gonna give you same gold for sure. :smiley:

I have a proposal - limit gold to 1000 per account if we can copy our characters to TBC servers. :slight_smile:

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That’s just daft - there will always be people who have more time and can play more and thus get more gold quickly.

I’m levelling a shammy on ZT and I will have gold for my epic mount before I ding 60 (currently 55). I’ll I do is sell herbs, sell fish and DON’T buy expensive things on the AH.

I have 5 gold and 56 silver and 33 copper in my bag and having the time of my life :smile:


ok so 5k gold for flying in tbc

and how much is the average junk/white item (gear) worth in tbc?

im sure in tbc you’ll earn more gold than in classic, so during 10 levels of game play you’ll earn more?

plus those mages farming gold will probs spend that gold on stuff you can farm and sell yourself

You somehow think that EVERY mage is a uber duber gold farmer that sells boosting 24/7 and ofc a gold seller too, bcz why not.
There are so few mages that make that much gold you are crying over, that are boosting in ZG. And they are not that many to begin with.
Solo farming warlocks makes the most gold for your knowledge.
The problem here is that nowadays most people with most calsses knows where to farm gold that’s why you see this inflation not because of 20 mages out of 3k are making huge gold.
If there ia anyone to complain is the Druid player. Druids are the worst class at farming anything and they also suffer from the insane “hybrid tax”.

Also it doesn’t help that some claim farming solo ZG for 300g/hr w/o boosting or 200g/hr DM E and stuff like this that’s insanely over exaggerated.

Next topic I guess will be posted by a warrior telling people mages hunters and warlocks should get nerfed XP because they level so quickly and it’s running the experience.


yeah tbc will be a mess for sure 100% those mages coming into tbc with 100k will create mess, they gonna buy up and sell all different mats increasing that 100k to 200k in no time by only ah purchases. Dont forget that we will se bots everywhere running crazy on every hotspots. its indeed a mess. i dont know how they will fix this, after all the fails they did with bfa aswell

Again you are totally off. Clearly you don’t know how boost works. You for sure have a large imagination if you think you can lvl 1-60 only in dungeons.

First of all there are certain levels at witch you can receive good XP from boosting. And even if you decide to stay for crap XP you still have to do some good amount of questing. Not to mention the total time you waste, either AFK in dungeons or questing. Probably you think you pay a mage some gold turn of the PC and come back after 4 days and you are 60 with pre raid bis.

Second of all, most people buy Boost 1 2 levels to help them level easier. The ones who stays in dungeons for days even they receive low XP are the ALTS who are created JUST because they can level this way. And they are at work in this time alt tabing for reset, and that’s the only way they can make an alt.

I agree somewhat that boosting is kinda out of control, but your wild imagination takes things out of proportion.

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Blizzard might as well add an option to buy an instant Level 60 Boost, since that’s what a huge amount of players want, going by the constant boosts done by primarily mages.

At least that would make the LFG channel a bit less cluttered with WTS BOOST

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Mage is just a bug abusing. I don’t understand how People can be happy with games, were 1 class can beat anything. Like a free to play game

They are kiting bosses/mobs in bugged areas to reset and soloing them all the time. can slow everything with their Blizzard, can insacast sheep+2x iceblock. Has 3x isntacast with 1-3k dmg. BUT YES PLS DONT CHANGE CLASSIC BUHUHUHU


Yes because mages can sheep any mob ? they never get resisted and have so much hp when cd’s are on cool down, can think of a certain other class than can be king of kiting. if it’s that bad go back to retail or just make a mage…

I main mage and have 5/8 t2 but cba wasting hours learning mara and zg to the point where I can sell it. Moreover, in order to maximize efficiency of that farm I shouldn’t do it less than at least 3h a day without a break, being focused all the time.

I prefer to log on my resto sham, pick one of several tanks from my friends list, go for 1-1.5h relaxing jump runs and get decent gold. Not to mention my enchanting income.

My point is, if you dedicate >8h to the game everyday than yes, mage farming is bis. But at that point you would probably already leveled a mage and that isn’t a problem for you.
If you are regular evening player it doesn’t matter which class you farm on.



Well, my main is a mage. But my farmer is my rogue. In the last 4 hours I made 500g.

You’re just not creative enough. Also, don’t believe the gold/per hour calculations you see on YouTube. These rates depend heavily on luck and server economy.

Remember the ZG bijou farm videos saying 250g/hour or more? That was calculated on 30g for a bijou. Bijous on my never sold for more than 10g each. In addition, there is a lot of overhead to learn the pulls and pay for consumables.

Try spend less time being jelly and more time figuring out ways to make gold. It’s not that hard.

The problem is not that some people have tons of gold, the problem starts in TBC when the massive inflation makes it absolutly impossible to afford anything unless you were grinding massive amounts in classic before launch. It might be so bad that someone who hasn’t played classic can not even afford blue gems, not talking about epic ones.

I think going into TBC with the massive amount of gold some players are sitting on is the most toxic thing Blizzard can ever do. It’s actually the thing that decides whether I will ever play TBC.

It affect me because that mean this person will likely do less World PvP because of his early flying mount.

It affect me because theses golds from Classic will contribute to increase price from some core ressource in TBC like Fel lotus or Primal, making price unbearable for anyone that didn’t played Classic for a very long time.

It afffect me because that mean they will buy everything in AH instead of doing the regular farm required to get TBC crafted BiS gear, and sitting in Shazzrah, instead of doing the normal path. I will never meet theses players ingame, and It will decrease the world pvp activity.


If the prices on farmable items go up, YOU can earn more by farming them.

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This happens EVERY expansion, yet the market doesn’t crash.

Mages aren’t killing WoW, people are… and YouTube.
This was all available in Vanilla, however nobody knew about it because it was all fresh, unexplored and there was no way to share all the farming, aoe and boost tricks.

You wouldn’t play Overwatch and role Brigitte…