World of Warcraft: The Social MMO... But Only If You Like Queuing with Strangers

I agree with you, I am also almost 100% of my sessions of WoW with my bois on Discord. And it doesn’t matter if I do tasks in open world of if I push rated PvE / PvP.

That is why I am wondering what the social-seekers really want, e.g. how it would look like in their ideal world?

I would like to analyze it as someone who has played wow for almost its full duration since late vanilla / TBC.

Majority of players doesnt care about M+. Those people quit long before even reach m0. Do you know why? Becouse baseline WoW content is utter joke and game shouldnt have any difficulty levels in first place. I literaly went trough main story did few dungeons and alredy quit TWW becouse last thing i want is to hop on pointless M+ treadmill and farm gear for no literal reason then just seeing your numbers to go up.

Like I said, a world that didn’t change. Where WoW is still the only virtual place to meet and talk to people about WoW, and where platforms like Discord don’t exist to “steal the spotlight”.

But as we say:


Wait so you telling me if i play game and i will need other players to do some group quest or dungeon i will instead of using ingame channels to find those players people would no hop into Discrod to look for people to do ingame stuff? LoL

I mean i just log in into classic and my LFG and world channels are perma spamed by other players looking for others to do quests, dungeons, raids, bgs, etc… So somehow your discrod version doesnt apply for classic.

Well, if it works on classic then I think it is really great for you to go there and enjoy it, if this is up to your alley :slight_smile:

I am happy for other players that they don’t need to spam LFG channel for every single dungeon in retail though, my tanking service is very expensive for content I don’t need myself.
I remember trying out classic to feel it like it was 15 years ago, and I remember being spammed by people asking me if I want to tank their run.

I called Heroic dungeons “pointless faceroll” earlier in this thread. I know LFD dungeon content is giga easy, so I don’t play it.

The gear in m+ is to help get its rewards. I will be trying to get the diamond mech suit mount. Maybe some portals too, but only if they are easy to get once I have some gear.

Thing is this desing is good for mmo game your desing is not and people what enyoj this type of desing in mmos are utter minority. Maybe Bluizzard should for once listen to people what quit playing WoW and no to keep listeing those who still play and maybe WoW will actualy start playing way more people.

There are communities, there a guilds, there are discords. I have a full group of people I’ve spoken too in and out of wow seasonally and they still stick around to be social, if more people wanna join they are more than welcome to.

The first step is saying hello.

we are not bees in hives lol. we’re tribal creatures who create and thrive within communities. that you can’t understand why the death of community is such a travesty really sadens me. as if living as a husk in a big city is mankind’s dream reality.

the modern world is extremely new, and the amount of mental illness out there would suggest it isn’t exactly ideal for SOCIAL beings like ourselves.

People living in tribes for survival doesn’t mean that you “need to BFF with everyone”. You can be the tribe’s best hunter but at the same time chose to sleep alone.

People banding together was a survival instinct for strength in numbers, not because they wanted to “make BFF with everyone they see”.

Well, we can only dream of what could be.

I remain happy with the way the game is and it didn’t feel this good since a long time. Especially with Delves being added and a lot of different weekly lockouts through the zones.

Classic players are way more inclined to do that because they already came into the game with this mindset likely for that exact reason, so naturally you’ll see that more in classic. That’s largely the purpose of classic in the first place.

That said, groups formed in classic are often times just as much just a matter of convenience as in retail, not the dreamed up social heaven people speak about.

No we are inclined to do that becouse we have to do that beocuse game forces us to do that.

You are pretty right in my opinion and i see your point. But look at this. People playing this game so much and many of them are really tired about doing quests - so spamming dungeons with group finder is more interesting and dynamic experience.

We still can group on m+ and raids.

If a person is not in the mood to socialize, then he will just say the bare minimum to get his foot in the door and leave afterwards.
“Hi, me mage. me do dps, inv.”
“Ty, bye”.

And thats no better that your average hi and byes we see in pug raids and m+s.

Well, that can remain in Classic then. Especially if it is the reason for Classic to exist in the first place, so that players have game suited to their needs better.

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Yes its is better and this is actualy happen in minority of cases as most of time youa re actualy forced to talk to others in order for others to know that you need something done. And on retail you dont get even Hi or BB. In fact you will propably get kicked for being annoying. Retail isnt mmo and people what like retail are not players what like to play mmo games and definitly doesnt like to play rpg games.

Classic doesnt have new content.

People said their average hi and byes in raids and m+, even ask when to pop big CDs, heroes(if planning to make big trash pulls) in previous seasons. Dont take the recent rush fiesta which forced every type of player in 1 easy difficulty setting to reflect the entire WoW and its history.

Ahhhhh so this is what this heated discussion across hundred of posts is about. I was wondering if this would come up - once again I am proven right with classic andys.

Well that sucks for you, but I think they would be doing something out of SoD situation no?