World of warcraft a.k.a. Pay To Win

You provided none, all you’ve given is a self made definition.

“Grass is blue according to my definition”. Anyone that says otherwise refuses to accept “evidence”!

Dat logic. And I use the term “logic” lightly.


What the hell…

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Pay to win, defined by paying something to win.


You literally went and implied that people are wrong while posting your own self-made definition so by your own logic what you said so far is utter nonsense :man_shrugging:
I mean if your idea of conversation is self-burning and denial then you achieved that goal perfectly.

imagon in ff14 you can make 1 mill ea day just followeing a dude around in game for a day.
will you pay a female 1 mill gold in wow have her follow you around a day ? :rofl:

You absolutely don’t have to pay for anything else than subscription in order to win in this game. On side note, if you got a boost or whatever, what did you play then? You played nothing.

I am going to make a very dumb comparison but quite effective - Saying that game is pay to win is equal to saying “Someone brought me a partner and now we are married” and you have no idea why you are married because you skipped all the essential parts.

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it is P2W.


No it isnt

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Technically, any game that has a cost does that. The only ones that could claim that would be f2p with no microtransactions related to that. Just saying. :3

And yet after all those swipes, you haven’t actually won anything! A player could come along and wipe the floor with you who hasn’t used daddys card, so again what exactly has all that swiping won you?

edit…actually don’t bother answering, having read the other posts from you, it’s just a waste of time, only advice is if you so hate the idea so much, simply don’t play.

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Indeed no one needs to buy any boosts or tokens. You can just sub and play or grind gold and play.

If someone feels they are winning by buying a BoE, good for them. But I don’t really see what they are winning but if that’s a victory then great!

Same with boost runs, the race is long gone, they can boost because the people doing the boosting are highly skilled and at this point well geared.


Yet another dishonest copium driven pseudo argument trying to argue that you don’t win anything when “to win” in P2W was never literal.

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Well I got a Legendary Mat that was nearly 300k, and it raised my overall ilevel by 2 :thinking:

If you dont know definition of a word why do you even arguee about it being in the game or not lol. P2W is not about winning. So stop being stupid.

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Everyday we learn new things. That was your turn.

“to win” in P2W is metaphorical, not literal :roll_eyes:

I guess words are just a pretty hat we put on ugly truths :roll_eyes:

I guess most ppl wont even check meaning of things they arguee about.

I mean sure go ahead and ignore evidence and logical reasoning and keep taking everythiung literaly becasue it’s what rational people do, right?