World of Peacecraft

Erm, no? The Orc’s goal was conquering the new world, from the very beginning? I also don’t see what’s unthinkable about Doomhammer, as the leader of a martial race, starting another war?

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Warcraft was created around races prone to, or willing to go to war if the situation demands it.
Peace summits make for poor entertainment value in a videogame.

But even if the game did have its share of warmongers that did so for the worst and most condemning reasons, be that power or sadism, we had quite a few that had more understandable and even relatable reasons.

And for orcs in particular, it was a series of hit and miss in that regard.
Doomhammers motives were shown in Chronicles as actually understandable, and Garrosh during Cataclysm was merely striving for the overall well-being of the faction he led.

Not every war action is bad at its core, in the games setting. Even if the concept itself is hard to concile as “good” from our own RL values.

That said, the constant strive towards the likes of Anduin, and the growth of RL influence in the fictional setting of the game (that comes from the hand of certain new writers), is indeed creating a tendency that demonises conflict while glorifying peace. Even amongst races that clash with this approach, and reasonings that make said consideration seem completely out of touch with their reality.

And to be honest, that kills both immersion and the sort of enjoyment the game initially marketed.


For them yes, from human point of view, they thought war ended with Blackhand’s defeat.

Blackhand was killed by Doomhammer, how are humans even involved in this? And where is the source for humans ever thinking that? I don’t remember reading anything REMOTELY like that.

Not to mention that Blackhand was killed before the end of the First War, leaving Orgrim to finish it.

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The great war, the horde was initially led by Blackhand whom was picked as first Warchief of the horde after Gul’dan took over when Ner’zhul stepped down. This is also the war, Lothar later declared this war to be lost. It was when Blackrocks marched on Stormwind for the 1st time through Redridge.

All of this is fascinatingly unrelated to what I asked of you. Also, Ner’zhul did not step down. He was turned into Guldan’s puppet after trying to defy Kil’jaeden, his apprentice effectively succeeding him.

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No it isn’t. This is the 1st war, Orgrim killed Blackhand after Medivh died with Gul’dan losing it’s backing. Which could be a spark of hope for humans, but Stormwind already suffered a siege prior to these events and that was led by Blackhand. Second siege was led by Orgrim already. Ner’zhul chickened out at first, Gul’dan seized the opportunity.

What are you even talking about? You had a claim, your claim is:

“After Blackhand died, humans thought the war is over”

Do you have a source for your claim?

He didn’t chicken out, he realized he was deceived.

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I think you have issues with reading or understanding what you read. I am quoting this from the very same link you provided.

Common (or the Common tongue) is the native language of the humans.

It is assumed that when Horde and Alliance figures speak with one another, they speak in Common. In-game, all Alliance characters understand Common, and its counterpart for the Horde is the Orcish language.

Go back to what I said in previous post. Face it, cross faction talking is not happening and there is no reason why it should.

Its simple, horde marches in led by Blackhand on Stormwind. Stormwind retaliates, Medivh dies, Gul’dan loses influence, Orgrim kills Blackhand. Possible end, Orgrim launches second siege on Stormwind this time without Gul’dan.

All of which is completely unrelated to your claim? I asked you a simple question, why would humans think the war is over with Blackhand’s death, and is there a source for your claim?

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What claim? Blackhand led the horde, isnt it natural to think that war is over when the head rolls down? There’s never been a claim.

No? Because the Horde is a world-sized force of orcs intent on conquest? Are you thinking that these warriors are just going to give up because their leader died? Ironically enough, we don’t even know if Stormwind was aware of these developments, or what their opinion was. As for your claim, you said:

This is a claim. One which you must prove. “Humans thought the war ended with Blackhand’s defeat”

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Okay, I give up. I’ll talk to a brick wall now, when I have managed to convince it of something obvious, I’ll take you on as the next harder level of challenge.


I am not sorry because I disagree.

Actually, it was planned to happen, but people were immature and cursing at each other, so it was scrapped. There is literally no lore-viable reason for it to be so.

Well it still isn’t really a claim, but Lothar killed Medivh and discovered the plot behind the dark portal. With Garona assassinating Llane it only shows that they weren’t prepared. And Doomhammer did the unthinkable after the fall of Stormwind, he wanted to turn the horde into honorable force, yet he teamed up with Gul’dan and started 2nd war. War for Lordaeron.

You don’t have a source, ok.

No need for one, the only claim that was there, is that peace is not really desired.
