Worst Character Concepts


Holy :poop: You hecking killed him

The accuracy with which some of you are writing these is…

Recoiling. I feel like I have to wash myself with bleach now to remove that awful taste and sight from me.


I like to think that even blizzard is trying to forget Med’an, having given the guardian-rank and the staff to Khadgar instead.

Med’an as the son of Medivh and Garona was fine. Even him being the next Guardian was fine.

It’s the special snowflake syndrome that ruined what could have been a good character. His Mary Sue-ness surpassed Thrall’s.

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Race: Kitsune :3


Must resist urge to post a guildie’s character…

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Name: Billy Bob Jenkins
Race: Human Gnome Hybrid
Class: Lumberjack
Age: 27
Height: 4ft
Eye Colour: Snot Green
Short Description: Billy Bob Jenkins is a very small human cross-dresser, appearing to have the short legs and arms commonly found amongst Gnomes. One side of his face appears to be caked in what can only be described as hardened snot.
Short Backstory: Found by his adoptive parents in a dustbin at the age of seven, Billy Bob has always been a bit of a misfit. His desire to habitually hack trees with a blunt training sword while in the prettiest dress at the ball lead to his ‘career’ as a Lumberjack, he never quite mastered the ability to actually fell a tree. However, despite his checkered shirt, suspenders and a bra, he can’t quite fit in with the other Lumberjacks. Instead he ends up in the Blue Recluse and stands in a corner as he mouth breaths and listens to everyone’s conversations, being keen to contribute nothing to those around him as he thinks about which bra he should purchase next.
Voice reference: Spongebob
Theme Song: i’m a lumberjack and i’m ok

I don’t like to be the one pointing fingers, but this one haunts me:


Name: Haruto Iga
Race: Human
Class: Rogue, Mage, Paladin
Age: 18
Height: Tall for a human
Eye Colour: blood red
Short Description: Haruto is a tall, well toned, handsome man with short, raven black hair with ice blue streaks in it. he has a cute but badass scar down his left eye, otherwise he is flawless
Short Backstory: Born in lordaeron, trained to be a paladin, which he completely mastered by the time he was twelve so he went to Dalaran to learn to be a mage where he met his hot high elf girlfriend. He quickly learned the art of being a mage. He had a vision of Quel’thalas being attacked by Athas so he and his HEG (hot elf girlfriend) travelled to Quel’thalas to warn everybody, only to be too late. So he fled to Stormwind where he learned to be a rogue so he could join SI:7 all while curdsing out the inhabitants of Stormwind. Oh, he’s also best buds with Anduin.
Voice reference: Troy Baker
Theme Song: two steps from hell

Thank you, now it haunts the rest of us.


Name: Ser Aeric Fields.
Race: Stromic Human.
Class: Foot Knight.
Age: Early thirties.
Height: Six feet.
Eye Colour: Grey-blue.
Short Description: Aeric is a mundane human man. Not carrying a single pound of unnecessary body fat, his chiselled and rugged body is covered with scars that come from hundreds of battles. His dark hair and full beard are wild but well-groomed. His face is heavily scarred yet fiercely handsome, forever stuck in a dark and smouldering scowl.
Short Backstory: Aeric hasn’t accomplished anything special. A veteran of the Second War, he’s a perfectly ordinary soldier that fights for the Alliance using nothing but his wits and his brawn. Having fought on the frontlines in every conflict since the Third War, he has bested countless undead monsters, demonic fiends and foul savages of the Horde, defeating every foe thrown his way. But he’s nothing unique, he’s just an ordinary human full of grit and courage, sneering in the face of death knights and archmages, as he has slain many of their kind before, and will doubtlessly slay many more in the service of King Anduin Wrynn.


That one was a hard read, if only because it seems so familiar.

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Name: Catherine de Normandie-Deveraux-Aquitaine
Race: Human
Class: Itinerant Longbowarcherhuntresswoman
Age: Early twenties
Height: SlimwillowyathleticlitheBOILED LEATHERS
Eye Colour: Like the pools of spring and autumn and forest and trees and thesaurus
Short Description: -quote from hedge knight-, -quote from charles dickens-, -quote from erotic author-, -quote from boyfriend-, -quote from several more people who are not in fact named but referred to by [[AA link|a close friend of old…]]
Short Backstory: Two paragraphs of overcomplex prose being penetrated by disconnected and irrelevant poetry. A quote from the character on the left side of the screen. A responding “”““meaningful””“” quote from another character on the right side of the screen. A piece of artwork that makes the woman look like she is a supermodel to make dating RP easy, despite the fact that she lives in a hedge and has done since the age of twelve.


This is like cheating. It feels like 90%+ of AD has their character punch above their weight, regardless of what they claim that weight to be.

Argent Archives in a nutshell right here.

Friends: A Tame Bird, A Solemn Traveller, A Leaky Tap


She also has these titles: Daughter | Insane | High Priest | Archmage

It’s the nature of roleplaying in WoW. It’s a high fantasy setting full of absurdly powerful threats, where powerful characters who can accomplish great things work.

Yet for some reason, there are some people who fetishise roleplaying ‘normal’ characters and who sneer at anyone who plays a more powerful character. This isn’t inherently wrong, not if these players embrace normalcy and accept that their characters will forever will be small-time.

But a small group of players don’t accept that. They’re smug about how mundane and normal their character is and how superior they are for having a non-snowflake character, while their characters simultaneously accomplish just as much as the snowflakes that they deride, if not more.

I can accept punching above your weight, but not if you focus on how mundane and ‘normal’ your character is at the same time.



That’s all I have to say.


Playing one of AD’s worst concepts as Raes rn and KILLING it.

For real, though;

When I started RP as a Night Elf on Sha’tar, like 2007 (I think?) I roleplayed that he was a bandit/follower of Goldrinn who could turn into a wolf at whim - this was before the release of Worgen. Anyway, I used to run this bizzaro wolf cult :wolf: guild in Elwynn forest just so I could hang about and throw around edgy quotes lifted from IMBD in the corner of Lion’s Pride Inn - you could RP in Elwynn on Sha’tar, it was pretty dope.

In my defence, my chief enemy was a gang leader who fired hyper-concentrated poison syringes out of her arms who ran a cartel (she had a surprisingly active guild). It was bad lads, I’m sorry.