World of warcraft a.k.a. Pay To Win

I’ve not really touched old content since the scaling messed things up with the stat squish.

Eventually I’ll have to get round to Nzoth farm but it’s just not high on my to do list atm.

that is not any win … simply that is what u can do in any other game … simply u can find boosting for money in any game … and i lot of them is forbiden … also u can sell igame curency for money and that is also forbiden … and the fact is is there is on buying gold ingame where ppl selling gold for token and ppl selling token for gold … anyway u can stop some ppl from buying gold and buying boost for money … but u can destroy advantage of this ppl but giving option to everyone and earn money … simply u can ban all this ppl for buying and selling gold but following what all this ppl are doing will just make to lose more money …

real pay to win is when u are literaly buy thing for money … like world of tanks and wolrd of ships where u are u have literaly price for every ship and u cant earn that much ingame money if u are dont buying some thing for money … and there is a lot more examples … try to play this pay to win games and come back to wow than u will see difference

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It’s not, just cause you can buy token, get gold, and buy gear on AH doesn’t make it pay to win, it lacks the convenience, plus, you gotta be loaded to do that, or basically be a leech on someone elses living and spend all money you got.

Doesn’t matter if you were happy. Azerite reforging was one of the best systems in BFA. I never paid more than 100g per item. It was good the system explicitly targeted power users and meta slaves. Those are the people we want to drain gold from.

I don’t understand why quality of the game systems seems to be judged by people who aren’t affected by them. There seems to be a trend here that when mythic raiders and m+ pushers suffer it’s a good system. Oh no, you are a min-maxer, you deserve the worst. Oh no you switch specs your offspec has to suck. Oh no, you want to gear up fast but that makes my lfr gear less meaningful and cheapens my experience. Oh no, you have too much fun in m+ lets cap aoe to five targets and make everything overloaded with mechanics i will never do. Oh no there is no meaningful choice in my RP fantasy, lets have covenants that lock you in a heroic dungeon grind, we can’t have m+ drop it at the end of the run. It’s like i can think of the most useless, pointless garbage blizzard introduces and there is gonna be a bunch of people who will tell he how fantastic it was. Why can’t you just respec it at an inn? Lets make m+ for people who hate m+ and raiding for people who hate raiding.

Also I don’t understand the whole “it doesn’t matter if I was happy”. It’s like keeping the players happy is not the point of a video game. What an absolutely deranged answer.

The fact that gold inflation is breaking the economy is an objective fact. Part of what makes MMOs fun is the economy of decisions. I WAS affected by the azerite system. That’s why I kept the cost of respecs low.

No matter if you like it or not, the amount of gold in circulation is breaking the game’s economy. It needs to be drained. The only way to effectively drain gold is to introduce mandatory gold sinks that target the richest players.

All good MMOs have a healthy economy of decisions - where all your decisions have a cost and you need to measure the cost versus the decision. You having to spend so much on azerite reforging is YOUR problem.

Gold sinks are good.

“The only way to effectively drain gold is to introduce mandatory gold sinks that target the richest players.”

This is a paradox, something that’s mandatory can never target a specific group

Of course it can. Hardcore and casual players have different playing patterns. So you can make the gold sink to target specific gameplay styles. A scaling gold sink instead of conduit energy will work very well. Conduit energy is not a concern for the majority of the population. So it won’t hit them. They will still pay some gold, but not too much. But the hardcore mythic raiders, the boosters, they will have to sink a ton of gold. Which would be good.

Because mythic raiders print money, obviously. That’s so clever when it doesn’t affect you. Probably eliminating boosting would kill like 50% of raiding scene in a month because of your lovely gold sinks. Boosting is so big because of gold sinks. People would not boost so much if the game wouldn’t be draining gold from them on every step. It’s a lovely economic cycle of noobs buying tokens, to buy the gold mythic raiders spent to give it back to them for boosting so they can spend it again while bots, multiboxers and other farmers fill in the gaps.

