World PvP Killing Classic?

Solution would be to have pvp active for all lvl 60’s. Now the problem as I see it is most of lvl 60’s dont like hard fights, they want those low juicy lvl 50’s where they can shine. What does it mean for you if low level people are not included in world pvp? you lose honor?? Did you say honor? Do you know what honor means? It certainly is not killing low level naabs and feeling good about it.


I mean, this was my personal prediction. I understand the desire from Blizzard to keep everything blizzzlike/original, but in this case I think they need to make a change. Both the understanding of the ranking system and the desire from people to reach rank14 is MUCH higher than it was during actual vanilla. Long term the game will be near impossible and anyone lvl 48-59 will see a 5x increase in leveling times.

The only option is to include WSG and AV asap zulu foxtrot.


That makes bracket stacking impossible. Just enable BGs, its far superior to world pvp for honor and would take the brunt of the loadl.


What about low level players who want to fight other players? Just screw them because you don’t feel like engaging in PvP until you’ve hit the level cap and started gearing up?


it is active for everyone.

So? Get some friends and make it hard for them, if you have any friends that is.

Level 50+ is in their honour range. You just don’t like unfair World PvP.

That’s where the WAR part of Warcraft comes in. I can see it now in the real world, “A tank makes fighting unfair as we don’t have them, stop using tanks”


25 deaths to get from the FP to BRM then got kicked from group for taking too long, awesome game play.
Release BGs already! Raids of horde in every area, pretty much impossible to play as it is.


Unless you play horde…

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If they announced the date for phase 2 sooner, I think it would have caused much less grief.

But now it is almost like “hey were going to Paris this year!..” few months later…“we are leaving in one hour!” that is what it feels like for some people now I think.
It is imho bad planning and management.


You are experiencing 10 Alliances waiting at the horde flightmaster (which they have killed) and killing you before you even get control of your character? Do you experience Alliance using the spy addon to track you every movement at relay that to the rest of the zone, so you will literally get ganked every 3-4 min (by 5 or more lvl 60s) when outside a major city or dungeon? I really doubt that is the case. The Classic PvP, has nothing to do with vanilla PvP, stop saying it is, there is several times more people and a massive faction imbalance, which on most pvp servers now approche 70/30. You don’t cry about it, because you are not experiencing getting completely lock out of the game, in a way that never happened in Vanilla. So get of you high horse and accept that you are playing on easy mode.


Wait what? i dont understand why youre directing this on me?
I dont cry about anything.

“So get of you high horse and accept that you are playing on easy mode.”
I would understand if you direct this to someone who runs in groups and so on, but as i said i am a soloplayers and i get outnumbered almost constantly as you do as alliance.

so for the small kids saying go back to retail and so on, this is not a cry post.
and its funny to see that people replying on this post is proberly not the one on the other side spending 2 hours, in grey and white wow… but keep it up destroy the world pvp with this nonsenss, cause what is happening now have nothing to do with “pvp” its just straight out looser mentality, and trying to destroy…


You indicated that he should stop crying, as if he is having the same gaming experience as you do, and just felt that it was unfair. He does not have the same experience, not at all, and most Alliance on PvP servers don’t, due to the reasons described, which are well documented. Before accusing him of crying why not try imagine a scenario, where your WoW experience was 45 sec of gameplay followed by 4 min of running back from the graveyard continusly and entire night. This is not PvP, it is Blizzard sanctiond griefing.


As a casual player I can to some extent agree. Up until the Honor system hit the servers (today?) It’s gone from okay to unbearable.

I don’t have time to sign up for dungeons so questing is the way to go for me. I have not yet hit 60 due to prioritizing so much other things in my life. Leveling by questing has been okay. I’ve been occasionally ganked by a party of hordes or by 60’s but it’s never been to the point where I feel like logging out.

So today I logged in to continue questing in WPL only to find the place crawling with lvl 60’s. In the matter of 15 minutes I got killed by the same hunter three times and once by a rogue all lvl 60. It’s completely impossible to even think about questing so after spending more time running to my corpse than actually doing quests I finally decided to log off. I dont know if this will last or if its just because the honor system has people at 60 bored and want to farm HKs while not raiding. But as for now, from a casual player on a PvP server, I can’t play the game.

That’s my take on it.


I just did what the horde was doing. I went ganking for several hours.

But that’s what I usually do anyway.

Don’t expect any support on here, the forums are swarmed with a lot of terrible absolutely unempathetic people.

You’ll get answers like #nochange and “you chose pvp”, but what we are experiencing is not close to vanilla like it was promised, it is made worse by some bad decisions not taking in account the fact that we are 15years after the first release of wow . Back then people had to take time to discover and master the game. Nowadays in WoW,we know pretty much everything about the game and we can optimise it. People have prepared their character for weeks but had nothing to do with it. And now that honor is out, the whole sever went into a pvp frenzy.

Also you’ll see everywhere on the web that one of the best way to get honor is to farm lvl 50s. The result is a terrible experience for them, in a scale that never existed in vanilla. We are speaking about squads of 5-10 lvl 60 players in epic gear killing lvl 50s. You can’t do anything against it.

To make it worse, servers have terrible a/h ratio. Since bg’s will be cross-server, people don’t care much about staying in the underpopulated faction and rerolled/migrated in a way that makes it even worse.

