World of warcraft: Dragonflight!

Sure, I wouldn’t say otherwise and if that’s what you got from my post I can only try to be more clear about it in the future.

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I’d frikkin’ love a dracthyr hunter. Blackscaled/black dragonflight-aligned with drakeadon pet!


Lol I know, you’ve mentioned it a few times, hopefully we get our Dracy hunter/warr/enh shammys n we can take over the world!
@ Tehya, I agree, I think evoker doesnt fit any other race due to what it is, a draconic super soldier project, but they should atleast have some “basic” classes like Warr/Hunter (I would love enhance shammy but not entirely sure if it makes sense, I’d like it just for the firey melee combat stuff) I just want my draconic looking axe/sword mogs from the classic raids for my black dragonflight Dracy! D:

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That California Law means diddly squat in Europe, where the consumer has X days to get a full refund for the product he bought for ANY REASON.

Hardly, if you read Rise of the Lich King the only reason Arthas wins most fights is that Frostmourne is a ridiculously OP weapon.

He was not… he’s at peak power in that level…

tbh, i think dracthy should have just evoker but that’s my opinion.
and dracthy hunter? mhh, ok it could work since (saw in the commercial screenshots) there will be things like Dragonfrogs :slight_smile:

Your my enemy now.

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prepares minigun

Makes sense. One could even tame a Drakeadon in Blackrock Mountain!

I stand with you!

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With a mighty and wise gnome warlock beside me this mechagnome stands no chance.

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Point behind you where several mechanical units stand offline

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Offline means useless.

Would need to be done more tastefully than the vulpera hunter with two fox pets, riding a giant fox. Or the worgen equivalent.

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Gonna be a dracthyr using a dragon pet, dragon battlepet, riding a dragon mount, while bieng a dragon myself!

The sheer audacity.


exactly, they are untill…
takes out a device to activate the robots
so? surprised?

Blows a horn which resounds all over the forum planes, a loud thunderous noise can be heard in response, and light can be seen filling the sky as all the Paladins come galloping over the horizon, armed with lance, hammer sword and axe this army of Light comes crashing down the hill and utterly destroys Robokiller and his robot army with zero effort involved, not a single machine is left working as they are crushed under hoof and torn to pieces by sword and axe, smashed by hammers and skewered by Lance, a great day as the Light of the race of man triumphs over the herecy of machine, all rejoice and the forums live happily ever after.

Robokiller: “Activate the droids.”

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Thus Azeroth is doomed to another millennia of medieval bickering when we could’ve gone into space.


Why go into space on spaceships fighting Titans on planets that look like hell when we can chill in the Pig n Whistle down a few pints n then watch two nobles punch the snot out of eachother outside.