World of warcraft: Dragonflight!

Now that I re-read that scene, one could indeed question that. And should it be true, one could wonder if the Dracthyr have also inherited some of their progenitor’s madness. I remember that atleast in TBC, Kyrigosa noted that the netherdrakes definetly had Deathwing’s temperament.

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Yes, you consumed the item by collecting it and thus cannot roll back your purchase.

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I hate that, I may have to make several trp’s then n change at the barber from times to get all my dragonflight+extras needs

I’m not expecting much from Dragonflight and I won’t be prepurchasing. The expansions have been less and less fun since Legion for me personally and I’m not excited to see that Blizzard is pushing for a late this year release; it will line up with their last quarterly of the year and as the execs reap a fat bonus from the goodwill of the remainder of a loyal and hopeful fanbase.

Sargeras tried to save us from this fate.

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There’s always a bigger fish, apparently and the stakes keep rising but when every year holds an existential threat on a global to universal to metaphysical scale, what’s meant to even faze us anymore? Bad droprates?


to be fair, if they dropped it in December 31 it would technically be next year. as no one will play on New years as most people will celebrate. Also the usual lag during the first day

New years tends to be a stormy night for me, so RIP internet connection.

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I’m low-key hoping Dragonflight will be the MoP of this time. We go to explore a new continent, existential threats are on the backburner ( Unless MoP Garrosh counts as one), and we just deal with local troubles.

We used to laugh at the pandas, but now who’s laughing :frowning:

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MoP’s Horde counts as one, look what the Horde did to Alt-Draenor!

But yea, I am really hoping the same!

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Replaying my least favourite content to unlock zones and phases I’m reminded of how utterly irredeemably bad the iron horde was and how Grom in particular forced all to follow him or die. The mag’har as a group have a lot to answer for.


Pretty sure that happened already

They never earned a sympathetic role.

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If the Iron Horde answering for their atrocities only took multiple decades, then perhaps the Horde will, one day in the future, answers for theirs aswell…

There is only so many times you can blame one leader for the atrocities committed by everyone in a group😏

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Hey, I’m all for another faction war.


Alright, let’s have a look at the pricing.

  • The Base Edition of the expansion will cost $49.99, granting access to the expansion, Dracthyr Evoker, and the Drakks battle pet.

  • The Heroic Edition will cost $69.99, including a Tangled Dreamweaver flying mount, Murkastrasza pet, and level 60 character boost to help a character start the expansion content.

  • The Epic Edition will cost $89.99, also featuring the Timewalker’s Hearthstone, Diadem of the Spell-Keeper transmog, Wings of Awakening transmog, and an extra 30 days of gametime.

First, if you are going to play Dragonflight, you have to buy the expansion anyway. Also, there is no version where you can pre-ordere it without the Drakks battle pet; therefore, we can just assume $49.99 to be the baseline and move on.

Secondly, the Epic Edition includes 30 days of gametime, for which you’d have to pay either way; therefore, we can reduce the Epic Edition’s price by $12.99 to $14.99, depending on your subscription model.

You therefore have the choice between:

  • $49.99: Get the Expansion and a free Drakks battle pet.
  • +$20: Get a Tangled Dreamweaver flying mount, a Murkastrasza pet, and a level 60 character boost.
  • +$5.01 to $7.01: Also get the Timewalker’s Hearthstone, the Diadem of the Spell-Keeper transmog, as well as the Wings of Awakening transmog.

What a steal!

Does anyone remember a time when prices weren’t determined by psych majors?

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Consequences are for people rocking the boat, not enablers.


I’m positive I preordered the Epic/Legendary Shadowlands version or whatever and then cancelled when they delayed it and there wasn’t any issue with it.

They took away my preorder bonuses and locked the boosted character and that was it.

If you remeber that right then you’re most certainly a rare exception as there have been many loud examples on the WoW support forum, reddit and elsewhere of this exact problem arising with people canceling their preorders for different expansions and being denied because they used the game they paid for in advance by boosting, using a mount or whatever.

The product is considered used and not refundable if you use what you paid for.


I mean I don’t know, that sounds insane, especially if they delay it. If I preorder to get my game on 22 DEC and it’s 5 JAN and they still haven’t released it, I don’t see how I couldn’t get a refund. They literally failed to deliver the product I paid for.

I paid for ABC and they only delivered C, how can they argue that they did their part? In my country consumer protection would tear them a new one.

Alas, you enter a contract with an american company under california law in order to buy and play the game. I’m not wrong. If you preorder and use up a second of that 30 day playtime in the bundle, add a mount to your collection or unlock a new race you’ve effectively consumed the product and cannot get your money back.