World of Menucraft

Maybe because when they arent venthyr warrior they cant find group?

Uhm… how about Q&A during legion and people over and over asking all over the years?
Also if the views and likes on a video are not made for statistics, what is the purpose of these features? Please, do tell me.

If only you pro-soloque players would pour the same investment into Arenas you wouldnt have the issues of requiring it in the first place.

Repeating the same stuff over and over said again is genuinely fun.

Dota has a pretty robust system in place for things like that. Basically it doesn’t even launch the match until every single player has accepted the queue pop, but of course there’s also a lobby in that game.

So thats why you doing it ok :slight_smile:

You legit got no clue what would be good for the Game, same for the other posters that so desperately ask for soloque.

I fail to see how soloque is gonna fix the following: Terrible, unbalanced Class Design. Horrendous, toxic Community that flames eachother and disbands group after first matches. Extreme fotm attitude instead of sticking with mains or classes you actually enjoy.

Do tell me, how is soloque gonna help? :slight_smile:
The only difference is gonna be that you can que up faster. But the toxicity, the fotm will just get to another level.

Can you provide evidence that the level of toxicity in mobas is related to the soloq and not to the larger player base and the kind of people who prefer mobas over MMORPGs? I’d gladly take a look at it.

Because the PvE part is bigger and PvE people are VERY sensitive in general.

I assume you think of soloq not having a filter which will force people to play with “bad” classes? Idk why that would be a thing, if I designed soloq, you would have both options, random and only the classes/specs you want. This will affect the queue time obviously.

Idk, I never played mobas tbh. Many years ago I needed like 5 sec of a yt video to tell that I will never touch this.
Also, if you are against soloq, could you explain to me what’s the difference between implementing soloq (even if it’s a “bad” design) and not doing it? It literally does not affect you at all. It will be a different bracket and you are not forced to play it.

Solo Q will never work in arena since the game is only about comp. Do you really wanna play mage hunter disc vs dk ele druid? sounds so trash.

It could be really good only for RBGs with 3 healers 7 dps no tanks

Stop applying logic. I know already of the tears that are gonna happen when Soloque launched but you cannot filter out Classes because those are just absolutely useless with your setup, meanwhile the enemy got the superb choices in form of Arms or Mages that fit into a huge variety of comps.

Yeah man, I look forward to playing Survival or Havoc or Unholy in Soloque.

Im not demanding soloQ a stated multiple times that for me priority is wod gearing. What im doing is reacting ro antisoloq people making arguments from air demanding proofs but dont have any for their theories.

I have to say you are one of the better people here and lot of stuff make sense. But lot of is speculation.

We need wod gearing and improved lfg systems so you can do other stuff while waiting i already made a post how it could works and it wasnt soloQ system. SoloQ isnt going to happen this xpac anyway so…

Idk if anyone said that he wants soloq in order to chance the mentality of the player base, I would agree this would be kinda absurd. From my pov people want soloq just to be able to play, basically.
Could you make an argument to, as asked earlier, or nope?

That’s not logic… why do you think there would be no filter to choose the specs? Why do you believe it will be fully rng? This is not an asian mmo grinder…

Feels like some people literally have no idea about soloq and what options are possible. Why trying to argue then?

This is the big problem though. The gameplay experience is not gonna get fixxed by this, it will just slightly proloung its season death.

Facing Fire Mage with Shield Legendary, Sub Rogues abusing oneshot, Ret Paladin, Arms, The Hunt, Convoke is not gonna be more fun facing.

This is the problem that needs to get adressed.

Buddy, bigger PvP games that have less focus on comps have absolutely garbage soloque, why do you want it in WoW so badly?

I disagree and there is easily a proof to that. I say people will queue and be able to play, you say no, correct? Skirmishes prove you wrong but skirmishes are not the type of arena most people want.

So what? Playing LFG this is what you face too. And people know what they are going to face, they just want to play.

Balance is always a problem and they always work on balance, there will be no day in an MMORPG where you gonna read “company X finally fixed class balance on all their classes” and having the entire player base agree on that. NEVER gonna happen.

Because I want to play and not just sit inLFG for hours since my time is limited or only play on lower rating because this is the majority of the people I can choose from?

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RBG trash bracket no1 playing it on srs note and never will be - its always was a problem. Thats n1 bracket that can add solo q option. Also 5 x 5 areans - would be fun.

Why arent you making friends with people instead of, like a big variety of LFGers, to expect the carry?

Honestly, the biggest issue I see with you is that a Game like WoW is not for you. What you want is quick, easy access fun in an PvP Game. WoW cannot give you that, alone thanks due to its core design of comp based gameplay.

I have nowhere said that people wont que. I said they will que, but it will still result in the season dying because of the lack of balance changes.

