World of warcraft a.k.a. Pay To Win

So by your own words its legal.

Sigh… Pay to win is when you buy items for real money that are usualy better then what you can actually get in game by playing the game (can sometimes be acquired by extreamly long grinds). Thats atleast how i see pay to win.

With the logic ppl have on this topic and thinking this is pay to win… any game that has any sort of economy what so ever is seen as pay to win. As soon as you can get an item with the in game currency there will be ways to get that currency with irl money and therefore making it “P2W”. So just having an AH feature is P2W, this is with YOUR logic.

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There were two sides to that argument and you sided with the one which was defending multiboxing. The funny part was that you all started to cite Blizzard rules only because none of you could figure out any reasonable argument why multiboxing was fine XD

And that’s a lie since you not only defended mutliboxing but also engaged (even with me) into an argument about the automation part of the multiboxing where you argued that it’s not automation therefore defending multiboxing even more.

You’re the one being dishonest by saying that you didn’t pick a side when you clearly did and argued more than you said you did.

Since you want to dive into that rabbit hole of dishonest semantics then I guess this discussion is over.

Token needs to be removed. Bots needs to be permed.

Those two factors are killing the game.


no where near on this level though… shadowlands is just astonishingly bad for it.

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It isn’t. For long time games which were globaly recognized as P2W were selling stong gear which was simply hard to get in the game. Some even added a gambling element to it by selling boxes which had chance to drop X weapon with various types of power upgrades.

One way or another, P2W revolves around allowing people to use real money to obtain in game content, and Blizzard allows exactly that.

You are obviously avoiding the way I want to point out that it would be the same as legalizing drugs if they are sold exclusively by the state.

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There is a difference when the game content is officially on the shop which is maintained and supported by dev themselves and player offered boosting.

BLizz just allows an exchange of gold between players(since the gold you get is NOT printed out but taken from another player). If your boosteer screws it up(fails the boost) or just takes the money and runs then Blizz woun’t reimburse or hold the booster accountable. Boosting = Use it at your own risk.

In the end no game company can stop outside trading for ingame currency. So any game that has a currency that can be traded in falls into that category. I dont see why tokens makes it diffrent.

Weird that you take US politics into this… also kinda ironic as they are the biggest opioid provider there is. Also lets compare them to say Denmark… who is handling the “war on drugs” better, “the land of the free” that has the most ppl in prison per capita in the world? Or one of the happiest nations in the word?

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Doesnt seem like wow playerbase is as happy as your “happiest country” but okay. I dont want to even know how much boosts you buy/sell but I am telling you this, I dont want a virtual game be connected with real life in any way. Your IRL wealth should not have an impact on the game at all. Because this is what P2W is.
Buying gold was illegal before and people risked getting banned, now they spam freely in trade chat and LFG. This is what I dont want to see. I want to play a game, not a marketplace for depressed people trying to cheat their way out of not playing the game.

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Then play a game that does not have any form of trade in it at all because thats where we are at atm. Meaning mmorpg’s aint really a ganre for you.

“Nooooo if you cant deal with pay2win then MMORPG is not for you!!!”

What kind of dumb argument is that? I want MMO without the pay2win garbage, simple as. I like the gameplay of WoW but I dont like pay2win aspect, how hard is it to understand?


Tell me a game with trade in that aint “P2W” with your roundabout logic way.


A game where you can get anything other than cosmetic gear by swiping is automatically pay2win. No roundabout logic. No pay2skip like some pretend to cover it up, its pay2win simple as.
You can buy gold? Pay2win. You can buy gear, directly or indirectly by buying some ingame currency first? Pay2win. You can buy achievments, gear? Pay2win.


So no… you cant

Last time I’ve checked WoW Token is officially on the shop which is maintained and supported by devs, and that Token is used to funnel real money to obtain pretty much any in-game content.

They also allow for RMT since you can exchange real money for gold and other in-game content.

The difference is that some developers do everything to stop it and Blizzard openly allows it by introducing Token.

Then good luck finding a game where there are NOT boosters or gold/money sellers. FFXIV has Gil spam too you know.

TH moment a random guy comes to a game - "Wanna sell mooneyz. Go to www.completeyllegitwebsitewhichsellsmonez. com " and if somebody actually buys them


Actually…how did you even start to play wow then? Gold sellers where at tbc at least as well. So TBC was pay2win as well?

Girl do you see a difference between breaking TOS and trying to earn some cash while risking a ban and getting it promoted on official wow page?

They’re not just allowing an exchange of gold between players, they are also indirectly selling you the gold.

So thats in general the only reason ppl call it P2W… cuz i aint hearing ppl scream that over in the classic servers… even tho boosting and gold selling is well prevelant there. I tried TBCc and there i heard a guildy go on about how much gold he would make from raid runs later on cuz thats what they did in vanilla classic. Ppl bid on items in Naxx for 100k+ and the gold was split in raid… and that was 40 man so he figgured it would be more money in TBC raids.

So yhea… thats the non token game version. You think its gonna magically dissapear if they remove tokens in retail?

You are literally running in circles developing beside the point arguments to trying to deflect the fact that WoW is P2W :laughing:

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