World of warcraft a.k.a. Pay To Win

So you agree its subjective?

Or are you so mad right now you can’t type coherent sentences? Because you didn’t just say what you wanted to.

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What someone subjectively thinks about a given game being (or not) P2W doesn’t change the fact that games become P2W by design, so thinking that e.g. WoW is not P2W won’t change the fact that the design makes it P2W.

Putting a step or two in between transactions doesn’t change the fact that you still pay real money to then buy e.g. Mythic gear from the game. And again P2W is not about winning, but about being able to pay real money e.g. in-game gear so you can quit using the same bad argument over and over because it won’t change anything.

You don’t have anything substantial to add to the discussion, and your entire existence in this thread consists of malicious taunting, trolling, and insults.

Welp, welcome to my ignore list :slight_smile:

You’ve not added anything either. And emagerd, an ignore list. The last bastion of the defeated. lalala I can’t hear you. :clown_face:

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i will just say that u dont know what is really pay to win … and that u are talking nonsense

I’m sorry, but you can’t be objectively right in a discussion about semantic definitions because that’s what definitions are, they are OPINIONS and points of view describing a problem. This is not physics or chemistry. For example, there are over 100 definitions of terrorism. You can present your subjective, justified opinion and they can present their subjective justified opinion.

I think that was implied.

If you wanted to buy a boost in wrath you either farmed gold or bought it from third party sellers and risked being caught.

Wow Token has eliminated the risk of breaking the ToS. So people who have the money to spend can progress faster than others who cant, while not breaking any rules.

Hence why people say WoW is pay to win.

I dont really have an issue with level boosting etc like how it was in the early days of WoW, but the state of boosting now has gone too far.
I have no doubt it would significantly reduce if Blizzard removed the WoW token (will likely never happen) and subsequently clamped down on any third party gold selling that would follow such a decision.

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P2W is not about winning based on its definition. Your other quote was my answer to strickt question “what are you winning” and even tho p2w is not about winning but getting adventage you can still win some arenas or bgs easier. Do you understand it now dummy?

Always find that anybody that resorts to calling other posters ‘Dummy’ has already lost the argument, and the quotes clearly show yiu have changed your approach to the subject.

No I didnt but I gues you dont get it neither. Not my fault.

Shouldnt have called him dummy tho, you were right about it.

Whether the game is P2W is dictated by whether it has a specific type of design/system that enables P2W features so yes we can be objective by simply looking at the game design and checking whether that game has such design/system and WoW does have it so WoW is objectively P2W by design.

Btw, you are shooting your credibility by asserting that definitions are just opinions and then asserting that other definitions are something else.
You are just going into a rabbit hole inventing your own rules regarding what definitions are.

I’m not inventing my own rules. First 80 pages to my doctorate were about definitions of terrorism and how they formed, their social implications and genesis. I only found one dictionary with unknown credibility which actually mentions WINNING as the key part of pay to win. Another site defines p2w as PLAY TO WIN. Macmillan - hell if i know what this even is - first google search shows "in online gaming, the practice of buying in-game items that give a player a very big advantage over others. " That’s the only language dictionary. The whole term was never defined by any person of authority, but players. On urban dictionary anybody can make their own definition and it goes up with upvotes. In terms of definition, you are the same authority as anybody else.

Lockouts changed, I know no one wants to recognise that boosters can endlessly run heroic raid, normal raid, torghast, mythic dungeons etc, back in wrath they could boost once per week.

You do, by making an arbitrary decision that P2W is a semantic definition while omitting the fact that P2W is enabled by game design which means P2W is fundamentally defined by facts regarding game design, and not by subjective opinions.

But keep drilling that fallacious argument of yours :man_shrugging:

All drugs should be legal, if an individual wants to use them, they should have the right to do so.

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It is OBJECTIVELY bad for GAMEPLAY. E.g. If I make a pug with “curve invites only” the people may turn out WORSE than 9/10hc invites only because a lot of “curves” are obviously bought with cash/gold.

BAD answer. Back then the main abuse of the system was TCG mounts trading from hard core (actually hard core (top 20-hard core of today)) guilds.
You HAVE a point: but the problem is that point is so diminished back then compared to the tokens-for-cash now that it’s a very bad analogy.

Why all of you seem to be making up your own definitions and then “winning discussions” using them? What fundamental definition, who made it? You? If you make a definition of pay to win that doesn’t involve winning I’m sorry but I doubt anybody will agree with you no matter how agitated and adamant at defending if you become. You are semantically wrong, which is pretty much a fact. Subjectively you might be right but so is anyone.

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No it isnt its an answer you just do not like but its a truthful and honest answer .

Tokens are not selling as the gold keeps increasing atm so the rate of them being bought is very slow please read the FAQ on how the token works then you might make some informed valid points .

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The person you are speaking to does not have much respect for anyone else’s views so you might aswell stop answering them as they are the type to be always right even when ill informed .

Let me explain in more detail how it PRACTICALLY RUINS GAMEPLAY today. For the past few weeks I was making pugs to clear heroic Sanctum of Domination (or at least up to and including Kel’thuzad). Well I’m not joking at all when I tell you that the “curve only” queues I made TOTALLY FAILED compared to the “BE 9/10 HEROIC at least” (and actually inviting a lot of 9/10hc) and it’s not even a matter of “those people don’t stay in wipes” because the ‘curves’ were wiping more and they were not clearing more than 4-5/10 without wipes.