World of warcraft: Dragonflight!

You make a compelling argument. I do enjoy seeing the aristocracy take a beating.

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Only off other aristocrats mind, not those filthy peasants ofc.

even after the effort of the paladins, the father of these machines still lives somewhere in the world. another instance of Robokiller comes back


An Old Sigtryggr looks out across the planes, 30-40 years perhaps since his great battle with Robokiller, Lord of the Machines, he is surrounded by his sons and grandsons whom ask “What are you staring at, Lord Sigtryggr?” The old Paladin would turn his head and pause for a moment before responding “Robokiller, he is out there somewhere, we never recovered his body that day, always be ready…” The clan would all mumble quietly peering at the aged Paladin like he was a lunatic and carry on their business, Sigtryggr would stare off across the mountains and planes, ever waiting the return of Robokiller, Lord of Machines.

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Don’t worry, Sigtryggr.

My grandson knows the truth as we do. He has been preparing. Training. Fighting.

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Thank you old friend, we know how that battle and beef went down, I praise the Light that you raised a grandson to know the threat that lays ahead, prepare him for the menace that is Robokiller and his heretical ways, if we must, we shall ride out one more time together.

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Robokiller sends a mechagnome back in time specifically designed to destroy Sígtrygger. The mechagnome was designated the T-800.


Sigtryggr in his youth comes across a Robokiller drone/clone, unsure what it is during his time training in Northshire, him and his chums give it a wedgie and take its lunch money before running off to laugh about it ect., Ted and Chad and Sigtriggr all celebrate that night, unsure what their future entails

robokiller is from afar walking near. the old paladins come out from they’r homes with they’r gransons and expect the worse, but he keeps walking, alone, untill he is 100 meters afar. he turns his hand into a horn and an army from another universe comes into this world, a creature that was only a myth for many…

Horns can be heard sounding across the planes, fires can be seen lit in the distance as a an army of Human Male Paladins arrive on the horizon of a hill, their banners flitting in the wind here and there, an old rugged Human Male Paladin can be seen breaking through the line to make its centre, Sigtriggr, Hero of the War between man and machine, he would cough and clear his throat before speaking aloud before those gathered that day “Brothers and sisters in the Light, we stand here this day, 40 years or more since the last when we defeated this vile heathen army, an army of machine and midgets! will we be ruled by children with greater savvy over tech than us!?! or shall we rule over these!?, I stand before you, veteran of the war between man and machine! I Sigtryggr shall ride first against the heretic!” A loud cheer is heard, it resounds around the coming battlefield, horses can be heard stamping into the earth, men are hollaring, drums beating, wolfs howling, the battle commences…

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the geese start honking so loud that many of the paladins ears explode and fall to the ground.
horses are scared and start running away

the geese go foward eating some of the paladins alive

Sigtryggr steers to the left as a goose darts at him, savaging the knight to his side as it does, eating it alive, Sigtryggr turns his head, screaming can be heard as Human Male Paladins are being taken out be a wild geese horde, beaks taking them from their horses and wings flapping them to death, he leans back in his saddle, covered in blood and rides on! Sigtryygr cuts down a goose as he it dives towards him, he strides on as his comrades are butchered by the birds and aims for Robokiller in the distance, trying to close the gap!

robokiller dosen’t seem to be surprised the others are having a best at his goose army, he takes a megaphone and says “you don’t give up yet huh? fine, let it be then…”
from the sky, ducks carrying manabombs come and lauch them over to they’r enemyes

Sigtryggr darts out the way on his trusty holy destrier as the manabombs fall, melting goose and Human Male Paladin alike, as he closes on his enemy, as they are in distance of one another Sigtryggr pulls on his reigns and charges forward sword in hand, glowing with the power of the light of the race of man! “You shall know this day fiend, the human male paladin surrenders to no man, machine or flesh!” Sigtryggr would dig his heels in as he swings furiously toward Robokiller!

robokiller has low battery and decides to perform an robo-teleport and every duck, goose and clone of his disapear at once. but not the mana bombs…
he will be back


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Sigtryggr halts to a stop as all the geese, ducks and machines vanish his army half dead the other half looking around astonished, the coppery smell of blood thick in the air, Sigtryggr peers to the sky unsure how long it will be till he once again meets his dreaded nemesis, almost half a century had passed since their previous battle, who knows until the next…

Well, this devolved into a IC RP thread rather quickly…


it’s so much better this than the weird stuff that happent in the past -_-

So those dragons huh, are they flying? A flight of dragons, if you will


if you mean dracthyr i think they sayd they have a built-in mount to fly. now immagine an RP event where some evil dracthyrs come from the sky flying… THAT would be cool in some organised event.