Do you think before you post?

This entirely misses gold rich people that don’t need to respec. Since “hardcore mythic raiders” are the tiniest fraction of the population, what would this achieve?

Thats right, nothing.

In world of warcraft there are certain aspects of the game that require you to convince people to group up with you, and if you don’t do that, you will not be able to experience those parts of the game as fully as you might like.

One of the ways to convince people to group up with you is to give them gold.

Forming friendships is very nice, but some people would rather not be pressured to get involved in that kind of thing and instead do it when they choose to.

So the real problem with the game is that there is pressure on you to form groups, rather than forming them because you want to, you form them because you need to, some might argue that this is what life is about, but world of warcraft is just a game, it’s not the same as real life.

A potential solution to your problem is to remove the requirement to group up and make it possible for solo players to obtain the things they want by themselves, but make it easier if they group up with other people. That way, those that want to play with their friends can do so, and those that want to play alone can play alone too.

Let’s be honest, if they ever did that then every player who craves not having to interact with anyone ever in this game would come crawling out of the wood works complaining that doing it solo was way harder than doing it in a group and that it isn’t fair.

What I am asking for is systems that already existed within the game and did their job incredibly well to be brought back. Vanilla-style talent respecs. Repair costs scaling with gear quality. Overall repairs should be more costly.

The game would be infinitely better if it simply cost gold to swap your covenant and it was immediate. The game would be infinitely better if it cost gold to swap your conduits.

I love how people love acknowledging a problem like gold inflation exists, but then oppose every solution.

Just let people change as they please? One of the most bizarre things about WoW is how often we forget that the game is made to be fun. There is no reason at all why things like this needs to have a massive downside.

Also there is no solution to gold inflation until Blizz turns the tap off, and so far SL has just opened up the valve even more.

Because the mount collectors like myself are the ones who get hit with paying millions for 1 mount as its blizzard way of doing it easy .

How come there was so much gold inflation in WoW classic compared to vanilla? It’s just something with players playing differently and knowing all the strats for raw gold in the first place.

Every attempt at a ‘solution’ to inflation never works anymore because the higher end people making all the gold make such insane amounts compared to the average.

The solution to their problem would be to group up, but at least they would have the choice, as it is they currently have no choice in the matter.

Is it fun to open the dungeon finder and see half the posts be boost ads? No?

You know full well MMOs with broken economies die, right? An MMO cannot be “fun” with a broken economy.

Personally, I don’t think mounts are a good gold sink at all. It worked with the brutosaur only due to the massive advantage it offers to people already making millions of gold, having multiple gold capped characters, etc.

15 years of min-maxing gold making, my dude. Classic was basically private server rules. In Lineage 2 as well - right now we all know the optimal economy of decisions, so making gold there is incredibly easy as long as you know the game. But when that game was new, making gold was incredibly hard - people didn’t know the value of materials, they didn’t know the best farm spots for optimal gold, they didn’t even know how to properly manage their combat.

Lineage 2 does gold sinks veery well. Basically, every hit you make with your weapon is a gold sink.

By the way, some pservers solve the gold inflation by just… straight up deleting half the gold in the economy, meaning after a maintenance every player has lost half their gold. This is a working solution in a private server, but not on retail. But it is a solution.

Another solution is to simply… remove callings from the game. Remove the mission table as it is basically free gold, especially to players with many alts.

One cannot hate the state of boosting without realizing the core problem - everyone has way too much disposable gold and there are no ways of really sinking it. Buying leggos, consumables, etc. IS NOT a gold sink. It is you giving someone gold to buy boosts with.

Not really because in reality, everyone would quit. What works for pservers won’t work for live because people don’t pay for pservers unless they do donations in which you can generally buy stuff like mounts, gear, chars on pservers in the first place.

That’s why I’m saying gold sinks are the way. Ultimately, the amount of available gold needs to be reduced. That’s one of the main ways of combating boosting in a healthy way.