World of warcraft: Dragonflight!

I’m quite sure that the 2014’s European Union’s Consumer Right’s Directive trumps that, at least on this side of the pond. At least if the refund request is made within 14 days or so.

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It’s possible, though there are plenty of examples of players being denied. You’d have to fight for it or get really lucky.

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Good concept :slight_smile:

My concept while it’s still such a grey area, is more of that some Dracthyr (like my own) may want to follow the explorers’ league and the reliquary’s conduct and just start exploring the mainland of Azeroth and get some more insights on history, the current cultures etc… Learning from the other races and letting the other races learn from them, growing bonds between eachother over time, to strengthen the unity.

Hopes are that when the expansion comes round to grow that into a little group of likeminded individuals with Dracthyr as the main focus, but open to all others to explore each others history, cultures etc etc… not shunning any like minded individuals for their race or class, though keeping with a bit more of a law abiding scene :sweat_smile:

Now I’m just imagining a triple threat match between a Dracthyr, a Death Knight and a Demon Hunter… :rofl:

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For some reason I feel the Dracy has the edge on both,

The city guard just need to diversify their hiring and fight fire with fire, so to speak.

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I’m going to make a blue Dracthyr and ask mages if they’ve got a license for that magic.


Think it’s rock paper scissors

DH is too fast for DK
DK dunks on all of draccy’s magic and pulls em out of the air
Draccy has too much magic for DH

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Arthas vs Illidan proved that DK > DH

And that was when Arthas was weakened by the assault on the Frozen Throne! :smirk:


This is fast approaching Dragon Ball power levels of stupid, but he got his power restored by Ner’zhul at the start of that chapter and the battle took place right at the Frozen Throne, the center of power for the LK and the Scourge.

Anyway my warlock can beat all your DHs, DKs and dragon scalie OCs because my tracker unit says so


Neither Arthas nor Illidan represent perfectly average specimen of their respective classes so afraid not


That fight kinda always p*ssed me off abit
N @ Tehya, styles make fights, Im still hoping Dracy get some kinda melee spec but if they do they are kinda OP af then

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There’s a bit too many melee specs in the game. None of the new classes that were added to the game after Vanilla have a ranged dps spec, while each of them has at least one melee dps spec. Let’s not forget that we actually lost a ranged spec when they turned survival into a melee in Legion. For the game’s health, we need to balance out the amount of melee and ranged specs. Not giving Evokers a melee dps spec is a good start.


See now all that makes perfect sense, buuuuut, they are draconic super soldiers and I want to be able to roll melee and be black dragonflight aligned/looking, and tbh…maybe not melee spec for evoker but just allowing dracy to roll more than one class would be dope, add warr to it

agree, and they did say they might eventually
just hope they don’t give evoker to any other races

which is not entirely surprising

it’s an unfortunate truth that, in the end, ranged specs/classes are missing out on half the gameplay. It doesn’t matter to them where the boss faces or where it is or what attack it’s doing, all they have to consider is whether there’s a swirly under their feet and if so quickly take 2 steps to the right before spamming away again.

not just in WoW, either.


That’s not entirely true for endgame stuff. Mechanics that only the ranged have to deal with while melees freely tunnel the boss are a thing. It’s like you said that melees are missing out on half the gameplay because they don’t cast and can step out of fire without stopping their dps rotation.

actually illidan is an incel so he perfectly represents the average demon hunter


Ah fair enough! Been a while ago since I last played Warcraft 3!

Drac’thyr Druids… Scalies would have a fieldday😔

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They do though - they are the main DHs and DKs of the story and the classes were molded after them, their abilities, and combat style.

ten THOUSAND years and he’s still not over it
yeah that’s a demon hunter alright

Yeah but i’m talking about the parts that more than 1% of the playerbase does

One of them was wielding the superdupererest sword to ever superduper and the other ate the skull of guldan

Neither of them is by any stretch, as I said, an average specimen.

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Yeah they had good magical stuff, but they are still representative of their class.