There is no evidence to prove that soloq causes the toxicty, but there isn’t an evidence that it is a genre/playerbase as you say, but actually there is. Toxicity isn’t exclusive to mobas too, there are other genre games with solo q and related toxicity. There are more evidence of soloq causing toxicity than genre/playerbase.
Sorry not working in lol and I repeat that game has systems on top of systems to prevent trolling in game on a level which wow will never reach.
I already answered this.
System which you offer is absurd, you can ignore every players you play with just because you can , what will happen in the end, you will be in echo chamber?
I repeat, company which has more playerbase/resources and soloq is a core system haven’t found solution yet, you are asking too much at this point.
I personally don’t remember any threads and I was sitting on forums most bfa.
For me it seems that you just exaggeration facts.
What data are you talking about exactly? There is no data which will tell how many players will return if soloq will be implemented. I will remind you that pvp playerbase are minority historically, therefor I am not sure how many players you expect to return.
And you will give more reasons to doubt this company again, like there is not enough evidences.
So in other addons people did not take meta over everything else, you sure?
The game is not toxic, the people are. Nobody forces anyone to play soloq. If it’s toxic, people will not play it. If and when that’s the case, you can bring that up, np.
Otherwise that would mean you are talking like devs back then about classic “you don’t know what you want so we don’t give you what you are asking for”
How did that end, remember?
People want that, so why not giving people what they want. Nobody says they shall remove the LFG because of solowq. Besides that, we have exactly the same issues in LFG right now.
I mean you have proven it yourself. Toxicity exists in every genre and in games with AND without soloq. So soloq is not the issue since WoW players are toxic as well and have no soloq.
Where is this evidence? Link me, I want to check the data.
How many times did you play with people who you blocked? Let’s run a test (like one hour?) if that’s such a big existing issue? I get few friends, you get few friends, we block each other and join skirmish solo and see how often we gonna get in the same team?
No, it’s absurd to think every player you play with is gonna troll and grief you. My offer to run a test on this is still up.
So you are saying league is actually unplayable because of griefing and trolling but people still play it? Kinda makes no sense. Does league have something similar to WoW LFG?
If they do so why do people choose to play soloq? If they don’t, why don’t they introduce it, is it not gonna be less toxic as you make it sound?
You see? something is not adding up here.
The Q&A is still on youtube, idk how you missed that tbh.
Because your only source of information seems to be the WoW forums, which is a very bad source tbh.
You could start to compare the player/sub decline with the comments on other platforms referring to soloq. You could also ask Blizzard to publish their data on sub decline with the note of the player “has nobody to play with”.
I mean we are talking about a bracket that people are evidentially asking for, for years. Do we have an accurate count for these players? No. Does anyone have one single argument that soloq is gonna be bad for the game, with accurate evidence. No.
So yes, we could argue it’s all based on opinions because nobody is able to provide any accurate evidence to back up the claim but I can say that I know at least 20 people personally who left because they want soloq and cba sitting in LFG.
Oh and this brings me back to why WoW forum is a bad source for information. You gotta have a sub running in order to post
But as I said solo que will bring toxicity on another level, I already stated that I haven’t encountered so called “toxicity”, compared to what I have encountered in mobas, not even close.
You don’t need evidence, just use your brain and logic, if there is different genres of game with solo que as core system, and most of them have a problem with community toxicity, it’s probably not the genre and large community that causes toxicity as you are stating.
I meant blocked person in League of Legends, yes I actually played 3 game in a row with a player I have blocked and also as higher you climb in ranks, there is a higher chance to meet person you have blocked, since playerbase of that rank is getting smaller.
So let’s imagine that we have your solution of solving this problem, aka blocking player. I will go ahead and with curiosity block everyone I will meet in solo que, what will happen in the end. Clearly it is possible, just need to be dedicated.
Run test where? You haven’t even proven based on what are you saying that you can’t meet a ignored player even on skirmishes. Does system like that actually exists or you just came up with it?
It is playable since there are systems to punish players who make it too obvious that they are trolling, also this 2 game is way too different from each other, people tend to bring mobas as arguments since soloq is core system there, but when it comes to actual gameplay they are not even close. If you can get away in lol/dota with a player who is feeding, since there are comeback mechanics, there isn’t any in wow and never will be probably.
There isn’t primarily a system called LFG, but there is a system of party/premade gameplay which is kinda similar to lfg, since you can play with your friends in ranked as you can play arenas in wow.
How about you will watch that Q&A and listen holinka himself explaining how hard it is to make that system, and just because others game have it doesn’t mean it fits every game existed, maybe you will get a grip about whole system too instead of just asking it without seeing/ignoring obstacles.
