World of RENDcraft Killing Era!

This is exactly quote about you and generaly about tunelminded playerbase likeminded you. You dont see broad perespective because you see only your personal goal and goal of one class not other classes or negative impact of it on bigger picture of factions and raid setups. And that aint enjoy the game with like-minded players who share our playstyle. Free rend buff isnt playstyle. Its bending gamemechanics for already OP class in PVE on already OP faction for PVE.

You can use whatever envolepe you just cant hide that dopamine additction that went beyond your own control for better parses. Which basicaly means nothing for most of the community because all this bending over the mechanincs for those who can not improve they parsing anymore, not because they would be skillcapped, they are just lazy.

You do not enjoy this game anymore. Thats why you waste your time askign for complete nonsense to able to get last thrill of empty cup you already drunk out.

Once again, every fact and every statistics actually speak for remove any form of Rend from Alliance. Once again reminding you real statistics and consequences of brainwashed metagaming: