World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Talent Preview

I haven’t seen anything good removed, but rather some baseline abilities have been split into two different talents. Like my current passive as Blood Veteran of the Third War: Stamina increased by 60%, Damage taken reduced by 10%.

With the new system Veteran of the Third War is nerfed and put into the class tree giving 20% stamina for 2 points. Then I need to put 3 points into Blood Fortification to gain 30% stamina and 10% damage reduction.

So overall I lose 10% stamina and need to spend multiple points in 2 different trees to gain back a lesser version of something I already have. Now again, I realize this is a first draft but from what I could tell based on the info we have I would need 32 points in the Blood tree (which is not possible) to get back exactly what I have now, in addition to some things from the class tree.

Aren’t those Stamina buffs going to be multiplicative, meaning that it’ll be 1.2 * 1.3 = 1.56, i.e. 56% total Stamina bonus?

It could be, but it’s hard to tell just based on the the limited info we have atm. But it was just an example on how they did this specific thing.
From what I can tell so far, the spec tree is very rigid if you want a basic tanking setup. The class tree seems more flexible.

Warlock when ?

I was hoping to see something for specs that needs a full rework

No, please. I don’t want the blessing tax on my damage again.

Also, i think mark of the wild is ludicrous.

Choose one buff blizz. Not 3 in 1. Either the run speed, the crit or the damage reduction. This mark of the wild is better than 3 paladin auras put together.

Don’t get your hopes up. I believe feral was one of the specs that most needed a revamp and it’s only touched up a bit. I don’t think they intend to revamp anything in any major way.

Nothing happens when i hoover pointer over icons.

So based on my very limited experience with Druid… this just seems like the classes being stripped down and made barebones to have our cool stuff sold back to us as talents which we have to make Meaningful Choices ™ about? If that is so, then I am not impressed sadly. It doesn’t look like there is anything that is actually new in the trees at all, or even if there are any interesting interactions from choosing abilities that were previously exclusive to one spec.
Please… I never experienced MoP Destro, but I did play in WoD and Legion. Just give me Wreak Havoc, Kil’jaeden’s Cunning, old Fire and Brimstone, Lord of Flames, Dimensional Rift, ANYTHING back. F*** these choices if it means being pruned even more.
I am happy to be corrected - if there is potential for actual honest fun based on what we have seen, then let me know.

well, for someone who played since …forever i do remember that abilities that are now in a spell book were a talent choice to pick for e.g. like dispersion for shadow priest last talent or star fall as last talent for balance druids.

Yep. It just feels used and abused, nothing fresh put in there…


i swear if you keep searing nightmare in the game and dots not doing any damage… you better not disappoint me blizzard when the priest one comes out

Regarding the Druid trees, I don’t even know where to start.

The current paths just gives us less tools than what we have today. It is a straight up nerf.

The point with a talent “tree” should be that there are different paths to take to reach the desired options, but most things are locked behind a single specific path anyway, forcing a certain playstyle if you want a certain utility.
As you mention in the article - there will be prerequisites, arrows etc, and you have to move downwards

You want to be able to stun people in PvP? Well, then you are going to deal damage with Rip.
You want to be able to interrupt people in PvP? Yeah well, this means you are also going to do AoE damage with Swipe.
Those are totally unrelated things! There needs to be more paths.

The only “cool” new thing is the Furor talent (assuming you actually have some other form with abilities to shape into).

As for the Feral specific tree - it is just the same old talents and re-use of the legendaries / torghast powers. Only good thing is I maaaay be able to play without the trash that is Berserk?

I was really hoping for something new, like a fix for our AoE and energy starvation (maybe it will get a little better?).

Looks like the same old garbage, but even worse, so no longer looking forward to Dragonflight.


Not interested as long as it’s not the hunter talent trees. :relaxed:

Okay, first of all its nice to have some info on talent trees of my two main classes, DK and Druid, such a good gift from Blizzard (Its my birthday today, june 4th, the day i see this information being highlighted on wowhead).