I mean forum is better source than your nonexistent ones right, you bring those arguments that there are some datas, there have been a high demand for soloq in past too, I don’t see any evidences of your claims tho
Where are those datas I can compare exactly? You still bring this data arguments without evidences
How about you ask them since those datas are your arguments, therefor you need to prove that you are right. As long as you haven’t tho, let’s say that you are just coming up with those arguments.
We don’t have accurate data, you are right, but you can always go and ask blizzard as you said above
Yes everything we say is based on opinions, since we don’t know what actually will happen when soloq will be implemented, as I have already stated I am fine with doing it, just don’t think that it will be the best solution to a problem we have right now. It will be implemented at some point I am sure and if it work cheers to everyone. But then again considering how blizzard had a poor quality of systems I wouldn’t expect something phenomenal.
We have to compare it to current situation and how likely is it that the situation improves. First things first “what causes toxicity”. In my opinion there are a few reasons spread across any form of pvp:
1] Gap in skilllevel between players.
2] Differences in wants, needs, goals, and desires (some just play to cap while others try to push rating).
3] False self entitlement based on past experience or boosts.
4] A long history of bad experiences that build up untill someone starts to act out.
5] No reason not to act like an …
Every single issue will be better in a soloqsystem. Mind you; not perfect but a lot better.
1] Soloq means real matchmaking. So playing with a guy in soloq at 2100 means that guy actually played till 2100.
2] Soloq will separate those ppl due to matchmaking. The ppl who try to get their basic 197 will be in random BGs vs others like them. Ppl who try hard will be higher rated so they will play with others who play to win.
3] Boosting is a big part of what makes the current LFG situation so terrible. A lot of ppl acting as if buying x rating…means they are entitled to join any group at that rating. Even on this very forum, we had guys trash-talking ppl while they were 100% boosted. Being high rated in soloq will mean ppl are legit since boosting is a lot harder in soloq.
4] Bad experiences are mostly caused by the issues listed above.
5] In soloq there is a reason not to act toxic. It will make you lose rating. Comparing GW2 random BGs with soloq is like night and day. Ppl know that acting toxic leads to ppl stop playing and start chatting instead. And next game…you might be playing with the same guy again. Compare that to random BGs or even LFG: there next to nothing that stops ppl from being toxic. So while you will still see toxic ppl it will be a lot less and mostly at lower rating.
I played other games with soloq and can’t confirm increased toxicity compared to the one already existing in WoW.
But then again, you are saying my pov doesn’t matter but you mention your pov as an argument. I find the condition for the value of the arguments bit unfair here if you ask me.
Wdym I don’t need evidence? You said “there is more evidence for soloq causing toxicity” and since our povs don’t count (at least that’s why I thought) I’d like to take a look at this evidence, especially because I disagree with your pov.
Nobody cares about block/ignore feature of league. You say this solution won’t work in WoW even tho it works. You can’t mention it as an argument against soloq, saying it won’t work in WoW because it doesn’t work in league. It already does work in WoW, if it doesn’t, it’s just a bug but I can’t think of a single example where I played with someone who I had on my ignore list.
I mean if you have to block everyone while still playing on high(er) rating, then maybe the issue is not really the toxicity but more your perception. I can say I can’t even remember if it happened at all playing with toxic players on high(er) rating. I mean if there was something then it was so rare than I don’t even remember it lol.
And I do play a lot with randoms, also playing usually thousands of game, this seasons it’s obviously less for several reason but even this season I had already around 3k games played, most not on higher rating tho but it makes it even a better example.
From my experience you can’t meet a blocked player. To verify it I offer you to run a test. You, your friends, my friends, me. We block each other and queue skirmishes for 1 hour and see if anyone gets in a team together. This would be my way of proving it if you want to have some kind of evidence for that.
So how does the premade system work? Are you sitting in there and look for players or do you just drop an invite to your friends and queue?
It’s not hard, it’s just a regular excuse for them ignoring an obvious need of the community which was asked many times. He was just not prepared and you can clearly see how he is pulling everything out of his a*s lol
I could say the same for the toxicity issues, right?
Because you are not looking for it? Go through youtube comments on PvP vids, go through twitter. You can collect this data and make evidence out of it, right?
So where it is exactly? To be accurate, it’s on the internet. That’s why I said it is not collected. It doesn’t mean it’s not there. Here is an example, took me like 5 secs:
I mean I don’t have to prove anything. I am not against a system where I clearly see why it is good. You on the other hand argue against it due to personal experience in another game(s). Therefore you need to prove that soloq will not work and create same issues.
