World PvP Killing Classic?

No way did you know servers would be 5x larger than they were in Vanilla. So stop it. Also this coming from a rogue. Whatever dude just vanish if you think you are going to lose.


WTF? How is redoing all the work a player has done a reasonable answer? Who want’s to farm rare items in dungeons for weeks again?

World PvP isn’t killing Classic, unmitigated faction imbalance is.


This is actually the core of the matter, and the reason behind all other issues. Overpopulation.
Please open more servers!

i read your complain loud and clear i understand your frustration about it. but that whas vanilla for ya. blizz wont change anything you just gota deal with this issue even tho it will take you 45 mins to enter a dungeon being killed maybe 10 times in the prosses or you try to quest you get killed a lot it will keep happening and nothing can be done about it its vanilla and will stay like that untill december 10 then bgs come out and world pvp will ease down a bit. but for now you have 2 options get used to it. or stop playing untill december 10th. and no one is saying your not welcome you are welcome but you just gota deal with how things are its as simple as that

This is why battlegrounds are coming so fast.

The game is unplayable for everybody from level 48 to 60. Firemaw has decent faction balance and even here it’s horde-only territory almost everywhere. I can’t even begin to imagine what it’s like on servers with bad faction balance.

Once battlegrounds are released questing and dungeoning be almost back to normal.

Sorry but, everyone who doesn’t agree with OP is either playing on the winning side in an imbalanced faction population server or playing in a server where pvp activity is low. Pvp in WoW was NEVER like this, not even close. It does makes sense, population are much higher now compared to vanilla, there’s to many players in each servers, hence you got players literally everywhere. Second, nobody was this used to the game back then, most were still learning about the game, learning to play, doing other things.

This game is literally unplayable now, this is not pvp, this is retarded, you can’t go anywhere in my server, the opposite faction are overpopulated in relation to ours and they always have more players avaiable, they camp every imaginable spot that level 60s are going to need to pass 24/7, literally from morning until the next morning, every day, you literally can’t play.

Like I said, everyone who calls this pvp are either ignorant or on the winning side, vanilla was NEVER like this, not even close.

This could have all been avoided with faction cap when creating characters.


Where unbalance and overpopulation strike on some server it’s just a mindless genocide that has no link with some form of pvp. It’s just disgusting playtime where you are farmed like mobs and you give so called “honor point” for a situation that has nothing to do with honor.
You earn honor while practicing the most dishonnorable thing in the world : executing in mass…
That stink. hopefully it’ll stay on our memory as a strange game time. But it’s not PvP…

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And do you really think that battlegrounds will help one bit on the overpopulated PvE servers?
I seriously doubt that everybody suddenly will stop levelling and do BGs instead.

I see you lvl 50 3 month into classic.

I bet you not in a real hurry and can take your time to lvl up while getting ganked.

I dont think world PVP is the issue. NPC’s are very weak and even guards die very fast. As I remember guards could easyly kill you in the past. However in Classic they are very easy to kill, same with flight masters.

Roll PVE Servers Carebears…

I am having the same issue, even at lower levels, I even get ganked by lvl 60 and i give no honor to them.
Hopping to be able to play properly after December 10th

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World PVP IS Classic.

Then what am I playing?

What you see in classic now has nothing to do with PVP. Its a big gankfeast, and you know it.

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This is simply just gankfest and it’s sadly making it near impossible for anyone like me to level up to 60. The amount of times I’ve died from multiple tier 1/2 60’s to even 40 man raid dis-mounting and killing me over and over again is ridiculous.

Let’s hope Blizzard add all the BG’s to the game soon and that it’ll solve this issue a bit, because now it’s simply just extremely slow to get anything done on my character.

Another problem is that you’re worth honor points from level 48, 12 levels before 60! What odds do you’ve to win a fight against a 60 at that point in the game? This just adds to the existing issue.

Let me be clear I’m not complaining about there being world pvp, I’m all for it and I can understand that not all situations will be “fair” but that’s alright. The problem is that right now it’s ALWAYS like this and that changes the way you enjoy the game and making it impossible to do anything, period!

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Hello guys, the mean ones and the nice ones, all of you Hello!

Let me update this post since it was me who started all of this.

I moved from Golemagg to Bloodfang. Both of them are pvp servers, obviosly. It didnt change much for me, still ganked to the point where the game was unplayable. It just simply was not possible to stay on a pvp server.

I am on a PvE server now and everything is fine. But when I get to lvl 60 I would love to pvp, since I love pvp as I mentioned many many times in this post. Because the situation is like it is, I am forced to move to a PvE server and I wotn be able to pvp. Not my choice but it is how it is.

How some of you can say this is normal, its ok, its how it should be, goes beyond my mind. Anyways I didnt return to this post to start more drama, I just wanted to update how things are going.

A tip to those guys who are bullying. You really dont have clue how you are affecting people with your behaviour. It is sad, but it is also very human thing to do. Look at the world around us and you will see if its true or not. And yes, I can compare your behaviour in an online game to real world. You are who you are no matter if its a game or real life. You simply cant relate to other peoples missery or unfortune, that is what its all bout more than anything else.

Good luck to all of you!


Get a life ? you play 24/7 without sleep or rest and don’t even take a break when ur camped or killed ? you even emphasized “literally” which means i can only assume you lack sleep, food & life.

u could have said 2/7 or 12/7 or 8/7 or something a bit more having life and believeable statement than this exageration…

Poor soul: Hi, my name is Arnold, Im 9 years old. My parents are being mean to me. They yell at me and beat me every day.

Netherlord: Why are you telling this to me, I dont give a sh-it. And why are you a kid if you dont like being a kid? No one forces you to live. Grow up and stop crying.

That kind of “people” are terrible… look at the world like I said previosly. Its people like Netherlord who are the cause of all that. Hey, Netherlord, have you ever donated money to a charity? No? Its not who you are, right?