World of warcraft: Dragonflight!

This. The weird part of the Nightborne joining the Horde was that they then immediately went and genocided the Night Elves, not that they decided that going to hang out in trees and barrow dens with the Kaldorei wasn’t for them.

It does make sense that they were going to release this year. World of Warcraft expansions have released, without fail, once every two years.

If nothing else, imagine the Microsoft executive reaction if they were told that Blizzard was failing to push out their flagship title and ultimate cash-cow product on time. Sure, it’ll hurt the product but you can bet that if they pushed for a 2023 release date, there would have been dire consequences for everyone working on the game.

Just noticed this from the purchase on Bnet:
**Drakks pet pre-purchase bonus offer ends at the launch of World of Warcraft®: Dragonflight.

I thought we were talking about the dracthyr here?

Was about the dracthyr no?

I was talking about Dracthyr and used the Nightborne as an example of previously weird storytelling.

Yes, and I agreed that the dracthyr joining a faction (which they won’t) would be like death knights, demon hunters and monks joining a specific faction (which they didn’t).

It won’t be like Suramar at all, because Suramar was an entire nation with multiple proffessions instead of a minor order of a specific class.

Disclaimer: I have just been drinking a spritz without eating and you’ve almost implied that the nightborne’s involvement in the BFA war made sense. HAH. Good one.

That was a weird flex due to a forced narrative in which all of the Horde races were kind of involved in this military alliance where, seemingly, if a group decides to be on the offensive everyone else also has to (mind: in MoP this wasn’t the case for the Alliance… And I like to think Suramar didn’t send a lot of Nightborne in Ashenvale or Darkshire - because why should they? They have more interest in being needed by the Horde as those who can offer magic counsel, rather than help the Banshee Queen to rule a continent in which they have zero stakes in).

In the end, my wild guess is that the Nightborne wouldn’t like to partake in a war in which they have no stakes in, and might actually end up in conflict with the Horde if Warchief Sylvanas’ imperialism switches focus and begins to think that the Nightborne have too much independence, which is something she might do if she decides it is time to exploit the Broken Isles after the Alliance is defeated. Or in general once Kalimdor is established as the center of the Horde’s operations, their presence in Suramar will geopolitically lose weight under a Warchief whose declared vision is to separate Kalimdor from the world and make it a Horde paradise.

In general, while opinions may vary from character to character, as a people, they have little to gain from the Horde’s triumph over the Alliance in Kalimdor.

Let alone the fact that Sylvanas’ atrocities and attempted genocide have a lot of similarities with the Legion’s agenda and influence over the city - and as of Shadowlands, it is revealed to be exactly that: a big bad guy which is at war with the universe used the nightborne (again). This, in general, is also a weird flex for another reason: in Legion, a major theme for the nightfallen’s storyline was the empowerment of one’s moral conscience, and how a refusal of evil tyrants is a noble choice to make. This progression, however, is completely overlooked in BFA. You’d think this would make some Nightborne question Thalyssra’s decision but alas, this is the best we get: Valtrois speaking of a sense of uneasiness.

I still have an uneasiness, Rexxar. I advise caution in doing as one is told, when it is against their better judgment.

The nightborne suffered greatly under the Legion’s heel. The atrocities I witnessed… it is distressing how much I am reminded of them now. I will leave it at that.

Yet they do nothing. And we do not know how the nightborne react to the night elves getting genocided either.

As for their faction leader, she’s too busy trying to bang Lor’themar or join some suicide-mission given to her by Sylvanas. Thalyssra herself is like, “Yeah, the Alliance fighting the Horde isn’t the real battle for Azeroth” ( and even notices similarities between Sylvanas and Elisande, but seemingly doesn’t care at all. Rather, she is fine risking her life for Sylvanas’ antics. Hopefully Sylvanas wanted to get rid of Thalyssra because she was a potential rebel, but we don’t see her realizing any of this, we just see the nightborne being used by a tyrant who made a pact with the enemy of all life (again).

TLDR. Nightborne in BFA = bad role = bad lore. ARGH don’t say it made sense/was a good take because it did not make sense and made Thalyssra look really, really, really, really, really bad.

maybe they are realeasing it this year cuz… ok, it’s easy. Quests and zones really need testing other than blizz themselves?
the raiding might need tests yeah, but other than that the major things they need to test are dragonriding, professions and dracthy, and that’s it.

They kind of have to. It’s in the fine print of pre-ordering the expansion. “Product will release before or in the December of 2022.”

plus in SL they did that too. “will release on or before december 31st 2020”
they can say the release day is during october/november and then go for december

That’s a very long essay to get written on account of you misinterpreting what I said but thanks.

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Didn’t stop them pushing Warcraft: Refunded back.

But they also ended up releasing the game prematurely because they didn’t want to risk people asking for refunds because of delays.

It’s a pre order, you can cancel it at any time, for any reason.

Unless you’ve used the product, like making a new character with the new preorder race/class.


Was he ever truly sane?

In the scene where the five are first made Aspects and elevated from proto-drakes in Dawn of the Aspects, everyone else accepts their charge at first except Neltharion’s already implied to be corrupted by then as he’s distracted, listening to something else in the distance before he hastily accepted the role.

They wanted you to think it was the Old Gods but it was actually just this on repeat


my man been listening to this everyday in his head for millenia and i think that would make us all a little gay for malygos insane after a while. just a little

Does having the mount or wing transmogs in your collection count?

In my experience with Reforged, no. I preordered it, got the meatwagon mount, used it a bunch, refunded the game before it came out, lost the mount but got my money back.