World PvP Killing Classic?

There are so many weirdos here I dont know where to start even. Long story short, its impossible for people around lvl 50 to do anything at all. It has nothing to do with me bashing on pvp or so. I started clasic late, also I have fulltime job and family, so there is not much time to game. Those 2H I got I’m running and ressing, non stop. Belive me, NON STOP!

See how stupid people are with their comments—>

1 - Why do you play on a pvp server if you dont like pvp?
1 - When did i say I dont like pvp? I want to get to 60 and be able to pvp, can you read? Hallo?

2 - No one forces you to play wow
2 - True, but what is the solution? People should stop playing wow cause its impossible to play the game? Or should Blizz make minor changes so everyone can play? Make world pvp for 60’s! Hallo?

3 - Go play retail
3 - I choose to play classic. What kind of comment is that? Hallo?

4 - Listen to this one! From user called Elladri! --> “I was in tanaris today and answered a call for help from a few level 40s who were being ganked by a 60. I went over and helped them kill him and they finished their quests.
If your being ganked then call them out in general.”

4 - Sir, are you here to troll? I spammed every single place I went to crying for help. Do you think anyone came? Just cause it happened once to you doesnt mean it will happen on a regular basis. Is that the solution, to spam /1 for help wher ever I go? This one deserves 2 hellos. Hallo? Hallo?

5 - Who are you to tell us how world pvp should be? Cry more kid.
5 - Same as before, I dont want to change anything from world pvp, I just want people who are not lvl 60 yet to be able to do ANYTHING at all beside standing in SW doing nada. Hallo? (I’m not a kid, but I got 4 kids)

6 - Many many more stupid as comment!!
6 - It got to a point where I lost hope for humanity, its not about pvp any more, its more about how arrogant and stupid some people are.

Anyways, those who wrote sh-it before, will keep doing it cause they simply cant understand what the whole thing is about. They think im trying to shut down pvp on a pvp server, which is WRONG! Im just asking for a small chance to level to 60. Am I asking for to much?


Hey man. A little attempt at a constructive reply here.

PvP in vanilla was never like this. I never saw 8 level 60 mages AoE-ing a flight master back in 2006. The problem is that while vanilla was not like this, the pservers totally were and that is what we’re seeing here.

The hard truth is there’s nothing we can do about it. It’s not going to change no matter how much we complain. The hardcore players in classic mostly come from the pservers and this is the way they want to play. So be it. What we can do is take advantage of the situation as much as we can. Don’t forget that, if the server populations are more or less balanced, for each hardcore PvPer in the opposite faction there will be a hardcore PvPer on your faction, roughly.

Now I’m still only level 56, so still in that screwed up situation where I’m gonna loose most fights against a level 60. What I’m doing to cope is the following:

  • Call for help in general chat or LFG. Lots of people on your side are out for blood. It won’t take long before they intervene. Flight-master camped? Call for help. Rogue camping your corpse? Call for help. Death squad wreaking havoc? Call for help. It’s working for me and I’ve even gotten into a death squad myself, destroying a few alliance 60s. I even got revenge on a mage that was ganking me a quarter of an hour earlier. Lots of fun.

  • Get into a guild that’s supportive and friendly. My guild mates are helping us lowbies by providing “bodiguard services”. Works for them too because at the end of the day we’re bait, and they’re itching for some PvP shenanigans.

  • Find a quiet spot on the map, where you’re less likely to come across anyone, and just grind mobs for XP and loot. Southwest Un’goro, where the stegadons are, is great for this. The gankers don’t go there because they don’t wanna deal with aggroing the elite stegadons by accident in the middle of a skirmish and the majority of lowbies are elsewhere on the map anyway, so it’s not worth it for them.

  • Do dungeons, but not BRD lol. Grind Sunken Temple. It has good loot and will give you nice XP for a few levels.

  • Take a break. Things will calm down a bit in a week or two. They won’t calm down a lot, it will never be peaceful, but they will chill a bit.

Dunno man, it’s a bit of a bummer, but not completely unmanageable IMHO.

Best of luck out there.


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Yeah, because you already knew the only answer.
Because you’re complaining about PvP on a PvP server. It really is that simple.
That it’s 2, 5, 10, or 200 vs 1 is irrelevant. That’s level 60s ganking lowbies is irrelevant.
Because it’s still Player vs Player, and that’s what you signed up for.


I am not complaining about pvp on a pvp server, That would make me an idiot. I am complaining about not being able to do ANYTHING!! I cant even go fish ffs without being ganked. There is nothing to do for people below lvl 60 right now. Please dont tell me you agree it is how it should be, because that would make you an idiot instead.


That you can’t figure out how to do stuff is not a problem with the game.
I played on PvP servers from Vanilla to MoP. My first realm included a guy who made it a personal mission to gank as many lowbies as he could (which he was so successful at that people frequently formed raids to try and hunt him down) and an entire guild dedicated to ganking. StV in Classic is a Victorian Tea Party in comparison.
And I still managed to get 3 characters to 60 (and more to max level after that), despite being ganked and camped constantly. This is nothing new.

As for complaining about PvP on a PvP server… what’s the reason you supposedly can’t do stuff?

Edit: To be clear, there’s nothing wrong with not enjoying this kind of PvP and the challenge of leveling in that environment. But that is environment.

Don’t get me wrong, I feel bad for you who have to deal with it but I still have to ask what your expectations were? I saw this coming from a mile away, everyone knew the servers were gonna be huge and that people are making classic a vanilla extreme douche edition and that there are servers that will have a massive imbalance. Just asking how you and many others did not see it coming.

