I like the concept that you can’t be a winner in in World of Warcraft no matter what you do, by default you are a loser, no matter if you pay real money or not xD. So WoW can’t be P2W.
The problem mainly is that pay to win means different things to different people.
So people have very different interpretations of what is and isn’t pay to win.
Most popular used definition of p2w is about getting adventage and thats what imo ppl should refer too. But I understand your point and yeah thats the biggest problem in arguments like in this thread.
We have the same thing when it comes to ‘casuals’ and what does and doesn’t qualify someone
This is simple.
A casual is someone who puts in less effort or is worse than me. Anyone who is better or puts in more effort is a no-life tryhard.
I used to have an image for that but I’ve lost it over the years
It doesn’t matter what someone thinks about winning because winning in P2W isn’t literal and the whole concept of P2W is derived from a specific type of system that allows people to funnel money into the game to buy in-game content like e.g. relatively powerful gear.
WoW possesses such system in a form of Token, and regardless of subjective opinions, WoW is by design P2W.
Their logic is indeed correct in a way, if it’s impossible to win game can’t be p2w even if blizzard sells you achievements from the shop. Also whatever somebody thinks it’s their version of reality so you won’t convince anybody that fundamentally disagrees with you.
It’s not, because there is no literal winning in P2W.
P2W is based on a system that allows people to buy e.g. gear, and WoW does have this system and does allow people to pay real money to buy gear.
Whether someone thinks he’s winning or not is beside the point.
Ok, now you are wrong. For it to be p2w you actually need to win something, it’s in the name. You won’t convince somebody that something is p2w if they don’t see anything as winning. Just paying is not enough.
I would suggest you go and read about the subject you are arguing about.
The term P2W was created and given to any game that by design allows people to funnel real money into the game to (initially) buy gear and character power-increasing items. The winning part was always figurative.
It’s literal when I decide and figurative when I say so.
What a champ.
And when I said that it’s literal? Oh wait, I didn’t, but then you are our forum troll so I guess you at least doing your job
Disagreeing with idiotic posts isn’t trolling.
You’ve literally been in about 5 threads with an alternative view and failed to convince a single person.
Stones in glass houses and all.
I mean you are making idiotic posts that contain self-defeating arguments and insults so yeah you are trolling.
Except, I never had a different opinion so keep trolling.
Imagine how shaky your logic is when the best articulation you can come up with is “you be trollin”. Or according to my self declared definition I’m right!

P2W is not about winning. So stop being stupid.

Well yes you do. Like literally - you win bgs and arenas easier than others on your mmr cuz of good gear.
Jeez make your mind up!
maybe you should…

So stop being stupid.
Imagine how shaky your whole existence is if all you can do is post nonsense deprived of logic while pretending that you have anything remotely valid to say on a subject you are utterly ignorant about
Irony at its finest ladies and gentlemen.

I would suggest you go and read about the subject you are arguing about.
I do, I consider wow p2w. But i understand that somebody might not because of different reasoning. WoW is p2w between competing peers only. A guy who buys mythic boosts, m+ 15 boosts, sub 1.8k arena isn’t winning anything, in my eyes. They will start winning something in my eyes if they start buying 2.1k for example because they will start being ahead of me and get better gear, despite not having superior skill. You can’t win versus people who are not your peers and people who aren’t your peers aren’t affected and don’t consider this winning.

The term P2W was created and given to any game that by design allows people to funnel real money into the game to (initially) buy gear and character power-increasing items. The winning part was always figurative.
You do not buy gear and character power-increasing items, you buy currency which gives you access to the same gear other people can buy without paying. The second part of the definition is “to gain advantage over other players”. If you lose your raiding spot because somebody bought 4 BoE’s with real money and some boosts in heroic with gear funnel that’s p2w. You can’t win against a person who doesn’t care though.