World PvP Killing Classic?

you are absolutely right, ppl who wants to do quest should move to PVE realms in phase 2, leave PVP servers to ppl who wants to PVP. Assume that lvl 60 will go to lvl 50 zone, lvl 50 to lvl 40, 40 to 30 etc, let them have fun finding each other.

If your back is to me…

Are you saying that they have and had no agency over their obligations or their expectations in Classic? Are they not to blame for selecting a PvP realm when they knew that leveling would take them eons to finish?

Blizzard could have done many things better with Classic. Mainly they could have prevented these mega servers. I don’t think that faction balance is a problem that they could have easily solved though.

And this is the difference between you and a PVPer.
Horde does outnumber alliance on our server but it doesn’t mean that alliance cant get two 40m raids and wipe everything for few hours until horde can respond.
For one i would love to be outnumbered. Farming kills feel like foraging right now on horde.

Bro you miss the point, or either you don’t accept the reality.
If you got a faction that largely outnumbers the other, you will never have a costant fight for raids and so on.
On Gandling we did some raids aswell at SS, at DM, at WP and so on.

I’ll tell you in easy words:
Alliance has warzones against horde (raids vs raids) and filled all possible peeps at SS, DM, WP.
Horde still managed to have free peeps to keep (multiple per area) warzones with raids at TP, BS, EP and so on.
This just speaking bout 60s. Who suffered the most were the non-60 in those areas.
Late night (midnight and past) alliance mostly disbanded due to time for sleep.
Hordes due to numbers still had all those raids up.

Got it?
Want it easier ? if you got 70 horde and 30 alliance on fight (at par skills/gears), as much efforts you can put into it, sort is decided already. Even crappage if in quantity can choke someone to death.

Your biggest problem (as a cry baby who needs epeen fixes from ganking) is that youll run out of victims.

Then youll be here moaning the server is dead, which is your own fault.

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I wish there was a way to know in advance how PvP experience is going to be on a vanilla PvP server 15 years after they launched :thinking:

I don’t even have the will right now to travel anywhere with my main, to do “stuff”, without being part of a raid. Spend 5/10m flying to a place where i’ll be stuck for a long time being ganked, giving free hk’s, for people camping a spot, is just stupid.

Faction imbalance and pop server numbers, should have been taken into consideration. They have nothing to do with vanilla and this has nothing to do with the no changes rethoric, because the “patch” we are playing had bg’s and wpvp at the same time.

Bg’s should have been released already, that would mitigate this problems, specially for chars lvling between 45/59 lvl range. If this system take too long, the initial phase of bg’s will be spoiled for those who are leveling slower or for those that haven’t the time to spend all day camping flight points and dungeon entrances.


It’s the “we do it because we can” mentality, without a thought for consequences. I wonder if they will dare compain when all the Alliance either quit WoW or reroll on another server.

Look, it’s going be like this for about a week, the people will settle down and get back into their routines of farming mats and raidlogging.
World PvP is a part of Classic its just this unnatural constant organised zerging everywhere now is because it just released.

Now could be a good time to just take some time off from the game and collect rested EXP in a capital while you wait out the storm.

I really don’t know how so many people didn’t know this.

It’s a bit of a moot point but Blizzard did say that you won’t be able to level effectively after phase 2 started.

No it won’t, unless they release bg’s, there is only one way to progress in ranking system, that gives the best gear in the game, for a long time and players will pursuit it as expected. People are farming hk’s for a reason.

Of course the odd NEET rogue who has the time to camp the BRD gate for 18 hours a day will do so, i’m just saying this whole organised 100v100 honor FARM that is happening on every server everywhere will simmer down once people get their fix.

You won’t find many people agreeing with you on the forums. People are too toxic for that. You’re right though.

I only ever played on PvP servers during vanilla and it wasn’t anything like this. The problem is that the honour system has been introduced without battlegrounds. There are literally groups of 100+ players zerging zones. It’s actually pretty boring for them but it makes levelling almost impossible. I have only half a level to go until 60 and I really can’t be bothered logging in and “playing” right now.

I’m hoping they get bored soon or that battlegrounds come sooner than expected.


I really don’t know why people didn’t know this would happen.


Roll PvE!

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So, ppl who did not get what true world pvp is move to PVE and enjoy the game as never before. Gankers who did not make it in time and now being ganked by their colleagues, thats is what you chose, nobody promised that it will be you who gank on balanced realms, live with it.

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Very much so.

I’m so glad someone else can see this did you see this happening months befoe release too firespark?

I blame the “to get the true world of warcraft experience you need to roll PvP” crowd. But please just re-roll PvE instead of blowing up the forums.

Problem Solved!

We’ve seen it all before.
You bring nothing new to the table

I don’t think you understand me. You don’t need to outnumber the faction on your server to win, you only need to outnumber them in one specific place. Farm em there and hs to the safety of your inn when done. Who cares if they camp other places.

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It seems peoples like to be killed in chain …
I know it’s my fault for not beeing 60 yet on my server, so I should just quit the game …
TY BLIBLI, see you in p3, maybe ?

I was in tanaris today and answered a call for help from a few level 40s who were being ganked by a 60. I went over and helped them kill him and they finished their quests.
If your being ganked then call them out in general.