World of Menucraft

Ok… so there is no argument coming, right? :slight_smile:

I’m sorry to say but Soloq will be the end of wow pvp as we know it. There will be no reason to play 2s/3s when you can just do it by yourself on your own terms. Soloq will be the only bracket that matters since it will be the most popular one and yes everyone will reroll fotm, if you think otherwise you’re clueless. On top of that, if you are at the top 5% , people will grief your rating and dodge/snipe all the time. Trust me, this will happen! Specially if there are rewards attached to the bracket.
They need to fix the lfg system and also skirmishes if you ask me. I’ve no idea why they removed healer/dps on 2s bracket, it used to be nice to chill and maybe get a grip on your alts. And believe it or not, i did find people to play with doing skirmishes back in the days.

This is the classic “why dont you make friends” statement.

I have a lot of in-game friends. Most play around the cap/weekly reward tho…once or max twice a week. This means u have to make appointments to play pvp. It means a lot more ppl quit/ go inactive.

Due to this BF Skinneresque system that prioritizes conditioning ppl to come back for their weekly cookie instead of promoting overall activity a lot of ppl will go inactive halfway through.

Soloq will change this. GW2 already proven that. A game where i can have 100+ active friends online during peak hours.

Can you say the same in wow. Do you have 100+ pvp friends on during peak hours, midway through a patch?

You need to compare it to the current situation. Right now 90% of random BGs / Skirmish is toxic unbalanced crap. With toxic players in every game.

In GW2 i can do random BGs…and get toxic behaviour. But when i play soloq i see barely any toxicity. Why is that? Since smart ppl know that being toxic can lead to losing games. And when they can lose rating due to that less ppl will be toxic.

There is 0 doubt in my mind that soloq will improve the current situation drastically if compare it to wow now.

You can’t deny that argument just because you think it’s bad. Clearly it already is a case in lfg, and based from my pov with soloq experience will be even worse, considering that I haven’t really met a “toxic” players, in terms of moba players, in wow.

Have never been offered to join one in years of gameplay, and I know a lot of people who plays it too, have never been a case, so I am not sure where these people gather on discord.

Just an accusations based on your point of view. Data doesn’t exist as you say, therefor it will stay that way.

Because if you notice that player just does that type of activity you can avoid playing with him in future. Will there be a system to prevent you playing with same player again? I am not sure and neither are you.

Like what, elaborate on this.

Not the case with mobas, clearly there are players who troll on rank ( for example diamond), which is achieved by 2.02% of playerbase according to 2020 season. So if you don’t care, doesn’t mean it isn’t case. Watch top ranked league streamers, pretty simple to find it out.

How long lfg exists in this game? Eventho having soloq have been a case here and there, I personally don’t remember such outrage from community for not having it. What caused it in this expansion all of a sudden. Why it wasn’t a case in BFA for example?

Again lfg have been a for a most of game existence, but soloq demand got very popular atm, why, what caused it. Think about it.

Again your point of view. Will it be so? no one knows. What if after implementation of it and trying it out you will be even more disappointed, considering how blizzard struggled with balancing/creating systems in last expansions.
At this point everyone is so fed up with those threads so I am down for it to be implemented, I’d watch aftermath with pleasure and :popcorn:

You compare two totally different MMORPGs. GW2 has self-sustaining, non-healer requiring class design, WoW does not.

This is the case for any team game, be it irl or ingame. You need teammates to do something.

This shows you have 0 clue.

During every meta in GW2 you need at least 1-2 support players. Right now its healing guardian + support scourge as A+ support duo.

Why is it that you dont reply to the active players comment? Tell me buddy…how many pvp friends do you have online at any given moment?

Without activity the pvp part of this game cant thrive. Soloq has proven to boost the activity of pvp players by a great bit.

Wdym I think it’s bad? I am pointing out it’s not an argument due to no evidence given. It’s not a guess, it’s a conclusion.
You agree yourself toxicity is already an issue and as I said earlier, nobody wants soloq in order to solve toxicity.
I understand your pov, it has nothing to do with soloq tho, it has to do with the larger player base and the genre. Prove to that is the fact that toxicity already exists with the current LFG. Larger player base = more toxicity (and increased level) is due to more (different) players.

I have no idea, I just randomly saw a video yesterday.

The data does exist and has literally nothing to do with my pov, it’s just not gathered and analyzed. Wanna do it?

This is exactly how the ignore/block function should already work. If it does not, it’s simply a bug of an already implemented feature that has to be fixed.

Like ignoring this player? Also what exactly is stopping the people to do exactly this in LFG right now? You can’t blame soloq on having this issue if there is nothing different with LFG.

So are streamers trolling on higher rating right now, what’s the point? Again, nobody is forced to play the soloq, if this will become a major issue, I am sure the devs and players will find a solution to that.

It started before BFA already, people been spamming it (in Legion or MoP already?) when Q&A was still a thing.

As said earlier, soloq is a topic that is around for many years. Seems like you just missed it.

I told you already, the data is out there. You can gather and analyze it. I will gladly help you :slight_smile:

If it is disappointing then people will not play and it literally will have no impact on the game and it will get removed like the 5vs5 arena.

I dont reply to it simply because I dont do PvP currently anymore. Yesterday has actually been the first time where I qued on my DH since weeks, and I found a couple of people already at 2k cr very quickly.

I only spent roughly 150-200 hours into GW2 at best, but the first impression and the few PvP matches I did was that classes are a lot tankier on their own already. Even massively so compared to an Arms that just does not function without an healer.

Define yesterday. More than 17 hours ago from now on?

13 hours ago if you want it to be precisely.

Met a arms around my xp and cr and already added him, most likely gonna que later today with him.

solo q will just create another problem: some classes will get to play and enjoy the game some won’t by being too comp dependant or too teammate reliant.

imagine the difference of fun for a tunneled demo lock or a rogue deciding who gets to die with his sologodlike toolkit, in full solo q environment with an even more egoistical and self centered mindset than current lfg.

game has always been balanced around comps. what will happen is other games like league with tons of champions and few picks per season patch. But this time, its your char, and all the time u ve invested grinding systemland.

if classes were more like mop where everybody had more tools, yeah sure. but as of now, idk. not super convinced.

something must be done, but a raw solo q just being a button u press and voila all problems gone, i dont buy it.

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solo queue! SOLO QUEUE

Was it 3s or 2s?

Is this a legitimate question?

The issue is you are thinking there are gonna be no filter options at all lul
I don’t think anyone wants that, the same way like nobody wanted vendors just for some npcs standing around.

Filter options? What do you want to filter, that the dog specs cant que with you? Well done, already a flawed concept when no one will pick the weak specs even further.

I would assume 3s but I have to ask before I jump to conclusions with false assumptions.

True that’s not the case in LFG right now at all.

The difference, my dear Moose, is that in LFG you can have people apply for your group.

They see you, see your experience, your itemlevel, perhaps your note. Then there is still the chance that they give you a try.

In Soloque, where you can just filter out my DH for example? Where do I have the option to play then?

This system sounds worse the more I think about it. Now when you play something like demonology lock you can wait forever in LFG AND in Soloque. Well done.

Yes and why doest it work in LFG right now? Because people are desperate and have nobody to play with. So they give everything a shot that applies and seems somewhat decent.
Also, you are not talking about soloq being bad here, you are talking about the community being garbage not willing to play with these classes because someone said they are bad :slight_smile: