World PvP Problems

So morals are fluid then? Depending on the situations?

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If that satisfies you, yes, depending how much i am provoked and if the people that provoke me cross the limit or not.
And sadly, i haved pacience 4 months out of 5 . Untill last weeks i kept my principle to engage wpvp in “normal and ethical” circumstances. But when i saw that the oposite sides keeps behaving like kids, then i do the same. 4 months i was a “ethical” player, but from now on, i will harass any alliance player, where-ever i see him, even if he is lvl 2 and has WM enabled.
And dont worry about me, my revenge will be satisfied and sadly, allies players revenge wont be, because majority of them are so noobs (maby even you, maby thatswhy you fled away from a 1v1 fight) , that they cant even controll their own classes, not to mention to kill other classes, especially a GOD like the shaman, the most OP and cheat class in game now.

Does my answer satisfies your arguments?

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 you were always talking about ethics, giving me all these irl examples, saying how they meant certain behaviour was unethical in a video game, because it was also unethical in your irl comparisons.

So now you are now saying you are morally flexible and unethical yourself in game.

Then do you also accept it’s just a game and real world ethics don’t apply to a video game? Because if not, I assume you are now free to be unethical irl?

This is an interesting development.

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Dude lol, you’re writing walls of text to justify a system that’s unbalanced and unfair.

And hiding behind “it’s a tough job for Blizzard to cater to all” really isn’t applicable here because the minimum that a company like them should stand behind is providing a level playing field for all and not incentivizr one faction in particular knowing full well not doing the same for the other side will mean the same gameplay will feel rewarding for one side and a massive waste of time for another in a game where there already isn’t enough time for everything.

Like srsly dude
I understand the underachieving night elf to defend this garbage in which it cures it’s many real life complexes, but I thought you’re

LOL dude, no I don’t

You just want to find flaws

If you don’t understand what I write, just say so, I can rewrite it as many times as you like untill we get to the stage were you understand what I try to tell you

But dude, if you really can’t tell the difference between our post, then you are the one who doesn’t understand - our post are miles apart :slight_smile:

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I understand ver well what you are writing and while your two posts are miles apart, summa sumarum they work towards the same goal, which I don’t agree with.

No really
 My first post was a reaction towards every claim in this thread.

I quoted you, because I needed to correct you on that math thing.

If you bothered to read what I wrote, you would understand my point.

But you are so filled with annoyance with everything WM has, and are getting angry at another poster, that’s why you find conspiracies within these post :confused:

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Idk about your first post, I go on only what you are writing to me.

I do understand your point and I addressed it. Sorry if you disagree.


So why are you being so passive agressive? :roll_eyes:

I doubt you do, but continue with your rage

Bye :wave:

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Lol now you’re just making things up.

Nowhere was I passive aggressive, if you perceive a simple sentence which says I understood you and disagree with you as passive aggressive I think you need to check your own standards of the term.

To reiterate, once someone disagrees you label them with passive aggressive and accuse them of rage?

'nuff said bro

If you can read what I wrote again
 You would not write stuff like this

I never disagreed with you, neither did I agree

But you are telling me that you thought I was better?? :no_mouth:

You didn’t understand anything of my post
 Fine, I accept it.
But if you just want to argue, then that is fine to
 So can I :man_shrugging:

And this

Please stop, are we on our way to Yo Momma?

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Look I have better things to do then go back and forth on an internet forum, if you don’t get what I meant by now, it’s just silly to continue this conversation because it’s going down the “let’s accuse the bro of not understanding my wall of text, wanting to argue” even tho he is polite etc etc

If you think you are polite, your parents failed.

But fine, lets stop

You get right, and I get peace

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Hey you want to try my WPvP Ethics Challenge?

Rather than throw same old opinions back and forth, the idea is to go down a series of points and state agree or disagree, with your reasoning and ‘buts’ after.

But the list is designed so that if you agree with the previous point, it gets harder to disagree with the next point.

A couple have tried, and it’s been interesting to see what sticking point people reach.

If you want to see what anonymous players think, check out my player rules survey!

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We are many! and none of us thinks that WM is perfect, it’s just awesome and fun! But a hateful drama-queen like you will surely disagree.

I can see clearly that your “a#shole” behavior has nothing to do with Blizzard. It’s all from your hateful existence, or something like that, basically - your own fault.

Or make everything boring and not fun. Kite in Legion? XP boost nerfs? and a lot of other unintended mechanics that was discovered by players in a sandbox-way - chaotic way without rules, and then was nerfed by Blizzard adding “rules”.

Rules can also make game full of “repetition till your brain falls out”. They probably already did, with all that “curated experience” of modern WoW design.

When there are only basic rules of the game, and then no “curated hand-holding” - sandbox, non-scripted environment - creates a lot more options for players creativity. In PvP too. And that is much more fun, imo.

Only if you’re to weak to handle it.

It is optional, for every player without delusions that “you have to get that % no matter what”. Just because you have these delusions - doesn’t mean others should too

plus this:

That is actually very close to the truth about you. You clearly don’t do it for the fun of it, as many more mentally stable players do. No, you do it because you are a hateful person with hypocritical excuses for your own f’d up head. Well

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You are doing perfect! You’re at least as much of a “wall of text champion” as I am, if you think it’s something good ofc, haha



These forums does something to you
 I have never made so many walls of text as I have on these forums :sweat_smile:

But I still have a lot to learn to go get to your lvl :grin:


Remove sharding, force realms togheter, every realm is now PVP or RPPVP, don’t look at faction balance when smashing realms togheter. Remove flying.

Let’s go crazy with land mounts and ganking like the old days!

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Changed a bit, but kinda perfect


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