World of Warcraft: The Social MMO... But Only If You Like Queuing with Strangers

Just going to entertain you for a bit. Ever thought the idea of people actually wanting to be alone? Instead of thinking ways of Blizz to try and force peps at gunpoint “TALK TO THEM!!!”

maybe those people shouldnt play an MMORPG then. or if they do they shouldn’t expect changes be made to cater to them

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Of course I have. Vanilla WoW lets you do that and that’s perfectly fine.

If you wanna be alone you can also choose to play a less social game if we wanna be a bit blunt - but original WoW had 250 hours of solo content in it at the very least, making it one of the biggest single player games ever made.

But it also has a lot of social elements that aren’t obvious things like tagging up for a dungeon. The auction house is a great example of that, so is going through a big populated city even as you don’t talk to anyone.

A dead WoW server is not the same as playing alone. I hope you’ll never truly know the difference, though of course there is a very easy way to find out which I won’t share here because it’s against the ToS.

Yet if you bring back mobs turning grey when one person tags them I’ll probably never touch current zones again and eventually quit.

Well nobody here is asking for changes to benefit solo players now? And even if its an MMORPG, lone wolf play style is still a valid play style. MMORPG is not a dating simulator either…

I am just not sure about this “social” crusade some people are waging. EVEN before LFD, people mostly communicated within their own guilds, friends lists and so forth. Dont try to convince me that you “befriended the whole realm”.
Pretty much nothing different now. People are still active in their guilds/communities and etc…only most of the chatting has migrated to discord cause the platform is more easy to use.


This guy is expecting changes to be made to cater to him… what are you talking about. Even the developers got older and started realizing how much time is wasted screaming you need a group into the void. They have families and work too.


This is just the trend of the week due to only HC dungeons being open now.

When M+ opens, everyone will be spamming how they are forced to wait hours in Dungeon Finder while everyone keeps rejecting them, before that there will be salty remarks from everyone who did not make it into the raid group of their guild/community/whatever during M0/HC raid week.


How do you think we built them in the first place?

Of course you didn’t befriend the whole realm. That’s what the town effect is - the situation where a realm is so big you can’t possibly know everybody, yet small enough that you can become locally famous. Like a town with 20-30k inhabitants.

Ah yes. Looking forward to that as well. “The evil elitist m+ gatekeepers” have personal vendetta against them and are declined on purpose and its a personal decline specifically aimed at them.

/sarcasm off :rofl:

You all want to know what appeals to solo players? Regular content releases. Offline games don’t have the budget to keep releasing more story and content after the release. So you’re paying $70 a pop per single player game, and you can’t invite a friend or two into it. Introduce the MMO! You can play solo, but gasp, you can invite a friend or three from your real life but you don’t always have to wait for them to be online to play!

There’s regular content releases for just a little more than that single player game at first, and then a $15 a month subscription to maintain it! Easy peasy! And again, you can invite your friends! And don’t have to always include strangers online (because seriously some of us still have our stranger danger senses.)

When you do need to do group content, you don’t have to waste 45 minutes talking to the void hoping to do content and hoping nobody leaves to so you can finish that dungeon. You don’t really know anybody, and may not care to get to know them, so you can play with randoms. Again. Easy peasy!

Or for those people who work the night shift or have 12 hour long days of work with no vacation time! Even if your friends aren’t online, you can still play the content by queueing with randoms. Again. Easy peasy!

(Psst, sorry I used freedom units, I’m an American who plays EU for friends!)


One way or another, solo contents options introduced by Blizzard more and more are so far looking to be an overwhelming success, so I don’t see why they would step back from this direction.

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wow these days is filled largely with what i like to refer to as ‘husks’. their souls left long ago, they just go about their business doing the chores casting their spells. it might seem like there’s a real person controlling that character but it’s just a shell.

I am really looking forward to how will the major tank change and everything around it affect the day-to-day gameplay. Some people say that there will be shortage of tanks, some say it will be the same.

I already see the headlines of those forum topics. :popcorn:

People minding their business are not “husks” lol. Do you go to any grocery or mall and say “Hi!” to absolutely every living human being there?


In Legion I wanted to start raiding, so I looked through general chat if any guilds were looking for players. I found one and ended up joining a guild that I’d play with for the whole expansion casually raiding heroic. Eventually it sort of fell apart and people have gone their separate ways.

In BfA I wanted to try mythic raiding so I once again hit up a guild recruiting through general chat. I found friends in that guild I ended up playing with and stayed in contact for years, some of them are great friends of mine to this day. I’ve developed a network of friends and people that allowed me to comfortably stay in the raiding scene without much hassle.

RDF was a thing through all of that and at no point was in even a factor in this journey. If you can’t find the social aspect in this game, it’s 100% a you problem and you’re not sincerely trying. Find a guild that shares your interests.

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True, to be honest I don’t really understand what would these “social-seekers” expect from their gameplay session. Like what would be the ideal state of theirs so that we can get a better picture of what they are trying to tell us.

[insert Robbin Williams in a Murlock Costume, in plays the tune for Blame Canada]

Things have changed
Queues make it worse
They won’t talk to others,
They just want to queue and worst
Should we blame the players?
Or blame society?
Or should we blame the noobs that we see?
No blame Look For Group!


Blame Look For Group!
With all their timely little lives
And attention spans like wilted chives


Blame Look for Group
Blame Look for Group
We need to form a full assault
It’s Look for Group’s Fault

Don’t blame me
For my GM Sam
He went off to work too soon
And now nobody wants to plan

And my friend once,
Had time to ask for groups,
But now when I see him he tells me to stuff myself

Well blame Look for Group


Blame Look for Group
It seems that everything’s gone wrong
Since Look for Group came along
Blame Look for Group
Blame Look for Group
They’re not even real players anyway

My son could have been a leader, or an officer now it’s true
Instead he burned up the guild charter on a barbecue

Should we blame the devs?
Should we blame the plebs?
Or the times that allowed this to inspire?

Heck no
Blame Look for Group!
Blame Look for Group!
With all their hokey hullabaloo
And that witch I’m married to


Blame Look for Group!
Shame on Look for Group!
The queue we must stop
The queue we should of trashed
The laughter and fun
Must all be undone
We must blame them and cause a fuss
Before somebody thinks of blaming us

and there you have the problem with our modern world. that you would even say that shows how out of touch you are.

we are social creatures - and it’s socially acceptable to BE a husk in public now.

yes i wish it was normal to greet my fellow human being on the street or at the shop, but tragically that would be considered ‘weird’ now.

basically all sense of local community is dead in the real world - why would you be happy that it’s died in our game too?

Presumably that nothing would change in the past 15-20 years. Social media barely existed back then and whatever existed wasn’t really used for gaming, so WoW essentially filled that role. But since then so much has changed and communication has moved to other channels, mostly Discord. This is true irrespective of the existence of RDF. These “husks” you’re encountering are probably having a great time with their friends in voice chat while you’re being miserable and complaining about the good old times instead of doing something to actually find people to play with.

Its called ethics. Going around pestering every person you would consider you a nuisance. People have limits and boundaries. The same as you cant insult every person you see on the street(well…you can but expect consequences).
Even in social animals or hives. Worker drones for example don’t pester the queen unless its their job to do so and etc. They also follow their own set of rules and etc…

Because the game is played by humans? You can’t expect people to suddenly change their behavior or nature only because they are behind the PC screen(not talking about some specific role play exceptions. If you roleplay as maniacal killer…doesnt mean you actually are one in real life and etc. But thats just actorship and nothing more.)