Why do we even argue then? lul
Which problem? We have many problems and for most problems we do know for a fact that they are working on it. So what are you referring to?
Oh I do absolutely not expect that Blizzard is gonna give soloq and it will be exactly what the community wanted. Like literally, not at all. I expect many people to complain about many missing options/features. It’s gonna be like the pvp vendors, they bring them back but don’t make the gear accessible to anyone.
PoV is all you can base your opinion when it comes to something like this, since there is no collected data and we can’t say what will exactly happen. I don’t remember saying that your pov doesn’t matter, don’t know where it came.
I can link dozens of forum/reddit posts of lol/dota/csgo players addressing about community toxicity issues and how they struggle to continue play like that, it can be used as evidence, unless you ask for nonexistent official statement from game devs themselves saying that their core system is ruining their game. All those games use solo queue as core game system.
First you say it works, then you say that it probably works based on your experience. So you just don’t know if it works or not, don’t need to make up things. Just because you haven’t met one doesn’t mean it is so.
You clearly don’t understand what I am trying to deliver with my statement. I just block everyone for the sake of testing. What is happening in the end, probably nothing since that system is pretty bad.
Is he prepared now? Are they ever prepared for anything at this point?
You could, but then again toxicity isn’t the only issue with solo que, don’t really know why we are focused on it so hard.
Sorry that’s not how collecting data works, you can’t just collect comments from social media posts/videos. Anyone can make those videos and same people will comment over and over, I can post from 50 account on one video. Is it the data you want to put trust in?
Someone can make a video and say that soloq will be very bad for community and it can get more comments and likes, than a video which anyone made about why soloq is good, will it mean that just because other video is huge than second majority of people agrees with it? I doubt it.
There is an official Q&A of pvp lead dev himself explaining why it is hard to implement soloq. I don’t need to prove anything at this point, holinka said enough. And since there haven’t been any other official statement about it, besides that they would like to hear feedback, we will stick to it.
Well, not sure at this point
Problem with pvp overall, not only lfg causes outrage at this moment, there are huge balance issues, gearing issues, etc.
At least we are on same page when it comes to blizzard content quality
WoW has raids,mythic +,bg’s,rated bg’s,all active btw…GW2 has raids too but first of all not everyone can do those,and 9 out of 10 gouprs are ‘‘wts full raid clear’’ gw2 has world vs world vs world,but its not active either…
So in reality,in whole gw2,you have people doing fractals and ranked pvp only.
Not blaming or flaming, just sounded like my argument doesn’t count because there are no statistics (like on everything in our arguments).
Ok, but you didn’t answer me if league has an LFG system or if it’s just a group queue for people you already know. (as I said, never played it myself, my guys didn’t respond yet)
I mean if there is no “proper” LFG like in WoW, then the devs probably think that it’s definitely not a solution for the toxicity problem, which would kinda prove, that it has nothing to do with the soloq. Otherwise they would have implemented a “proper” LFG system, correct? I mean it would take them like a day and barely any resources.
Also, you mention the games have soloq as a core game system, this would clearly not be the case in WoW, it’s just an additional feature.
I mean how can I confirm that? Obviously me alone is a bad sample size for any kind of evidence, that’s why I offered you the go for a test with bunch of people. Again, even IF it would not work, it’s a simple bug which is simple to fix, takes literally just a few minutes.
We should really not even argue about that.
I mean that’s an assumption, I wouldn’t really worry about that system at all. Also, tbh the toxic people are my least worry. I play definitely WAY much more PvP than PvE and I clearly met more toxic people in PvE. From my experience high(er) rated people are always more calm and chill. You make it sound like every second PvP player is some toxic troll who can’t take a breath if he would act like a normal human being for some minutes
Idk cause no other issues been really named. Just something that either already exists and/or can be easily fixed with a simple feature. That’s my whole point, people can’t even really argue against soloq.
The only valid argument would be splitting the player base if the brackets are separated. This really needs testing tho cause I really doubt that. It’s like saying RBG is stealing people from arenas. Yes, people are playing RBGs (now more for gearing and capping) but it was at no point an issue during the season, like literally, arena queues still pop’d every few seconds.
Not saying it’s 100% accurate but more than just a valid indicator. Technically it would be nearly impossible to collect this kind of data, even if it was an in-game-survey, because people can/do have several accounts That means in order to get a valid statistic for this, we would need people to sign up live with their ID, that’s a bit insane if you ask me.
We gotta use what we have.
That’s a big IF.
I mean let’s use what we got, there is one soloq vid from snoops, how many vids can you find against soloq and how many views and likes does it have? We could argue absolutely theoretically but we could also just use what’s already there. It has to be a good indicator, if soloq was bad for the game, people would have made tons of videos already, for sure.
