World of Warcraft: The Social MMO... But Only If You Like Queuing with Strangers

Oh in raids and m+ i forgot that it actualy hjappens in content what barely anyone stays long enough to play game becouse people quit long before they even reach this content as baseline game is completly hollow experience.

No. There is chance of classic + but lot of hope died with SoD. Becoouse as usual seasonal game and content alred turned people off and game felt way more like retail than actual classic. I mean they literaly added tons of retail abilities into classic and turned level into joke with all their exp and gold boosts.

You do realize that WoW pillar has always been raids and to certain extent PvP plus the later edition of M+.
If you wanted some RP, story or a dating simulator… FFXIV filled…well used to fill that niche.

That pillar broke in moment they start adding dificulty levels and turned end game into pointless treadmill where only reason to progress your charcater is to see your numbers go up for no reason.

And people didn’t grind before?
Cough 40 man AQ with 2 drops wants to have a word with you.

Classic raids were terrible joke in itself, no need to mention that here.

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You wanted to get stronger in classic becouse you wanted to go into higher tier of raid which was completly new and fresh content.

Getting stronger on retail exist only and only for reason to increase difficulty of content you alredy cleared several times before in easy mod.

Do you see how different those motivations are?

Which is why retail will remain retail, and classic will be classic. In the end, the company covered most of its customers and needs.

And I am happy that retail is as it is, since I wouldn’t be playing this game I love anymore if they tried to pull a classic on me.

EDIT I mean, I would hard-farm my BIS and if there was no continuation and seasonal gameplay, I would be unsubbed for the rest of the season. Which I understand is not their financial goal.

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Only vanilla raids werent even that hard. They were made “hard” by lack of available knowledge to do them properly. As the intervebs developed, people write guides before even the raid is officially released. Blizzard needs to adapt to keep offering a challenge.

Well when it’s the only way it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to use it as an argument that it’s better or generally preferred. The fact still is that people who actively seek and prefer that kind of interaction would play classic.

I am ok with that but dont expect retail to have stable and big playerbase. DF alredy sold below expecatations and TWW still have to see its sold copies which i doubth Blizzard will ever release becouse at this point its propably even worse then DF.

Having read all your replies to people, Moecus, I would imagine that using dungeon finder would be much, much easier for you than grouping with 4 other people who like you.

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This will not keep player interest if classic will not get content updates. There is only so many MCs you can clear befoire you get bored.

Not too much work, just not fun in any way.

Because it is. And I love it.
In fact; I wouldn’t be playing if it didn’t have it.

Those two things are completely unrelated.
People were jerks back when you needed to find people as well.
There will always be jerks.

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I am perfectly fine with how retail is nowadays. Truth is that I principially never play with newcomers so I can’t speak about how the game feels full or not.
I am at the stage that usually people seek out me and my buddies to play with.

SoD is getting regular updates. It’s very much what you’re asking for. If you want that, it’s there for you. In the meantime retail is still the most popular version while the other version being simply options for people who prefer something different or the “old” way, and plenty people enjoy multiple versions just fine.

Yes yes. The classical Andy preaching. We heard it 50x times. Already. Besides retail has been dying since late vanilla(first doomsayers appeared by then) already.

I am arguing about about the reason why they developed communities and not simply because they wanted to make friends. Your early hunter-gather tribes learned to band together NOT because they wanted to crack jokes at the bonfire but because it increased their odds of survival.
Community = the ability to live together with other members of your species. NOT becoming mr. Talky talky with everyone.

Yea and what we did in the old days was to creat private channels you would invite good players / respectable players, to keep in touch with.

And people don’t do that? I have my own discord list of m+ friends and people constantly suggest to make network of friends and acquaintances of good peps you meet in puggy m+s.

Haven’t seen a good ol “LFD MADE ME ANTISOCIAL!!” for a good while.

Remind me again of the time you first played wow and you never once played with a stranger or have done since LFD was brought out in WotLK.