It was easy to foresee this happening. I chose to play in a pvp server anyway, for everything else, but it was quite clear that phase 2 would be awful for play level 50+.

Now that we are here, you can only wait and hope that BGs come out soon. I’ll try to find a place with nobody at the edge of the world and kill the same mobs for 30+ hours to get to 60.

Ps: imo, honor should have been out from day 1 and bgs should have been phase 2. BGs not cross server. Would have given an experience much closer to vanilla that what we got here


I truly understand your frustration. I believe this will kill Classic, if Blizzard does not do something soon. The faction imbalance will force people to quit or reroll/transfer, as playing and questing is made impossible by ganking. This will result in a high number of PvP servers, which will basically only have one faction.

Some might believe or “remember” that Vanilla was like this. It was not, not at all. Sure, there where Southshore PvP Raids etc. but the ganking was never this extreme. In many servers today it is literally impossible to level, due to flight paths and chokepoints being camped. The servers today support a lot more players, and the faction imbalance is in most places already 65/35, this was not the case in vanilla, and this will continue to get worse, as players in the small factions move elsewhere.

I can’t really blame the players on the dominant factions for this anti-social behavior, the large number of people farming everything from enemy players to mines, forces them to extent the range so to speak. The lesser skilled/geared will most likely start farming lowbies as they can’t handle “real” PvP, as this is the only way for them to get “honor”. Which makes life miserable for those trying to lvl and join the PvP.

Blizzard Is mostly to blame, the chaotic server launch, and unstructured faction transfer, has made this imbalance possible, and enable one or the other faction to get significant ahead on most PvP servers.

Also the layering has “hidden” the problem from many players so the massive imbalance comes as a shock to many. There is no quick fix for this, the dominant faction will cry if they do anything to rectify this as the “easy” honor disappears.

From my point of view the most obvious solution would be to reimplement the layering, but modifying it so that it enforces a 50/50 faction ration per layer, across player levels. The additional layers will decrease the player density enabling leveling players to lvl. The downside is that the dominant faction will have layers with only one faction, but a server transfer should mitigate the situation. Also addons like Spy should be banned, it completely breaks the game with giving information to players that is in practice impossible to obtain, as “gankers” use it as a lowbie scanner. So they don’t have to actually look around the game world.

Blizzard need to do something soon, this has nothing to do with “WPvP is Classic” or if you can’t handle it go retail, which players from the dominant faction are found to have said. It has everything to do with imbalance and servers, and the that this means the two factions does not have the same gaming experience in any way.


The problem is not the world pvp. World pvp was there in vanilla too and we all liked it.

The problem is the incredible, massive faction imbalanced on many servers. Most servers have a faction imbalance of 20%-80% or even worse than that.

On a normal situation you could have more fair encounters and it would be enjoyable. Since yesterday, on my server, we managed to fend off an equal number of horde fairly easy, especially late at night. But on prime time, even if you wipe them 20v20 or 40v40, hell even 20v50, they just write a message to their world chat and in less than 5 minutes that zone has a 20v500 situation.

I’m not even exaggerating here. We managed to kill 2x or 3x more horde than our group had yesterday, and all we had was 10+ full raid groups of hordes in the entire zone.

And what does Blizzard, the most incompetent, indifferent and ignorant game developer on earth has done about this? Nothing. We knew this was coming and we made posts about this earlier. As always, Blizzard just ignores all suggestions, similar to what they did at launch with only 2 pvp servers in EU.

They will simply not give a damn about what you experience. They will sit there, enjoy their cigars at their corporate HQ while all servers will be one-faction servers like in retail, and eventually they will have to bring cross-realm zones to fix it later on.

So, enjoy classic while you still can.

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I undestand. “They” try to replicate the true classic feel from back then….it cant be done with the patch we play and the knowledge we posses. Its a mistake not to implement all 3 battlegrounds in all there might and glory Levels: 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60.

Its really sad it is not so. I undestand what they are trying to do but it just cant be done…i was there and its no where the way it was.

I like open world old school but it wont be back and frankly WoW was never really build to hold Wpvp….it was an oddity back then and still is. Ganking tho is a part of the game …but the massive scale in wich it is now and high level with stupid high gear level compared to the old ways is borderline stupid.


I prolly wont log on next month. I play casually and also level 50 now. I dont have the time to already be at 60, nor do I want to rush it. I never played vanilla but joined late BC.

What screwed us over is the fact phase 2 imo came to quick or shouldve included bgs from the get go. What also didnt help was they announced it as “end of the year”, leaving me thinking december and then suddenly announce phase 2 will drop 2 weeks later. There was no way I could go from 47 to 60 in those 2 weeks.

Solution? Until phase 3 drops sub 60s do not grant honor. That or everyone thats 50ish, will stop playing for the time being.


I am with you thou. Number one problem is obviously the over saturation of the servers. WoW was not designed nor meant for having so many players on any given server. Also the PvP is really meh in classic/vanilla, much much much prefer TBC for obvious reasons, resilience being one big factor but also flying mounts gives you a chance to some degree go about your business.

But yea, overpopulation is the main issue secondly is obviously the no battlegrounds issue.