World of warcraft a.k.a. Pay To Win

Just because you deemed it failed does not mean it is.

Everyone wants to blame boosting on the token when it has existed in the game from the start.


I mean, it’s not relevant to the argument about WoW being P2W and if anything P2W (Token) made boosting utterly worse, so by removing Token it’s possible to limit boosting to at least some degree.

And i said this

please read what i said .

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The lockout change has made boosting incredibly viable. The same people can boost endlessly.

That is when it changed from something a guild/group could do once a week to it being something they could run all day.

And it’s wholly relevant that boosting existed before.

You consider the game P2W and you are entitled to your view. Just as others are entitled to disagree.


Exactly this only Mythic cant be done this way . Heroic can be endlessly ran now back in WOTLK once it was killed it was done for the week .

I don’t consider WoW to be P2W, it is P2W by design regardless of anyone subjective opinion.

In your opinion. We are not subject to your definition.

And you are unable or incapable to accept that others feel differently to you. Hence everything with you ends up a non stop back and forth.


You can post that failed argument 100 times and it will remain demolished by basic logic unless you protest for the removal of the answers to it.
It’s a HORRIBLE ANALOGY because back then it was way harder to give real cash to get gold because Blizzard was not profiting from it.
Right now I can ask Blizzard themselves if it’s ok to give REAL MONEY to get gold so I can get “CURVE” and they will say it’s fine!

Back then we didn’t have cross realm either so you could only advertise to your own community and run with your own community. Vastly different from today where it’s any realm anywhere can be invited to a group and carried through.

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According to whom dood? What features? WoW token? What design? Link me a definition of pay to win because I mentioned 3 or write your own because so far most of what you said was inconsistent and pretty much destroyed by your opponents in this discussion. You never write anything down and try to maneuver around different logic so you always seem right in your head. I forgot that I need to be ashamed and drop myself to a level of a 14 year old to talk with people and exchange arguments. Who are you to judge my competence? Everyone who claims you are wrong is incompetent? If you are so competent, simply prove it why you are an authority on p2w? Are you a person that buys achievements and then berates people for not having them or were you a victim of that? Please, simply write down your definition.

You can post your opinion 100 times and it still wont change anything. It will still just be your opinion. It wont make it true, it just means you believe it.

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Pay to win is VERY CLEAR. You give REAL WORLD CASH and you get advantages in game that require SKILL.

The token is clearly pay to win because for example: cash - > gold - > curve.

There is no definition recognised anywhere for pay 2 win, they are all user submitted meanings.

I guess at some stage it might be granted an official meaning. But until then it’s personal interpretation.

I have a very different view on what would make WoW qualify as P2W. However I’m not so arrogant as to feel my definition is king or that it trumps anyone else’s.


You are saying the same thing I’ve been discussing with this people for the last 2 hours. I want to hear their clear personal interpretation and I want them to understand it’s simply that but somehow they are acting like their view on the topic is the only right one.

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What are advantages in game that require skill? Does it have to be any type of advantage? What is skill? To you getting curve means skill, to me it means nothing. You can just exist and get curve without paying. As I said before, the advantage only exists between peers which is very limiting. For example, I lose my spot to a guy that paid real money for arena boost and bought BoE’s. Like many people pointed out before, p2w in your definition also includes illegal activity outside of developers systems. To form a proper definition it needs to be specific and exhaustive.

I presented consistently the same argument with the same logic and all you did is an appeal to ignorance or to the authority which is sad outcomes coming from scene to bolster about writing a doctorate. You were presented with an argument that dives into the history of how P2W came to be and how it works and yet you choose to ignore everything to keep backpedaling while having some sort of collapse of your ego.

Well, I guess this discussion is over.

Based on how the P2W systems work so it’s not a subjective opinion but a substrate derived from evidence which means some of those definitions contain facts.

So you are unable to write a definition? Maybe if you are unable to do that you shouldn’t partake in a discussion. I know why you are unable to. It’s because you are simply inconsistent and scared it will fall apart the moment you write it down.

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All that would do is force people to buy more tokens, since the average player (I’m not talking no lifers that play all day) don’t have huge amounts of gold.
The people that are making the most gold are the boosters, which is why it’s got so out of control.
All you do by making everything cost more is hurt the people at the bottom of the ladder.

Also boosting was never such a huge problem, because the average player didn’t have such easy access to gold.
It’s only been since the launch of the wow token that its spread like a disease.
Yes it’s always been around, but never with such magnitude.

I did write it down, multiple times I’ve told you what is P2W, and how it works, and yet you ignored it every time to make rants like posts containing denial and some sort of ego trips so to be fair it looks like you are the one whos being scared of responding properly to my arguments.