As many people mentioned, long story short, its a mix of BFA/SL talents and abilities, with some raw -+ % damage or defensive utility nods, we get some of them as “baseline” for free. In my opinion, we going to have more options, more builds (i hope there won’t be only 1 META build for PvP or PvE, because it would obv ruin entire idea of talent trees coming back) but less overall buttons to press/have on our UI bars.

So far, i welcome every single change, allthought for some time many players will feel “robbed” because Shadowlands basically offer full toolkit, meanwhile this Dragonflight talents rewrap old abilities into something new and “let us choose” limited amount of them.

The only downside i see, is “baseline” talents, that are autolearned and free (if i got it right, we will have some of those), that is wrong, let them just be baseline abilities and free the slot in the talent tree for something more useful. Also maybe more passive nodes could be cool? Clearly more job is needed to be done, i persoanlly wanna have Final Fantasy X skill progression vibes from this change.

Another exciting stuff for me - i noticed that there is a posibility of petless unholy build that may work in PvP or PvE, the branch of the tree that makes it possible hugely resemebles early DPS Blood DKs from WOTLK. I believe there may be plenty more of stuff like this, and i hope it works, for example you can make SL/SL warlocks great again! Or Classic-like enh shamans.

P.S. After seeing frost talent tree background, i can’t stop myself from wanting my old WOTLK Gladiator frostwyrms to be updated to 2022 graphic level even more! I demand my birthday gift!! :slight_smile:

Of course there will be because too many people have been brainwashed by the meta.
Even if there would only be the slightest of throughput differences, there would still be 1 build deemed ‘the one’.

Sadly. I wish they’d turn inspecting of talents off. Just be able to view gear.
It’s nobody else’s business what you like to play.

Ok thanks for the first draft but, where is all the fun skills skill that stand out that make you want to play the class, reusing old content in this i mean skills, is ok but its not new, where for example is summon undead dragon to fight by your side as a CD, or where is skill that make you stand out as a leader of your class? it just feels that there is not enough need to play the classes through to get the best rewards, IE how about a monk that fuses with the celestial based on the spec, so if you were WW you could fuse your spirit with Xuen, creating a new kind of character like a druid transformation that give you new skill or makes the ones you got stronger… sticking to the fantasy but also making them fun… when with DH be able to fly close to illiden…

these are easy fixes they do not have to be super relevant to the games end game like M+ or raiding, but i am sure a warrior becoming so angry he turns on fire would be great to look at and feel like you are in a fantasy…

There are many issues with the blood tree (as always feels like whoever is designing blood dk doesnt play blood dk)
So i can spec into DRW and then pick the improved mass grip… without picking massgrip that THEN leads to purgatory? Wouldnt it make more sense to:
Swap improved mass grip with red thirst (seriously this is even embarrassing)
Swap Unquenchable Thirst to position 3
Swap Purgatory to position 1
Swap Bonestorm to position 4
Think if it makes sense for me to have a cheat death, im forced to put 2 points into improved mass grip, when i dont even have mass grip and i dont need it.

And please just remove death’s caress of take it out of the progression of the tree just make it a side node. Probably replace it with Hasty Bargain

Also can we talk about the fact that the blood and unholy backgrounds are actually pretty bad? How come they got red and green eyes yet we are locked to having blue eyes… How come we didnt get blessed with the dark ranged customizations, I do wanna look like a vampire playing blood, either swap the wallpapers or give us red and green eyes (please give us red and green eyes)


aye you are right if any blessing returns to the paladin tree it should be only ONE
just one

The druid class tree makes sense overall. The only obvious mistake is that ironfur is gating access to soothe/roar/wild charge on the physical side while remove corruption is gating the magic side. It would make a lot more sense if Ironfur was swapped with either Ursoc’s Ensurance or Ursine Vigor (which is clearly less useful for bears but much more useful for feral).

On the other hand all spec trees still need some iteration