World of Warcraft: The Social MMO... But Only If You Like Queuing with Strangers

Classic Andy? Is that a insult you give to us players who have been here years? I’m not bashing retail at all … I just don’t like the LFD Tool, please keep your comments relevant to the discussion instead of trying to bait.

Its given for people who want to “classicize” retail. What you do on classic realms is up to you. I leave those people there in peace as most retail folk do. If you dont like LFD then as others suggested, classic is for you. Feel free to scream LFM for SM on top of your lungs for 24/7. Enjoy. Knock yourself out. Have a blast.

But once you enter a different house and start changing stuff to suits your classical needs…well same as early classic purists where super defensive of anyone even thinking about making changes. Dont expect anything different here.

Alright. The real world has changed. People have changed. Playerbase is older and have less time. Thats why the content is more fast-paced, because it sells.

Original WoW was good and bad. In today’s world people would only pick best classes and do gear check to be sure. It wouldnt be magical “community bonding experience”. It would be min-max sweatlord parse nightmare.

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Channel one your refering too is the zone general channel, That’s not how it was. Back in the day we had a global LFG channel which was removed, imagine trade but for looking to group up.

This exactly. Teenagers who once had all the time in the world to just shoot the shiz and sit around advertising for groups are now adults who work a lot more hours and have families, so their time to play is limited.

You either didn’t play back then or just trying to bait… It never took hours to group up. A few LFG messages and you’d be being whispered for invites within minutes.

Why not just ask to have that back instead of insisting a feature that is tried, true, and popular with a majority of players currently playing be removed?

I don’t go into Classic WoW or Season of Discovery and insist Blizzard introduce the LFD tool.

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I like the cherry picking on this one.

Well. Feel free to continue to do so back in classic realms and problem solved. Everyone is happy? :slight_smile:

So like, I don’t know, vanilla Ironforge bridge infront of the auction house back in the day? :wink:

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I liked SW bank better. :rofl:

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True but tbh kinda sad to see them wanting stuff to change when they have the best game in history they can go play all the time :stuck_out_tongue:

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Can you link your references to that? Your saying most of the community prefer it

Stop gatekeeping with the back in my day stuff. You don’t know everyone’s experience. Plenty of other games had this issue too. Can’t get into a dungeon because you don’t fit the popularity contest criteria, and end up wasting hours shouting about needing a group. It was absolutely a thing.


Back in the day then requirements were being crit immune for tanks and classes that could cc . … Today it’s stream lined by IO and ILVL score. The problem got worse.

Blizzard only listens to Blizzard and their statistics unless there’s a lawsuit or bad press. If people weren’t enjoying LFD it would be removed.

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If it took you hours to group you was either doing something wrong or had a bad rep.

Nah, not only.
GS was a thing, talents were a thing, enchantments were a thing, etc.

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So their class didn’t fit the popularity criteria and thus they couldn’t play in groups after leveling their character up. Surprise! You can’t play with us. Don’t sit at our lunch table.

Always annoys me as well this argument. Back in my day or back in my day this.
“Yes yes, you carried an elephant on your back while going to school barefoot well done grandpa” now get on with the times and nobody gives a :peanuts: how you do it back in old times.
Even I am a late TBC, early wotlk baby and I sometimes go down memory lane to remember my fondest memories of old WoW…but I am not adamant to bring them back to live cause I know time has passed, people changed and moved on.

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So you’re bassing your statement of ‘majority want it’ because blizzard hasn’t removed it?