World of Warcraft: The Social MMO... But Only If You Like Queuing with Strangers

I am sad for all Classic andys here that don’t like retail (naturally) and don’t find enjoyment in all the different Classics that Blizz offers (sadly).

I think it is very sure that we won’t find mutual agreement, because retail and classic are so far away from each other that consensus is no longer an option.

So I should be polite, wish the classic andys all the best in their social and slowly suffocating classic worlds, while I go about my business.

And what is my business, is none of your business, as they say. :slight_smile:

How this would evolve was clear even back in Wrath of the Lich King when this system was introduced.

By now people view their fellow players in this game as NPCs that just exist to complete the content that is intended for group play. But are you actually playing as a group? No one really interacts in LFG/LFR groups. You spawn in the dungeon start running and get loot and at the end you leave and repeat the process (if you want to) for the next one.

There really isn’t any communication between players in the game. If you want be part of some community you have to join tools outside the game like Discord. If you’re like me and don’t want that then you’re stuck with the PUGs and basically 0 communication.

But you know what? It makes quitting the game a whole lot easier because there’s no one in this game I actually give a f*** about…

Welcome to the modern playstyle in MMOs…

The point is about in game communication, creating it in discord doesn’t help your argument but shows in-game Comms are bollox

MOP Remix was the most openly social content I’d seen and that was fun. It had a dungeon finder, but people were still talking openly and I actually met a bunch of friends to play with.

Dungeon Finder and Looking for Group are not the boogey men you think they are.

The LFD tool was the catalyst to the fall of the social wall.

Because its completely outdated. You cant even use smiley icon in text, unless you use some chat addon. So why shouldn’t people give preference over platform where you can even post gyphs to spice stuff up over basic 2004 text technology?

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I really think you need to just make a guild of like minded players, I’m sure they’re out there, and maybe join a Discord community or start your own. Put in rules like you cannot use summoning stones and must meet out in front of raids and dungeons.

It’s not that hard. Social interaction is out there, it’s just more spread out, or, as everyone said, in Discord communities.

If the problem is because you can’t use emojis… Well I have no response it speaks for itself

Emojis and gifs make the communication a lot of fun. Most people love a good meme and you can’t share them in WoW chat.

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Enluu beat me to it.

If you think a 2000 pager style text is communication is still the best thing ever. Then you are right…we really do have nothing else to discuss.


I think character emotes ingame are much more charming than emotes, personally. Can’t do those on discord the same way.


I’m apart of a large community and respectable guild; no need for me to recreate the wheel and ASCII will always trump memes in my opinion but that’s off topic

But if that exists already for you, why insist everyone else plays that way? You’re basically upset at a difference of playstyle. Just play within your community and invite more. Don’t take away how everyone else plays just for your appeasement.

Why was it forced on me to accept and use the LFD tool ? How is that fair, it can go one way but not the other?

You know what u already have a solution to this it’s called go play classic era :stuck_out_tongue: like how hard is it ?

Your about 100 posts late. That card has been played and answered.

My dear Cunix. Dont you know. Any self respected classic Andy needs to bash “retailz buudz, classix guud” at least 5 times a day before they can get some good night sleep.

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How are you forced? You can still CHOOSE to walk to your dungeon and you can still choose to talk in game. I’ve done it plenty of times. You’re trying to force everyone else not to have a choice.

It’s a paradox of who has a choice. Just choose not to use those tools. That simple.

We have no LFG Channel that is accessible to everyone anymore. It was removed

It’s channel 1, or zone chat. You go to the zone the dungeon is in and you ask. You can also use the other channels, but channel 1 tends to get the most attention.