World of Magecraft

Yes the gold is important for everyone to raid, to pvp and to enjoy the game more.

And mages’ bug using boostings methods make an inflation which a normal player cannot live at these prices. They are just ruining game like bots for months.

It is a big fraud and ruining game economy.

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Omg, just open /who in Mara and in ZG and check how many mages are there. Do you think those 20-30 mages are responsible for the inflation of 10k server?
Not other thousands of players who vendor trash items during thier farm, instances?
Not every raider (almost every 60 nowadays) who gets 50+ raw gold every week from MC/BWL?

Why do you need gold to raid - farm your own consumables.
Why do you need gold to PvP - farm your own consumables.
Why do you need gold to enjoy the game? Because I assume you are unable to farm your own consumables?

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Ok i will try again.

Ie. Any class got 100 gph normally by gathering or kill farm.
A box resetting or talent/terrain abusing mage got 600 gph.
Assume they need same consumables. So class x need to invest much much more time on farming than mr mage.

Not hard to understand.

Mages are ruining the game like strath bots, killing economy and leveling fun for everyone.


Its 800g, not 600g to be precise. There are updated guides on YT for fellow mages.
Apart from that you are totally correct, it needs to be fixed the sooner the better

What part of “farm your own consumables…it’s free” does not register?

Boosting meta = people cant level = people quit

Bad for all of us.

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Can’t level? What are you on about. You can level perfectly fine doing zero dungeons and zero elite/group quests.

Yes it takes longer but it’s still easily doable.

What’s with all the yentas wanting so desperately to micromanage other players’ gold.

You can survive off tinned beans and water, but it sure aint fun

Some like beans - some like steak. Your point is irrelevant.

Bad analogy, sadly.
To think a company like blizzard isnt planning years into the future is madness

I don’t understand what that’s got to do with being able/unable to level.

wrong thread, woops.
your analogy is still crap.
You said you can still level without dungeons etc, i likened it to a poor diet
You then said some like steak, your points irrelevant. As if the steak is an option, which is the whole point of the thread.
I shant be conversing with you any longer.

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Ofc you won’t because you can’t make a good argument

I`m not SEEKING an argument, unlike some.

Farewell indeed - but with all due respect I’m not the one who brought the discussion up with boosting in the first place.

If you limit the amount of gold people take into TBC can’t you see what will happen? They will just farm it again. Isn’t that obvious to others as well?

Why are you all talking about tbc?
So a few players can get a flying mount the second they reach lvl70. And so what?
The biggest issue in tbc is going to be gold. Repair costs are riddiculus, and you run out of quests quite fast.
Now. You dont need a mage. you need an alchemist with transmute to make a ton of gold.
But the only “word” official about tbc (If they wil ever relaunch it) was “It will most likely be a stand alone expansion like classic”

Because in TBC, the farming capabilities of each class are more even than in Vanilla. Maraudon and ZG xp runs won’t be as important and not many will care about Bijous.