Get some friends to protect you, or just take the kills like a champ and make your way to dungeons by ressing closer each time. Sometimes I like to make it a game to see which of us will get to the dungeon first, or who can get the most horde to hit them so they get the least amount of RP.

This is what pvp is, and if you didn’t expect it to be like this then maybe you should have researched the wpvp of classic a little more. (I don’t mean this meanly btw, it’s a totally different beast than retail)

I can totally understand your frustration, but unfortunately it’s just part of the game on a pvp realm.

Play Horde. If you can’t beat them, join them.
I’m playing on Firemaw as Alliance and it’s a real pain in the backside to hit 60 with horde being the dominant faction on this realm.
There’s about 5 horde for every 1 alliance player.
My only advice, reroll. Sooner the better.

…logging more since the pvp. The problem is with you.

Just survive another 2 months on some most remote part of the world killing mobs. We will take revenge in Bg’s in a fair fight 10 vs 10. Being the Alliance will have massive advantage 2 mins queue vs 45 mins for Horde. The more intelligent players on the Horde side know it’s coming So they don’t want Alliance to disappear but unfortunately bunch of weirdos apparently wants to destroy as many Alliance players as possible and make their life so miserable that they will eventually leave.

Trust me - in 2 months time we will be enjoying fair Bg’s all day while typical Horde player will do 2-3 a day. There will be a lot of dueling and dancing in front of Orgrimmar though. Have faith my friend.

Blizzard should have developed a PVP to PVE transfer process


It is? What WPvP?
For the last 3 months I have witnessed 0 raids on towns, like crossroads, southshore, tarren mill or capital city raids.

Where were all you mighty PvP white Knights for the past 3 months, with your amazing WPvP?
There was no true WPvP until blizzard literally made it a currency grind and everyone suddenly whoring themselves for a bit of honor and a couple of PvP ranks.
Meanwhile all these amazing badass hardcore PvPers farm their honor with as little actual PvP as possible, by hiding behind 40 other team mates or ganking people 10 levels under them.
The forums are now littered with these hypocrites, the same people that, when its about farming a currency, turn into PvP experts, but in reality spent 3 months running from every fight opportunity like the lil bth most of them are.


Maybe because of his friends? Maybe cuz he played on a PvP server back in the day? Maybe he wants to engage in PvP when he is max level? Maybe he is more into BG PvP?

I think Classic will suffer a big downfall. The game is all about running around and killing people atm. You cant do anything else. This will settle once BG’s come out but who knows when that is gonna be.

Alot of u guys are just so dumb. I’m level 60 and I don’t mind PvP, but how can’t u see that P2 came way too early? Polls showed that most people are around 52-59.
Not all players are nolife players who leveled to 60 the first weeks like we did. Stop being so rude to the people who wants to complain about the mayhem that is going on atm. This was NEVER the case in Vanilla. At no point was there 10000 people constantly ganking every FP and dungeon enterance. So I fully understand the critique.


Well, too bad, seems like you’ve chosen a wrong type of realm/guild.
Because I have participated with my guild in a few Orgrimmar raids, several BRM raids and tons of spontaneous Un’Goro pvp over the last couple of months, all of which were really fun, with scouting, ambushing and all the good stuff. Wpvp is what makes vanilla stand out from all the expansions and it’s the reason I prefer it.

So yeah, where were we? Sorry, we were too busy having fun pvping. Just because ganking exists doesn’t mean wpvp is bad.

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The reason why you are having such a bad time is because you didn’t take the time to inform your self. Thousands and thounds of players saw this comming but took the time to inform ourselves to avoid being in this situation. The responses are not a demonstration of other players stupidity but, and this is not meant to be offensive, but your ignorance.

These players knew all the issues that you have raised would happen most of us even knew that someone who didnt inform themselves would post a post exactly like this one. Some of us like myself even took the time to write posts to desperately plead with you to roll pve where you would have avoided this and now totally exasperated are unable to find the will to keep explaining this.

Yes this means we knew players on pvp realms get ganked constantly in some cases msking the game literally unplayable.


Alex please! We don’t need to read all your rant to figure it out that you are crying about PvP ( open world , ganging, etc ) … ON A PVP SERVER!!

No excuses, period. You rolled on a PvP server, deal with it. Any other cryings or “…but but” , has no place in here.

Thanks! :slight_smile:


What on earth are you talking about?

Everybody was talking about how world PVP would be insanely active at the start of phase 2. How does that contradict the point of the OP? I recall him asking if joining late means he’s screwed, to which I said just take a week break and wait for it to die down.

Your bugs, cheaters and bots comment is utterly redundant. Vanilla had those, retail has those, private servers have those. Welcome to the internet, nothing is perfect and people will abuse the living hell out of anything that gives them an advantage.

Do everyone a favour, go be stupid somewhere else.

Yes he is screwed

No the ganking wont go away

He has three/four options

  1. Re roll Pve
  2. Carry on as is
  3. Stop playing
  4. Transfer - ive created a post

Yes he should have known this before rolling as the information was widely available

Well there are huge wpvp battles in hillsbrad on my pve.server now which you can join on your own choice… so yeah, if you re casual, pve was far better choice… you can level up in peace and also join wpvp when you choose to

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10 years later they still don’t manage to do it right, true I wanna see how long they will fight since p3 is far far away until then they all will get bored and kill the motivation in people who are still leveling. It’s broken that a lvl60 guy with raid gear can farm honor points on people who are 12lvl under him, that should be a DK for everything that is 3lvls under you. If someone gives me now that QQ then I really doubt your intelligence, killing someone who actually has nothing to fight you back isn’t a HK or PvP in any way.