World of warcraft: Dragonflight!

I’m not the one going hystirical about a non-existent retcon, filling in my own headcanon and throwing out insults to other people’s mental health.

I’m not going sweaty about lizards mating. I’m just trying to explain that big, living, sentient lizards laying eggs is not a retcon?

Yes, but before the current one they were just smaller versions of the adult ones. And only one was named a hatchling

“One of Razorgore’s eggs that miraculously survived in Blackwing Lair.”

But no, dragonkin bieng able to produce offspring is reeeeeetcon that just now got added.

It’s a mount you sit on.

While the non-existent animation indeed is sad, I’d preffer them to be bigger in general. (tho on gnomes they look quite big enough).

Animation would be nice, but I wouldn’t really expect it from a back item.

I worked hard on the Emerald Drake, so already have it. Probably gonne keep using that one in Dragonflight intead of the nature-y one that’s been added now!


I cant wait to be a Dracy n rping with other Dracys n Dragons n sometimes mages and druids n such :smiley: probably gunna have 2-3 dracys D: (Black dragonflight/Blue/Green)

Sadly, you can only make one dracthyr during atleast the DF expansion.

Personally I want two once they add other class options!

lmao that little dumbass goblin dragon pet


i was thinking to make a guild in future for that,

u can have only 1 dracthy X realm, Like DHs in legion n’ BFA

The one aspect of dracthyr that interests me would be a sort of group inspired by old Wrathion’s ideals. A gray area between hero and villain, a group that seeks to protect Azeroth both from external threats and from azerothians self-destructive tendencies, but may employ drastic methods.

Cultural heritage, social norms, laws, these things should be underneath them (in their mentality, that is). All that matters is their task: to protect Azeroth (and give birth to a new age of dragons?)

I imagine that a group of dracthyr would be both a very intelligent and a newborn race, with a perspective that needs to be adjusted, refined over time.

In terms of loyalties, they’d be unaffiliated - that is, neutral, but not above feigning loyalism to one faction or the other if it suits their needs. Their course of action could be both manipulative and violent, perhaps even having some similarities with the methods employed by the black dragonflight or, why not, even the blue dragons of the Nexus War. With mortals they could be generous with friends - giving them weapons, or fighting alongside them - but also deceptive and outright controlling to those they want to use - ie. giving birth to a cult of the dragons, with zealots and a religion-like aura around them (ie. Wyrmcult) or even feeding them their own blood to control mortal minds (ie. Creed). Mortal civilizations are a means to an end - powerful and strong, therefore useful.

However. While the concept sounds cool on paper, I fear it would just turn into yet another concept to control role-play rather than create cooperative story-telling. In general, a group seeking power and control generates a lot of drama, and I am not sure if people would actually enjoy a concept like this, or simply see it as an OOC threat.

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Personally I am curious to see Dracthyr dealing with the history regarding the Dragonflights as well as that of their creator Neltharion. Because, correct me if I am wrong, they were created and put in suspension when Neltharion was still sane, yes?

Imagine waking up and finding out your dad went nuts and tried to destroy the world multiple times.


This is the story so far.
I am quite curious to see how they will react, indeed. And also, how and why dracthyr should abandon neutrality to join either the Alliance or the Horde when they could be best buds with both. It’s going to be hard to push dragons into either side, and I wonder what kind of philosophies or events will be laid out to help them choose.

i’m imagining the little guy cranking dat soulja boy

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always disliked blizz 's tendency to make murloc out of everything and everyone

How can you dislike MURKIDAN

Or Gillvanas or that Anduin Murloc😏


I did not know this was a thing - WHY you had to open my eyes to this!?

what if they will lead themselves?

Oof, I hadn’t even thought of that.

Either their allegiance to a faction will be minor and loosely justified as a gameplay contrivance, or we’re going to end up with a nonsensical reason on par with Nightborne in the Horde.

I still wish Suramar had been made into some kind of neutral city post-expansion, it’s far too gorgeous to go to waste.

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So like monks, death knights and demon hunters?

While the pandaren in the Horde didn’t really work out by the end of MoP, at the same time during most of MoP seeing that we’d have to convince the Pandaren to join the Alliance or the Horde did work. In my mind, it worked better than BFA. The recruitment war for the same faction was cool, and the two philosophies that would bring the pandaren to join (A) or (H) was overall a decent reason.

It’s not wasted, it is Horde. You just have to switch faction! :wink:
The nightborne have more in common with the sin’dorei than they have with the kaldorei, imo. If they had to become playable and pick a faction, I see why they’d become Horde (then again, there are no players on Horde, so…)

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The greater city is still hostile though, isn’t it? Full of demons, guards, etc.

Those are professions. Having a member of the Alliance who practices martial arts makes sense. Having a Death Knight return to their former culture, like blood elves to Silvermoon out of longing for their people, makes sense. Demon Hunters, also, once free of their mission to end the Burning Legion and siding with a faction to sate their battle lust? Makes sense.

Having the equivalent of an entire country, which received aid from both factions through an incredibly traumatic period, which was only possible through both factions coming together, deciding to arbitrarily go Horde because Tyrande was mean to them one time?

That’s a bit funky.


I really doubt they will release it this year.

Shadowlands had a pretty big delay.

Then again, Q4 is usually when people spend more money, so who knows…

It’s a matter of corporate greed vs quality game development. So far it looks like they’re listening with Dragonflight, having toned down the stakes and reverted talent trees

Well! It would cost us a raid tier or something?