I mean if I tell you it is hard to walk and explain to you in a biological way how complex it is and how muscles do interact, would you suddenly think it is really hard to walk?
He didn’t make a single valid point that can’t be easily fixed or worked on. I agree I watched it too long ago, so I don’t remember exactly all of these issues. Could name some of this issues you believe are actual issues?
Ye and that’s what people are doing. Giving “feedback” and crying for soloq
What exactly tho? I mean they addressed gearing issues and gave a direction how it’s gonna be soon, they are working on balance and fixed some stuff already, they keep working on the balance, obviously.
That’s why I was a curious what problem, besides the LFG, we have that the devs are not working on currently?
No bad blood at all btw, just arguing for the sake of a discussion.
Raids are like in wow pretty much. You need a guild for WOW mythic raids, just like you need a guild for raids in GW2. You’re also forgetting that the game world is more active with world bosses, events, jumping puzzles, seperate guild challenges etc.
Random BGs are the same in GW2 and wow. Both a a leech fest for dailies and relatively toxic.
Fractals are comparable to M+
WvW is crazy active. Each map has a cap between 100-150 and there is a waiting time on 3 of the 4 options for me now. So what are you talking about? They had to reduce the max pop by 7 not long ago since the high numbers were causing lagg.
Rated pvp in GW2 is a mix of RBG and arena. Both RBGs and arena are not even close to as active as the top players in GW2. I play both…so i know.
You accuse PvE players being sensitive in general, which can’t be based on data, it is based on your pov. I never said that your pov doesn’t matter.
There is a friend list system, you can add anyone in your friend list as long as you play on same server. Then there are two types of ranked ques: Solo/duo and Flex que. In solo/due you can play ranked with your one friend, in Flex que: 1/2/3/5.
They give you an option as I mentioned above: Flex Que, where you can go as 5 man party in ranked games, which is the way of playing for people who don’t want to play ranked with a random team.
That’s what I am saying, it is core system and it still has issues. Knowing blizzard I don’t even want to imagine what their attitude towards additional feature will be.
Is it a bug tho? Is it how that system really works? I have never heard that if you will ignore someone in skirmish you will never play with him.
I really don’t. I stated many times that I haven’t encountered “toxicity” on any near level as I have encountered it in mobas, and as said it is my PoV.
They refuse to fix game breaking bugs, there is still mc bug, delirium/hs aura bug, also balance issues in form of getting one shotted which has no counter play. Then we are talking about a soloq system which I am sure needs more effort than fixing things above.
Yes it’s probably impossible to collect data like that, but then again make a data based on comments isn’t reliable unfortunately.
I assume you mean stoopzz? If so he has 2 video about it and I respect his opinion, so do yours.
Unfortunately that’s all left for playerbase to do this days, if you won’t spam forums with threads about same thing over and over company doesn’t give you any attention, especially when it comes to pvp.
Are they really tho, they are the one who implemented for example dagger in the dark and buffed flagellation recently for, which you know what caused. How many weeks have passed since people are spamming on this forums about oneshot gimmicky build. Still no respond from devs.
Same, I hope I didn’t write anything rude about you, if so I apologize.
Uhm… Yes, there is proof. It’s just that it’s buried deep inside social psych studies and research text. But the gist of it is that online anonymity = profound effects on behavior for many.
So in a solo queue without any social design involved, where the process would essentially be:
Log in
Fart in front of some NPC
Click queue
End up in a match
Have absolutely no forced reason to say anything because the match will start and it’ll start even if you don’t say anything. The average, at most, would be someone saying “go X, cc Y” and then the match begins.
It doesn’t go well. You lose.
You just lost rating, which you identify yourself with.
People who could basically be bots at that point if nobody said anything, and you wouldn’t notice a thing even if they were, now probably did something you didn’t like and you lost 5 times in a row like that.
Who would be blamed, I wonder?
It’s just that simple. It’s about the awareness of the social environment. It basically doesn’t exist in a fast-paced solo queue. It barely even exist in random BGs, and BGs lasts longer.
Another way to put it is the awareness of repercussions.
^ Hence that.
Btw the person who made this topic who keeps bringing up GW2 is basically schizophrenic (hyperbole, but he’s really going through a lot of effort to not use the same character as much as possible when he posts), and ignores any and every argument against solo queue and only spams the same thing every single damn time from a new character every time.
agreed, it is as if devs should at some point in 10 years start thinking about putting some effort into classes and the balance that is less than a joke at this point.
We can’t have that, Ion gets tired if he works more than 5 minutes per decade