So what? You fix THESE issues first, instead of trying YOUR bandaid soloque fix. THATS what.

Dota implemented overwatch system lately, so players can report someone with specific period of time in game with choice: What that player did wrong and intentionally. I get those overwatch videos to check, as an old player, daily and even when i watch them it’s hard to tell if someone is intentionally doing some action, or because he is bad. Wow won’t have this systems and it will be a mess.

I have played dota 2 since it came out, until 2017-18(still play rarely), i am playing lol on daily bases. I have seen a lot of things. For example I had player who had a bad last game, and decided to intentionally troll current game, this things are very common.
Of course there is no evidence of toxicity level of mobas related to soloq, why there would be one, when game is mostly about a solo que. No one gonna make an statement telling you that game toxicity is caused by solo que when it’s a core game system.
There are a reasons why league of legends don’t implement voice chat in game still.

Is it so? Based on what are you saying that PvE people are very sensitive, besides your pov.

I don’t mean non-meta class ques, eventho that’s one of problems too. I mean a player who will intentionally decide to lose your game, because he had a bad day, he is angry at something, he doesn’t like your mog, etc.
For example your holy pally won’t use bubble on ya, was it because he is bad at game, or he just didn’t feel doing it since he doesn’t care about winning at all. He is there to troll people.

If you say that it won’t touch me, clearly you mean that soloq and lfg will be divided from each other, which means that you are dividing already small playerbase too.

You mean solo q as in lfg? Or 1 vs 1 (which never can get rated ever with class balance not tuned at all for 1vs1).

Uhm… I have friends, the issue is that almost all of them are not experienced enough or play not as dedicated (or not willing to) as me or have not the same schedule.
You can’t just pick the kind of friends you want lol… how many billionaire friends do you have? None? Why don’t you just make some? You get it, right?

Really? Ok now you gotta back this up. I climbed to 2,1k on this one, let him sit, just like you your DH. Got another one to 2k, didn’t find anyone to play with anymore, let the other char sit. Wanted to play my druid again, hours and hours sitting in LFG, didn’t find anyone to play to 2,4k or higher. But I want to play? So what do I do? Playing with low cr friends, random people etc… You are a 2,4k xp guy, how many chars did you get to 2,4k this season? How many games did you play in total? Let me guess, you stopped just because of the balance… am I about right? :slight_smile:

The balance is fine, not perfect but let’s not pretend it’s unplayable or anything, that’s bs. Season is dying right now because gearing alts is garbage and because people do not have anyone to play with.

As I already said, you will NEVER fix class balance, read the post above.
Also, I am not sure if you are trolling or anything but… do you think Blizzard/Activision is like a 1-2 people company? You think they can’t work on BOTH at the same time? What is this argument mate?

:popcorn: :clown_face:

You’re a new player.

This is why I say it’s a bad argument. You can’t say league has soloq and toxicity therefore the soloq in WoW will have the same issue. It’s wrong until proven wrong.
Also, I saw a video like yesterday guys trashtalking each other, definitely not friends on discord, so the community found a way to play on voice still it seems.

Based on the statements PvE people make in game, forums, yt comments etc. If someone was bored enough to make statistics about that, I would drop them. Do you want to gather the data quick, I will do the rest and publish them :slight_smile: we can also swap the tasks

So you are saying this kind of people will intentionally join rated pvp via soloq to fk someone up. But why exactly would the same kind of people not to exactly the same with LFG?
Even IF that was the case, why would it bother you? That’s literally not an argument against soloq and IF it becomes a problem, there will be still maaaaaany ways to solve that.

This is probably gonna be more of a low cr issue and resolve naturally by climbing. Literally what you described I have experienced on low cr with LFG people. So this issue is already existing, there this argument not an argument against soloq but then again IF even that was not the case… who cares? Literally nobody is foced to play it if he doesn’t like it.
But right now, if I wanted to climb I am forced to waste hours (in LFG or wherever) and hours (probably even days and longer) in order to find a mate with somewhat equal mindset, attitude, goals, experience and schedule. I tried that after I was 2,1k and my mate didn’t want to climb further. I didn’t find anyone, so I was like ok fk it… not worth my time and so I just played with other friends cause I actually just want to play :slight_smile:

Thank you, I knew this one will come :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
So I would divide playerbases because of soloq, you are almost correct on this one. (Assuming you are against soloq) You are dividing the playerbases right now by being against the soloq. Because these people quit, since they have nobody to play with.
I had around 25 people at the season start to play with, the longer the season lasted, the more people wanted to play with me cause they wanted to climb for 220 gear but I couldn’t play with everyone. Now I have only 2 people left who still kinda playing more or less.
No, soloq would not divide people. In fact it will bring more people back, people might be able to actually make friends with soloq which means the LFG player base will rise.