Worst gaming expirience

IM also playing an apparently FOTM spec in Boomkin… People say its easy (convoke and win) but its still difficult class I think to manage, I have a lot of keybinds, form switching all the time, reacting to situations. I think im good with my class its just my situational awareness I need to improve. Is BM hunter an easy class to play in arenas?

I tried boomkin as well but I didn’t enjoy it. Also, I don’t find it easy to convoke people. I can’t even remember when a boomkin was able to convoke me or my mate… so long ago already. It either works only vs afk bots or when you actually somehow manage to get a perfect setup.

I find it very easy, yes. I think most people find it easy tbh.

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Ive got a hunter levelled I might give it a whirl. Feral and Boomy are difficult for a rookie like me I guess. Cheers man.

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Hit me up when you got your covenant gear on your hunter, we can play some together for sure.

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Cheers for the offer mate Ill give you a shout! :slight_smile:

Skill Issue math itl gap its not fine

If you were a PvE’er, you’d be the type of LFR raider that complains about not getting same Ilvl as a Heroic or Mythic raider.

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y true pve same as pvp i see you have a game disgner degree rly smart guy

I never said it was, but apparently you’re not very good at reading.
However, if you’re also unable to make a cohesive sentence, just stay quiet, no one wants to read word dribble.

ok master, math have no sense usually when you dev a game you take the math and put it in the garbage, but who know we dont have a degree in game design no=?

I’m sorry but if i can get 1800 with 213 ilvl as ret in 2s, having never played it besides leveling and ret only being really op with its tools and damage in 3s, with suboptimal gear (had a lot of crit/vers pieces from holy) then everyone can. I agree that you will not win games vs 226 geared glads on 1400 with 200 ilvl pvp gear but frankly, you meet them so rarely that blaming them for not getting 1400 is honestly just a sad excuse.

It’s not like ret isn’t broken at all.

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You should continue reading.

Oh, I have read it. Fact remains that for alot of specs it’s not a great experience if you’re behind in gear and want to do arena.

1300 rating with boost lol. you must be terrible dude.
but the game is like irl. not everyone is created equally.

I could get 1800 with 200 ilvl warlock. Class is just an excuse.

please get to 1800 on a new lock right now with 200 ilvl through lfg. Make sure to stream it and make sure to tell us how great of an experience you had.

I’ve said it many times, it’s not impossible to climb. It’s just way harder than it needs to be with this gearing system. And some specs are way easier to play in 2s than others. But you know that.

I personally don’t like having to fight people who have a gear advantage, which at 1400 is about 76% of the time. With a better gearing system that isn’t tied to rating or insane grind it would have been a better experience for more people.

You see anyone can achieve that goal with perseverance and ambition and following the goal but what we are talking about is the experience of what the system creates, once it has spent a week to make 197 itl, it spend so much time to achieve insignificant ratings that have never been so hard (througth lfg system and not your cool friend;)) in the other expansions, you are vs booster boosted rbg mythic 15 plus achi account wide creates a frustrating experience that does not incentivize the game and anyone who says yes but I have only done 50 games and I have 1800 I have just here more than 2000 names with the star on discord <3 so the discussion is how to create a better experience for the player who enters the arena or rbg

a this state of the patch in the early was diffirent and all nice

Don’t get me wrong. I find the current system completely stupid. Gating gear behind rating in the way they are doing it now is the stupidest thing ever. And with it the amount of honor you need to upgrade the moment you reached a new rating treshold is just mindblowing. The honor cap ontop of it just further reinforces how dumb the system is because god beware you could have enough honor once you hit a certain rating.

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